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Final Standing available here


ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg  :wUSA: Jahiegel 
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg  :wITA: Henry_Leon 
ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b - Copy (2).jpg :wGRE: maestro



It will be a very short presentation of the three medallists. A big congratulation to all three medallists of this prediction contest. @Jahiegel with the gold medal, @Henry_Leon with the silver medal and @maestro with the bronze medal.

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Final Standing of Men's Tournament is available here


ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg  :wSVK: hckoŠice
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg  :wNZL: Wanderer 
ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b - Copy (2).jpg :wITA: Pablita



It will be a very short presentation of the three medallists. A big congratulation to all three medallists of this prediction contest. @hckošice with the gold medal, @Wanderer with the silver medal and @Pablita with the bronze medal.

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for the requests of interviews with guruhckošicesan or autographs, please use the PM, thanks  :p


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Woow, my first medal in WOG prediction contests :woohoo: Congrats @hckošice and @Pablitaon the podium and thank you @Wumo for all the hard work and effort you are putting in these contests! :hatoff: 

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Congratulations at all medallists, thanks at @Wumo for manage the contests.


Thanks, also at @rafalgorka for polls and a for "funny" game created with polls

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Updated General Standings and Medal Tables available here



2022 Totallympics Prediction Contests

Provisional Top 3

As of February 25th (5 contests)


ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg :wBRA: juliosilva  2425
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg :wUSA: Jahiegel 2335
ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b - Copy (2).jpg  :wITA: Henry_Leon


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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Illya said:

What is that? It's late

Rules: "You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the Events you predicted AND which haven't started."


I predicted only events not started in 1st day morning session


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