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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Posts posted by tuniscof

  1. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.






    Start Copying Here


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    Preliminary Round

    April 27th - May 2nd, 2017

    16 Nations, 4 Groups, 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for Quarterfinals


    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU     :SEN Senegal
    April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH     :SUI Switzerland
    April 29th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Switzerland :SUI     :ECU Ecuador
    April 29th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Senegal :SEN     :BAH Bahamas
    May 1st 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Switzerland :SUI     :SEN Senegal
    May 1st 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH     :ECU Ecuador



    Group B

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Iran :IRI     :MEX Mexico
    April 27th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Nigeria :NGR     :ITA Italy
    April 29th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Italy :ITA     :IRI Iran
    April 29th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Mexico :MEX     :NGR Nigeria
    May 1st 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Italy :ITA     :MEX Mexico
    May 1st 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Nigeria :NGR     :IRI Iran



    Group C

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 28th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Portugal :POR     :PAN Panama
    April 28th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau UA Emirates :UAE     :PAR Paraguay
    April 30th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Paraguay :PAR     :POR Portugal
    April 30th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Panama :PAN     :UAE UA Emirates
    May 2nd 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Paraguay :PAR     :PAN Panama
    May 2nd 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau UA Emirates :UAE     :POR Portugal



    Group D

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 28th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Japan :JPN     :POL Poland
    April 28th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Brazil :BRA     :FRP Tahiti
    April 30th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Tahiti :FRP     :JPN Japan
    April 30th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Poland :POL     :BRA Brazil
    May 2nd 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Tahiti :FRP     :POL Poland
    May 2nd 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Brazil :BRA     :JPN Japan



    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here



    Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

    "There are things that are uncertain for us, things more or less probable,

    and we seek to compensate for the impossibility of knowing them

    by determining their different degrees of likelihood.

    So it was that we owe to the weakness of the human mind one of the most delicate

    and ingenious of mathematical theories, the science of chance or probability."



    Competition Details
    City :BAH Nassau :BAH
    Start Date April 27th, 2017
    End Date May 7th, 2017
    Participants 20
    Gold :TUN  tuniscof  :TUN
    Silver :ITA  Pablita  :ITA
    Bronze :ROU  ady48  :ROU







    In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

    • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
    • Copy the selected content
    • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
    • Paste the copied content ( When infromation "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
    • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
    • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





    For this Prediction Contest you are predicting goal difference for each match. 

    To do that, you have to write in empty Cell a number - goal difference for each match. If your prediction is that Team 1 is going to win, you should type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T1 Column. If your prediction is that Team 2 is going to win, then type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T2 Column. If your prediction is that the match will end in a draw at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out), then type a 0 in either T1 or T2 Cell (or in both, if you wish).
    For All matches
    the result at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out) will count as final result.



    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU 2   :SEN Senegal
    April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH   0 :SUI Switzerland


    Scoring system: Basic number of points is 5

    If you predict right winner for a match, you will get 5 points regardless of the goal difference.

    If your prediction is perfect (correct winner + correct goal difference) you will earn 5+5=10 points.

    Depending on difference between your prediction and actual result, earned points will differ.



    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU 2   :SEN Senegal


    If Ecuador wins by 4, you will earn 8 points [5 pts for correct winner + 3 pts for goal difference: (5-2)]

    If Ecuador wins by 2, you will earn 10 points [5 pts for correct winner + 5 pts for goal difference]

    If Ecuador wins by 8, you will earn 5 points [5 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-6) - no negative points]

    If Senegal wins by 1, you will earn 2 points [0 pts for correct winner + 2 pts for goal difference: (5-3)]

    If Senegal wins by 3 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-5)]


    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH   0 :SUI Switzerland


    If the match ends in a draw at the end of eventual overtime, you will earn 10 points automatically.

    If either team wins by 1, you will earn 4 points [0 pts for correct winner + 4 pts for goal difference: (5-1)]

    If either team wins by 5 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference]


    In the Knockout Round, points will be multiplied by:

    • In the Quarterfinals, points will be multiplied by 1.25
    • In the Semifinals, points will be multiplied by 1.5
    • In the Medal Matches, points will be multiplied by 2


    TB Rules

    If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

    Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of second best scores will be compared, then number of third best results and so on.



    Contestant 1: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 2x7

    Contestant 2: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 1x7

    Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


    Contestant with most points wins the competition.


    The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


    You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

    In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Championship - April 27th, h. 15:30 (GMT -4).


