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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Posts posted by tuniscof

  1. Provisional Standing after Day 7


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TB
    1 tuniscof :TUN 197,5 28 21 26 23 11 36 42,5      
    2 Pablita :ITA 196,5 27 19 33 31 16 23 47,5      
    3 heywoodu :NED 195 27 25 32 17 18 31 45      
    4 ady48 :ROU 190,5 28 29 25 22 13 31 42,5      
    5 CiroMennella99 :ITA 190 28 24 25 23 19 31 40      
    6 africaboy :ROU 186,75 28 22 26 23 13 31 43,75      
    7 SteveParker :ITA 183,5 27 27 24 16 20 27 42,5      
    8 Dunadan :ITA 183,25 27 20 27 23 11 29 46,25      
    9 Federer91 :BUL 176,25 29 24 25 25 10 27 36,25      
    10 Dolby :IND 172,75 30 23 26 20 12 28 33,75      
    11 Henry_Leon :ITA 172 28 17 19 21 12 30 45      
    12 vinipereira :BRA 170,5 23 21 18 20 10 31 47,5      
    13 bestmen :ALG 168 18 22 28 23 23 29 25      
    14 Ufilov :POL 167 27 25 19 19 11 31 35      
    15 hckosice :SVK 165 23 24 24 17 10 32 35      
    16 stamura84 :ITA 153,25 23 24 19 19 10 22 36,25      
    17 dcro :CRO 127 13 14 27 13 7 18 35      
    18 Sacreble :POL 99 19 15 24 15 12 14 -      
    19 Gianlu33 :ITA 49 27 22 - - - - -      



    01: Preliminary Round, April 27th

    02: Preliminary RoundApril 28th

    03: Preliminary RoundApril 29th

    04: Preliminary RoundApril 30th

    05: Preliminary Round, May 1st

    06: Preliminary RoundMay 2nd

    07: Quarterfinals, May 4th

    08: Semifinals, May 6th

    09: Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match, May 7th


    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me

  2. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.






    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]


    Knockout Round

    May 4th - May 7th, 2017

    8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match



    Eastern Time Zone (GMT -4)


    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 6th 2017, h. 15:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Iran :IRI     :FRP Tahiti
    May 6th 2017, h. 16:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Italy :ITA     :BRA Brazil



    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here

  3. Il y a 1 heure , bestmen a déclaré:

    Men's Hockey IIHF World Championship 2017

    it's men or women


    the logo saying women's



    But you have already participated in Women's Ice Hockey Contest so you must normally know that what is meant here is Men's Ice Hockey contest ? is there a problem with prediction design?? the answer is NO ! so just enjoy the new contest and this "detail" will come later it shouldn't stop you from filling the correct prediction design !  

  4. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.




    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]

    Preliminary Round

    May 5th - May 16th, 2017

    16 Nations, 2 Groups, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th from each Group qualify to Quarterfinals.


    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :RUS Russia
    May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :GER Germany
    May 6th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :DEN Denmark
    May 6th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :ITA Italy
    May 6th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :SWE Sweden
    May 7th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :RUS Russia
    May 7th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :DEN Denmark
    May 7th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :SVK Slovakia
    May 8th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :RUS Russia
    May 8th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :SWE Sweden
    May 9th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :LAT Latvia
    May 9th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :DEN Denmark
    May 10th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :ITA Italy
    May 10th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :GER Germany
    May 11th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :DEN Denmark
    May 11th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :LAT Latvia
    May 12th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :ITA Italy
    May 12th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :GER Germany
    May 13th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :USA United States
    May 13th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :SVK Slovakia
    May 13th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :GER Germany
    May 14th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :USA United States
    May 14th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :SWE Sweden
    May 15th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :ITA Italy
    May 15th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :LAT Latvia
    May 16th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :SVK Slovakia
    May 16th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :USA United States
    May 16th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :LAT Latvia



    Group B

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :BLR Belarus
    May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :CAN Canada
    May 6th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :SLO Slovenia
    May 6th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :CZE Czech Republic
    May 6th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :FRA France
    May 7th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :CAN Canada
    May 7th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :FRA France
    May 7th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :SUI Switzerland
    May 8th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :CAN Canada
    May 8th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :CZE Czech Republic
    May 9th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :NOR Norway
    May 9th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :FRA France
    May 10th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :BLR Belarus
    May 10th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :SLO Slovenia
    May 11th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :NOR Norway
    May 11th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :FRA France
    May 12th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :SLO Slovenia
    May 12th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :BLR Belarus
    May 13th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :FIN Finland
    May 13th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :BLR Belarus
    May 13th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :SUI Switzerland
    May 14th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :CZE Czech Republic
    May 14th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :FIN Finland
    May 15th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :NOR Norway
    May 15th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :SLO Slovenia
    May 16th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :NOR Norway
    May 16th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :SUI Switzerland
    May 16th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :FIN Finland



    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here

  5. 2017PC9.png

    Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

    You don't need to be an expert to take part in a Prediction Contest. 

    If a mistake penalizes you, always keep in mind that everyone is in good faith.



    Competition Details
    Cities :GER Cologne - Paris :FRA
    Start Date May 5th, 2017
    End Date May 21st, 2017
    Participants 26
    Gold :ITA Dunadan :ITA
    Silver :ITA Henry_Leon :ITA
    Bronze :ROU ady48 :ROU







    In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

    • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
    • Copy the selected content
    • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
    • Paste the copied content ( When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
    • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
    • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





    For this Prediction Contest you are predicting goal difference for each match. Every match ends with a winner (there are no ties, draws).

    To do that, you have to write in empty Cell a number - goal difference for each match. If your prediction is that Team 1 is going to win, you should type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T1 Column. If your prediction is that Team 2 is going to win, then type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T2 Column




    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE 2   :RUS Russia
    May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA   1 :GER Germany


    Scoring system: Basic number of points is 5

    If you predict right winner for a match, you will get 5 points regardless of the goal difference.

    If your prediction is perfect (correct winner + correct goal difference) you will earn 5+5=10 points.

    Depending on difference between your prediction and actual result, earned points will differ.




    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE 2   :RUS Russia


    If Sweden wins by 4, you will earn 8 points [5 pts for correct winner + 3 pts for goal difference: (5-2)]

    If Sweden wins by 2, you will earn 10 points [5 pts for correct winner + 5 pts for goal difference]

    If Sweden wins by 8, you will earn 5 points [5 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-6) - no negative points]

    If Russia wins by 1, you will earn 2 points [0 pts for correct winner + 2 pts for goal difference: (5-3)]

    If Russia wins by 3 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-5)]


    In the Knockout Round, points will be multiplied by:

    • In the Quarterfinals, points will be multiplied by 1.25
    • In the Semifinals, points will be multiplied by 1.5
    • In the Medal Matches, points will be multiplied by 2



    TB Rules

    If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

    Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of second best scores will be compared, then number of third best results and so on.



    Contestant 1: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 2x7

    Contestant 2: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 1x7

    Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


    Contestant with most points wins the competition.


    The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


    You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

    In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Tournament - May 5th, h. 16:15 (GMT +2).


    If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



    You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


    You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


    If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


    If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send your predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, USA - GER 2 means Germany beats United States by 2. USA 2 GER means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


    Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



    You don't have permission to view this hidden content



    If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.

  6. Provisional Standing after Day 6


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TB
    1 tuniscof :TUN 155 28 21 26 23 11 36        
    2 heywoodu :NED 150 27 25 32 17 18 31        
    2 CiroMennella99 :ITA 150 28 24 25 23 19 31        
    4 Pablita :ITA 149 27 19 33 31 16 23        
    5 ady48 :ROU 148 28 29 25 22 13 31        
    6 bestmen :ALG 143 18 22 28 23 23 29        
    6 africaboy :ROU 143 28 22 26 23 13 31        
    8 SteveParker :ITA 141 27 27 24 16 20 27        
    9 Federer91 :BUL 140 29 24 25 25 10 27        
    10 Dolby :IND 139 30 23 26 20 12 28        
    11 Dunadan :ITA 137 27 20 27 23 11 29        
    12 Ufilov :POL 132 27 25 19 19 11 31        
    13 hckosice :SVK 130 23 24 24 17 10 32        
    14 Henry_Leon :ITA 127 28 17 19 21 12 30        
    15 vinipereira :BRA 123 23 21 18 20 10 31        
    16 stamura84 :ITA 117 23 24 19 19 10 22        
    17 Sacreble :POL 99 19 15 24 15 12 14        
    18 dcro :CRO 92 13 14 27 13 7 18        
    19 Gianlu33 :ITA 49 27 22 - - - -        



    01: Preliminary Round, April 27th

    02: Preliminary RoundApril 28th

    03: Preliminary RoundApril 29th

    04: Preliminary RoundApril 30th

    05: Preliminary Round, May 1st

    06: Preliminary RoundMay 2nd

    07: Quarterfinals, May 4th

    08: Semifinals, May 6th

    09: Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match, May 7th


    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me



    Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

    You don't need to be an expert to take part in a Prediction Contest. 