    If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



    You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


    You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


    If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


    If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send you predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, ECU - SEN 1 means Senegal beats Ecuador by 1. ECU 1 SEN means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


    Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



    You don't have permission to view this hidden content



    If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.



    Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

    "There are things that are uncertain for us, things more or less probable,

    and we seek to compensate for the impossibility of knowing them

    by determining their different degrees of likelihood.

    So it was that we owe to the weakness of the human mind one of the most delicate

    and ingenious of mathematical theories, the science of chance or probability."



    Competition Details
    City :BAH Nassau :BAH
    Start Date April 27th, 2017
    End Date May 7th, 2017
    Participants TBD
    Gold :WHT  TBD  :WHT
    Silver :WHT  TBD  :WHT
    Bronze :WHT  TBD  :WHT







    In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

    • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
    • Copy the selected content
    • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
    • Paste the copied content ( When infromation "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
    • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
    • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





    For this Prediction Contest you are predicting goal difference for each match. 

    To do that, you have to write in empty Cell a number - goal difference for each match. If your prediction is that Team 1 is going to win, you should type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T1 Column. If your prediction is that Team 2 is going to win, then type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T2 Column. If your prediction is that the match will end in a draw at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out), then type a 0 in either T1 or T2 Cell (or in both, if you wish). For All matches (both Group stage and Knockout round) result at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out) will count as final result.



    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU 2   :SEN Senegal
    April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH   0 :SUI Switzerland


    Scoring system: Basic number of points is 5

    If you predict right winner for a match, you will get 5 points regardless of the goal difference.

    If your prediction is perfect (correct winner + correct goal difference) you will earn 5+5=10 points.

    Depending on difference between your prediction and actual result, earned points will differ.



    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU 2   :SEN Senegal


    If Ecuador wins by 4, you will earn 8 points [5 pts for correct winner + 3 pts for goal difference: (5-2)]

    If Ecuador wins by 2, you will earn 10 points [5 pts for correct winner + 5 pts for goal difference]

    If Ecuador wins by 8, you will earn 5 points [5 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-6) - no negative points]

    If Senegal wins by 1, you will earn 2 points [0 pts for correct winner + 2 pts for goal difference: (5-3)]

    If Senegal wins by 3 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-5)]


    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH   0 :SUI Switzerland


    If the match ends in a draw at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out), you will earn 10 points automatically.

    If either team wins by 1, you will earn 4 points [0 pts for correct winner + 4 pts for goal difference: (5-1)]

    If either team wins by 5 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference]


    In the Knockout Round, points will be multiplied by:

    • In the Quarterfinals, points will be multiplied by 1.25
    • In the Semifinals, points will be multiplied by 1.5
    • In the Medal Matches, points will be multiplied by 2


    TB Rules

    If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

    Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of second best scores will be compared, then number of third best results and so on.



    Contestant 1: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 2x7

    Contestant 2: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 1x7

    Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


    Contestant with most points wins the competition.


    The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


    You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

    In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Championship - April 27th, h. 15:30 (GMT -4).


    If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



    You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


    You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


    If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


    If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send you predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, ECU - SEN 1 means Senegal beats Ecuador by 1. ECU 1 SEN means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


    Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



    You don't have permission to view this hidden content



    If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.








    You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.






    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]


    Preliminary Round

    April 27th - May 2nd, 2017

    16 Nations, 4 Groups, 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for Quarterfinals


    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU     :SEN Senegal
    April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH     :SUI Switzerland
    April 29th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Switzerland :SUI     :ECU Ecuador
    April 29th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Senegal :SEN     :BAH Bahamas
    May 1st 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Switzerland :SUI     :SEN Senegal
    May 1st 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH     :ECU Ecuador



    Group B

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 27th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Iran :IRI     :MEX Mexico
    April 27th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Nigeria :NGR     :ITA Italy
    April 29th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Italy :ITA     :IRI Iran
    April 29th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Mexico :MEX     :NGR Nigeria
    May 1st 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Italy :ITA     :MEX Mexico
    May 1st 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Nigeria :NGR     :IRI Iran



    Group C

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 28th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Portugal :POR     :PAN Panama
    April 28th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau UA Emirates :UAE     :PAR Paraguay
    April 30th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Paraguay :PAR     :POR Portugal
    April 30th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Panama :PAN     :UAE UA Emirates
    May 2nd 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Paraguay :PAR     :PAN Panama
    May 2nd 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau UA Emirates :UAE     :POR Portugal