    If a mistake penalizes you, always keep in mind that everyone is in good faith.



    Competition Details
    Cities :GER Cologne - Paris :FRA
    Start Date May 5th, 2017
    End Date May 21st, 2017
    Participants TBD
    Gold :WHT TBD :WHT
    Silver :WHT TBD :WHT
    Bronze :WHT TBD :WHT







    In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

    • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
    • Copy the selected content
    • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
    • Paste the copied content ( When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
    • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
    • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





    For this Prediction Contest you are predicting goal difference for each match. Every match ends with a winner (there are no ties, draws).

    To do that, you have to write in empty Cell a number - goal difference for each match. If your prediction is that Team 1 is going to win, you should type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T1 Column. If your prediction is that Team 2 is going to win, then type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T2 Column




    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE 2   :RUS Russia
    May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA   1 :GER Germany


    Scoring system: Basic number of points is 5

    If you predict right winner for a match, you will get 5 points regardless of the goal difference.

    If your prediction is perfect (correct winner + correct goal difference) you will earn 5+5=10 points.

    Depending on difference between your prediction and actual result, earned points will differ.




    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE 2   :RUS Russia


    If Sweden wins by 4, you will earn 8 points [5 pts for correct winner + 3 pts for goal difference: (5-2)]

    If Sweden wins by 2, you will earn 10 points [5 pts for correct winner + 5 pts for goal difference]

    If Sweden wins by 8, you will earn 5 points [5 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-6) - no negative points]

    If Russia wins by 1, you will earn 2 points [0 pts for correct winner + 2 pts for goal difference: (5-3)]

    If Russia wins by 3 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-5)]


    In the Knockout Round, points will be multiplied by:

    • In the Quarterfinals, points will be multiplied by 1.25
    • In the Semifinals, points will be multiplied by 1.5
    • In the Medal Matches, points will be multiplied by 2



    TB Rules

    If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

    Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of second best scores will be compared, then number of third best results and so on.



    Contestant 1: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 2x7

    Contestant 2: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 1x7

    Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


    Contestant with most points wins the competition.


    The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


    You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

    In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Tournament - May 5th, h. 16:15 (GMT +2).


    If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



    You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


    You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


    If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


    If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send your predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, USA - GER 2 means Germany beats United States by 2. USA 2 GER means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


    Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



    You don't have permission to view this hidden content



    If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.




    You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.




    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]

    Preliminary Round

    May 5th - May 16th, 2017

    16 Nations, 2 Groups, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th from each Group qualify to Quarterfinals.


    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :RUS Russia
    May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :GER Germany
    May 6th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :DEN Denmark
    May 6th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :ITA Italy
    May 6th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :SWE Sweden
    May 7th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :RUS Russia
    May 7th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :DEN Denmark
    May 7th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :SVK Slovakia
    May 8th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :RUS Russia
    May 8th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :SWE Sweden
    May 9th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :LAT Latvia
    May 9th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :DEN Denmark
    May 10th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :ITA Italy
    May 10th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :GER Germany
    May 11th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :DEN Denmark
    May 11th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :LAT Latvia
    May 12th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :ITA Italy
    May 12th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :GER Germany
    May 13th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :USA United States
    May 13th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :SVK Slovakia
    May 13th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :GER Germany
    May 14th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :USA United States
    May 14th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :SWE Sweden
    May 15th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :ITA Italy
    May 15th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :LAT Latvia
    May 16th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :SVK Slovakia
    May 16th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :USA United States
    May 16th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :LAT Latvia