    Group D

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    April 28th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Japan :JPN     :POL Poland
    April 28th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Brazil :BRA     :FRP Tahiti
    April 30th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Tahiti :FRP     :JPN Japan
    April 30th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Poland :POL     :BRA Brazil
    May 2nd 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Tahiti :FRP     :POL Poland
    May 2nd 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Brazil :BRA     :JPN Japan



    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here




    Final Standing available here







    Algerian flag on a flag pole gif animation





    Italian flag on a flag pole gif animation





    :champion: Henry_Leon:champion:




    Italian flag on a flag pole gif animation







    Congratulations to our Track Cycling prediction contest winner !  
    Congratulations @Henry_Leon once again ! Congratulations team Italy

    This would have been the first clean sweep for the italians but bestmen had a different opinion :d.

    It's the second time in a row two Italians are on the podium but this time it's Gold and Bronze.


    Eventhough he began this contest badly on 17th place with just 4 points @Henry_Leon managed to gain more points on the road (+8, +12, +22, and +24) jumping from 14th on Day 3 to 3rd on Day 4 to first place on last day with a total of 70pts !

    Congratulations to our Gold Medalist @Henry_Leon for his second gold and third medal overall, the fifth for :ITAItaly :champion: 


    On the second step of the podium here he is our Algerian @bestmen who had an impressive tournament, though it's his first participation in track cycling contest. During this contest he was never too far from the podium no more than 6 points far he reduced the gap to 5 then took the leadership on Day 3 before handing it over to Dunadan the Next day and to Henry_Leon on final day. Hopefully for him he had a better head Silver Medal Winners coorect picks than Dunadan which means he keeps the second place and gets Silver. ;)

    Congratulations to our Silver Medalist @bestmen and :ALGAlgeria for their first Silver medal and second overall this year !:hatoff:


    On the third step of the podium another Italian and this time it's @Dunadan who finally made it after a long wait, switching between 5th and 4th places at the previous contests. :clap:Patience pays well ;) !

    He is the only one among the medalists to have been always in top 3 all contest long :hatoff: 
    Beginning as leader on first day, he took 3rd place the next day before moving up to second after Day 3. Day 4 was the day he took back his leadership one point ahead of bestmen but lost it on the final day just like bestmen to the champion Henry_Leon

    Congratulation to Our Bronze Medalist @Dunadan for his first medal and :ITAItaly for their sixth medal this year! :hatoff:


    Participating in his second contest @stamura84 proved once again how good he is with prediction when he took 4th places just 5 points far from Silver Medal ! He had the same evolution trajectory as his team mate Henry_Leon but didn't make enough points on final day to let him win a medal. Good luck @stamura84 for next contests ;)!


    Team :ITAItaly has been on fire in track cycling  :cheer:with 3 users in top 4 and 4 in top 7 :hyper: :hatoff:! In addition to the two medalists, there is 4th placed @stamura84 and 7th placed @CiroMennella99 who is also taking part in his secong contest !

    This contest was very interesting with many surprises so it has been difficult to make perfect predictions, only @africaboy made a perfect one in men's sprint, there were two "any other" though! Others who guessed the medal winners in wrong order for final day are @bestmen @CiroMennella99 and @stamura84 all in Women's Points Race



    I hope you enjoyed it ! especially for those who are new to this sport ;) 

    For cycling lovers we will have Tour de France in July , so you have plenty of time to get ready  :d


    See you soon ! 


    Now please stand up for the national anthem of Italy !



  5. Final Standing


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 TB
    1 Henry_Leon :ITA 70 4 8 12 22 24  
    2 bestmen :ALG 63 7 12 20 12 12 PP:0;GMW:8;SMW:4
    3 Dunadan :ITA 63 13 10 14 15 11 PP:0;GMW:8;SMW:2
    4 stamura84 :ITA 58 4 9 11 19 15  
    5 africaboy :ROU 55 9 6 14 17 9 PP:1
    6 rybak :POL 55 7 13 9 15 11 PP:0;GMW:7
    7 CiroMennella99 :ITA 55 2 8 8 20 17 PP:0;GMW:6
    8 tuniscof :TUN 52 10 14 11 5 12 PP:0;GMW:7
    9 heywoodu :NED 52 8 13 9 13 9 PP:0;GMW:4
    10 uk12points :GBR 49 9 15 10 10 5 PP:0;GMW:5
    11 Ufilov :POL 49 6 9 10 11 13 PP:0;GMW:3
    12 Dolby :IND 48 12 11 10 5 10 PP:0;GMW:5
    13 SteveParker :ITA 48 8 9 16 7 8 PP:0;GMW:4
    14 Federer91 :BUL 47 9 7 10 11 10  
    15 Gianlu33 :ITA 46 9 10 7 8 12 PP:0;GMW:5
    16 dcro :CRO 46 5 7 14 12 8 PP:0;GMW:4
    17 ady48 :ROU 45 8 6 9 14 8  
    18 Pablita :ITA 42 3 2 9 16 12  
    19 hckosice :SVK 36 5 3 11 8 9  
    20 Pavlo :POL 30 6 5 6 5 8  



    01: April 12th: Women's Team Sprint, Men's Team Sprint, Women's Scratch Race

    02: April 13th: Women's Team Pursuit, Men's Keirin, Men's Team Pursuit, Men's Scratch Race

    03: April 14th: Women's Sprint, Women's Omnium, Men's Individual Pursuit, Men's Points Race

    04: April 15th: Women's 500m Time Trial, Men's Omnium, Men's Sprint, Women's Madison, Women's Individual Pursuit

    05: April 16th: Women's Keirin, Women's Points Race, Men's 1000m Time Trial, Men's Madison


    *= using Jolly


    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  6. Provisional Standing after Day 4


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 TB
    1 Dunadan :ITA 52 13 10 14 15    
    2 bestmen :ALG 51 7 12 20 12    
    3 africaboy :ROU 46 9 6 14 17    
    3 Henry_Leon :ITA 46 4 8 12 22    
    5 uk12points :GBR 44 9 15 10 10    
    5 rybak :POL 44 7 13 9 15    
    7 heywoodu :NED 43 8 13 9 13    
    7 stamura84 :ITA 43 4 9 11 19    
    9 tuniscof :TUN 40 10 14 11 5    
    9 SteveParker :ITA 40 8 9 16 7    
    11 Dolby :IND 38 12 11 10 5    
    11 dcro :CRO 38 5 7 14 12    
    11 CiroMennella99 :ITA 38 2 8 8 20    
    14 Federer91 :BUL 37 9 7 10 11    
    14 ady48 :ROU 37 8 6 9 14    
    16 Ufilov :POL 36 6 9 10 11    
    17 Gianlu33 :ITA 34 9 10 7 8    
    18 Pablita :ITA 30 3 2 9 16    
    19 hckosice :SVK 27 5 3 11 8    
    20 Pavlo :POL 22 6 5 6 5    



    01: April 12th: Women's Team Sprint, Men's Team Sprint, Women's Scratch Race

    02: April 13th: Women's Team Pursuit, Men's Keirin, Men's Team Pursuit, Men's Scratch Race

    03: April 14th: Women's Sprint, Women's Omnium, Men's Individual Pursuit, Men's Points Race

    04: April 15th: Women's 500m Time Trial, Men's Omnium, Men's Sprint, Women's Madison, Women's Individual Pursuit

    05: April 16th: Women's Keirin, Women's Points Race, Men's 1000m Time Trial, Men's Madison


    *= using Jolly


    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  7. Provisional Standing after Day 3


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 TB
    1 bestmen :ALG 39 7 12 20      
    2 Dunadan :ITA 37 13 10 14      
    3 tuniscof :TUN 35 10 14 11      
    4 uk12points :GBR 34 9 15 10      
    5 Dolby :IND 33 12 11 10      
    5 SteveParker :ITA 33 8 9 16      
    7 heywoodu :NED 30 8 13 9      
    8 rybak :POL 29 7 13 9      
    8 africaboy :ROU 29 9 6 14      
    10 Gianlu33 :ITA 26 9 10 7      
    10 Federer91 :BUL 26 9 7 10      
    10 dcro


    26 5 7 14      
    13 Ufilov :POL 25 6 9 10      
    14 stamura84 :ITA 24 4 9 11      
    14 Henry_Leon :ITA 24 4 8 12      
    16 ady48 :ROU 23 8 6 9      
    17 hckosice :SVK 19 5 3 11      
    18 CiroMennella99 :ITA 18 2 8 8      
    19 Pavlo :POL 17 6 5 6      
    20 Pablita :ITA 14 3 2 9      