    Group B

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :BLR Belarus
    May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :CAN Canada
    May 6th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :SLO Slovenia
    May 6th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :CZE Czech Republic
    May 6th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :FRA France
    May 7th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :CAN Canada
    May 7th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :FRA France
    May 7th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :SUI Switzerland
    May 8th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :CAN Canada
    May 8th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :CZE Czech Republic
    May 9th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :NOR Norway
    May 9th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :FRA France
    May 10th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :BLR Belarus
    May 10th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :SLO Slovenia
    May 11th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :NOR Norway
    May 11th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :FRA France
    May 12th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :SLO Slovenia
    May 12th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :BLR Belarus
    May 13th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :FIN Finland
    May 13th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :BLR Belarus
    May 13th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :SUI Switzerland
    May 14th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :CZE Czech Republic
    May 14th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :FIN Finland
    May 15th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :NOR Norway
    May 15th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :SLO Slovenia
    May 16th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :NOR Norway
    May 16th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :SUI Switzerland
    May 16th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :FIN Finland



    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here


  8. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.






    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]


    Knockout Round

    May 4th - May 7th, 2017

    8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match



    Eastern Time Zone (GMT -4)


    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    May 4th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Paraguay :PAR     :FRP Tahiti
    May 4th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Brazil :BRA     :POR Portugal
    May 4th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Switzerland :SUI     :IRI Iran
    May 4th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Italy :ITA     :SEN Senegal



    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here

  9. Provisional Standing after Day 5


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TB
    1 Pablita :ITA 126 27 19 33 31 16          
    2 heywoodu :NED 119 27 25 32 17 18          
    2 CiroMennella99 :ITA 119 28 24 25 23 19          
    2 tuniscof :TUN 119 28 21 26 23 11          
    5 ady48 :ROU 117 28 29 25 22 13          
    6 SteveParker :ITA 114 27 27 24 16 20          
    6 bestmen :ALG 114 18 22 28 23 23          
    8 Federer91 :BUL 113 29 24 25 25 10          
    9 africaboy :ROU 112 28 22 26 23 13          
    10 Dolby :IND 111 30 23 26 20 12          
    11 Dunadan :ITA 108 27 20 27 23 11          
    12 Ufilov :POL 101 27 25 19 19 11          
    13 hckosice :SVK 98 23 24 24 17 10          
    14 Henry_Leon :ITA 97 28 17 19 21 12          
    15 stamura84 :ITA 95 23 24 19 19 10          
    16 vinipereira :BRA 92 23 21 18 20 10          
    17 Sacreble :POL 85 19 15 24 15 12          
    18 dcro :CRO 74 13 14 27 13 7          
    19 Gianlu33 :ITA 49 27 22 - - -          



    01: Preliminary Round, April 27th

    02: Preliminary RoundApril 28th

    03: Preliminary RoundApril 29th

    04: Preliminary RoundApril 30th

    05: Preliminary Round, May 1st

    06: Preliminary RoundMay 2nd

    07: Quarterfinals, May 4th

    08: Semifinals, May 6th

    09: Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match, May 7th


    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  10. Provisional Standing after Day 4


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TB
    1 Pablita :ITA 110 27 19 33 31            
    2 ady48 :ROU 104 28 29 25 22            
    3 Federer91 :BUL 103 29 24 25 25            
    4 heywoodu :NED 101 27 25 32 17            
    5 CiroMennella99 :ITA 100 28 24 25 23            
    6 Dolby :IND 99 30 23 26 20            
    6 africaboy :ROU 99 28 22 26 23            
    8 tuniscof :TUN 98 28 21 26 23            
    9 Dunadan :ITA 97 27 20 27 23            
    10 SteveParker :ITA 94 27 27 24 16            
    11 bestmen :ALG 91 18 22 28 23            
    12 Ufilov :POL 90 27 25 19 19            
    13 hckosice :SVK 88 23 24 24 17            
    14 stamura84 :ITA 85 23 24 19 19            
    14 Henry_Leon :ITA 85 28 17 19 21            
    16 vinipereira :BRA 82 23 21 18 20            
    17 Sacreble :POL 73 19 15 24 15            
    18 dcro :CRO 67 13 14 27 13            
    19 Gianlu33 :ITA 49 27 22 - -            



    01: Preliminary Round, April 27th

    02: Preliminary RoundApril 28th

    03: Preliminary RoundApril 29th

    04: Preliminary RoundApril 30th

    05: Preliminary Round, May 1st

    06: Preliminary RoundMay 2nd

    07: Quarterfinals, May 4th

    08: Semifinals, May 6th

    09: Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match, May 7th


    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  11. Provisional Standing after Day 3


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TB
    1 heywoodu :NED 84 27 25 32              
    2 ady48 :ROU 82 28 29 25              
    3 Dolby :IND 79 30 23 26              
    3 Pablita :ITA 79 27 19 33              
    5 SteveParker :ITA 78 27 27 24              
    5 Federer91 :BUL 78 29 24 25              
    7 CiroMennella99 :ITA 77 28 24 25              
    8 africaboy :ROU 76 28 22 26              
    9 tuniscof :TUN 75 28 21 26              
    10 Dunadan :ITA 74 27 20 27              
    11 Ufilov :POL 71 27 25 19              
    11 hckosice :SVK 71 23 24 24              
    13 bestmen :ALG 68 18 22 28              
    14 stamura84 :ITA 66 23 24 19              
    15 Henry_Leon :ITA 64 28 17 19              
    16 vinipereira :BRA 62 23 21 18              
    17 Sacreble :POL 58 19 15 24              
    18 dcro :CRO 54 13 14 27              
    19 Gianlu33 :ITA 49 27 22 -              



    01: Preliminary Round, April 27th

    02: Preliminary RoundApril 28th

    03: Preliminary RoundApril 29th

    04: Preliminary RoundApril 30th

    05: Preliminary Round, May 1st

    06: Preliminary RoundMay 2nd

    07: Quarterfinals, May 4th

    08: Semifinals, May 6th

    09: Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match, May 7th


    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  12. Provisional Standing after Day 2


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TB
    1 ady48 :ROU 57 28 29                
    2 SteveParker :ITA 54 27 27                
    3 Dolby :IND 53 30 23                
    3 Federer91 :BUL 53 29 24                
    5 CiroMennella99 :ITA 52 28 24                
    5 heywoodu :NED 52 27 25                
    5 Ufilov :POL 52 27 25                
    8 africaboy :ROU 50 28 22                
    9 tuniscof :TUN 49 28 21                
    9 Gianlu33 :ITA 49 27 22                
    11 Dunadan :ITA 47 27 20                
    11 stamura84 :ITA 47 23 24                
    11 hckosice :SVK 47 23 24                
    14 Pablita :ITA 46 27 19                
    15 Henry_Leon :ITA 45 28 17                
    16 vinipereira :BRA 44 23 21                
    17 bestmen :ALG 40 18 22                
    18 Sacreble :POL 34 19 15                
    19 dcro :CRO 27 13 14                



    01: Preliminary Round, April 27th

    02: Preliminary RoundApril 28th

    03: Preliminary RoundApril 29th

    04: Preliminary RoundApril 30th

    05: Preliminary Round, May 1st

    06: Preliminary RoundMay 2nd

    07: Quarterfinals, May 4th

    08: Semifinals, May 6th

    09: Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match, May 7th


    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  13. Provisional Standing after Day 1


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 TB
    1 Dolby :IND 30 30                  
    2 Federer91 :BUL 29 29                  
    3 CiroMennella99 :ITA 28 28                  
    3 Henry_Leon :ITA 28 28                  
    3 ady48 :ROU 28 28                  
    3 africaboy :ROU 28 28                  
    3 tuniscof :TUN 28 28                  
    8 Dunadan :ITA 27 27                  
    8 Gianlu33 :ITA 27 27                  
    8 Pablita :ITA 27 27                  
    8 SteveParker :ITA 27 27                  
    8 heywoodu :NED 27 27                  
    8 Ufilov :POL 27 27                  
    14 vinipereira :BRA 23 23                  
    14 stamura84 :ITA 23 23                  
    14 hckosice :SVK 23 23                  
    17 Sacreble :POL 19 19                  
    18 bestmen :ALG 18 18                  
    19 dcro :CRO 13 13                  



    01: Preliminary Round, April 27th

    02: Preliminary RoundApril 28th

    03: Preliminary RoundApril 29th

    04: Preliminary RoundApril 30th

    05: Preliminary Round, May 1st

    06: Preliminary RoundMay 2nd

    07: Quarterfinals, May 4th

    08: Semifinals, May 6th

    09: Bronze Medal Match, Gold Medal Match, May 7th


    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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