    01: April 12th: Women's Team Sprint, Men's Team Sprint, Women's Scratch Race

    02: April 13th: Women's Team Pursuit, Men's Keirin, Men's Team Pursuit, Men's Scratch Race

    03: April 14th: Women's Sprint, Women's Omnium, Men's Individual Pursuit, Men's Points Race

    04: April 15th: Women's 500m Time Trial, Men's Omnium, Men's Sprint, Women's Madison, Women's Individual Pursuit

    05: April 16th: Women's Keirin, Women's Points Race, Men's 1000m Time Trial, Men's Madison


    *= using Jolly


    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  8. Provisional Standing after Day 2


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 TB
    1 tuniscof :TUN 24 10 14        
    1 uk12points :GBR 24 9 15        
    3 Dunadan :ITA 23 13 10        
    3 Dolby :IND 23 12 11        
    5 heywoodu :NED 21 8 13        
    6 rybak :POL 20 7 13        
    7 Gianlu33 :ITA 19 9 10        
    7 bestmen :ALG 19 7 12        
    9 SteveParker :ITA 17 8 9        
    10 Federer91 :BUL 16 9 7        
    11 africaboy


    15 9 6        
    11 Ufilov :POL 15 6 9        
    13 ady48 :ROU 14 8 6        
    14 stamura84 :ITA 13 4 9        
    15 dcro :CRO 12 5 7        
    16 Henry_Leon :ITA 12 4 8        
    17 Pavlo :POL 11 6 5        
    18 CiroMennella99 :ITA 10 2 8        
    19 hckosice :SVK 8 5 3        
    20 Pablita :ITA 5 3 2        



    01: April 12th: Women's Team Sprint, Men's Team Sprint, Women's Scratch Race

    02: April 13th: Women's Team Pursuit, Men's Keirin, Men's Team Pursuit, Men's Scratch Race

    03: April 14th: Women's Sprint, Women's Omnium, Men's Individual Pursuit, Men's Points Race

    04: April 15th: Women's 500m Time Trial, Men's Omnium, Men's Sprint, Women's Madison, Women's Individual Pursuit

    05: April 16th: Women's Keirin, Women's Points Race, Men's 1000m Time Trial, Men's Madison


    *= using Jolly


    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  9. Provisional Standing after Day 1


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 TB
    1 Dunadan :ITA 13 13          
    2 Dolby :IND 12 12          
    3 tuniscof :TUN 10 10          
    4 Federer91 :BUL 9 9          
    4 uk12points :GBR 9 9          
    4 Gianlu33 :ITA 9 9          
    4 africaboy :ROU 9 9          
    8 SteveParker :ITA 8 8          
    8 heywoodu :NED 8 8          
    8 ady48 :ROU 8 8          
    11 bestmen :ALG 7 7          
    11 rybak :POL 7 7          
    13 Pavlo :POL 6 6          
    13 Ufilov :POL 6 6          
    15 dcro :CRO 5 5          
    15 hckosice :SVK 5 5          
    17 Henry_Leon :ITA 4 4          
    17 stamura84 :ITA 4 4          
    19 Pablita :ITA 3 3          
    20 CiroMennella99 :ITA 2 2          



    01: April 12th: Women's Team Sprint, Men's Team Sprint, Women's Scratch Race

    02: April 13th: Women's Team Pursuit, Men's Keirin, Men's Team Pursuit, Men's Scratch Race

    03: April 14th: Women's Sprint, Women's Omnium, Men's Individual Pursuit, Men's Points Race

    04: April 15th: Women's 500m Time Trial, Men's Omnium, Men's Sprint, Women's Madison, Women's Individual Pursuit

    05: April 16th: Women's Keirin, Women's Points Race, Men's 1000m Time Trial, Men's Madison


    *= using Jolly


    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  10. Since the prediction design was posted very late :dunno: , (it should have been sooner ), all the prediction will be counted even for those events whose heats had already started by the time of the post Session 1 (15:00 Local Time) and before Session 2 (19:00 Local Time) 


    Also if someone wants to join they can do it at any time by postiing the predictions beginning from  Day 2  ;) it's never too late

  11. il y a 23 minutes, stamura84 a déclaré:

    sorry for the question.if nobody is among the favourite atlethes and there is the option "any other",do I have to say who is? or it's ok to cope and paste "any other"?.and than.can I write for all three the medallist "any other" or is it limeted for only one spot?thank you


    you can use the option " Any other" for any athletes who is not listed ;)

    no you don't have to say who it is, otherwise what's the point of that option :d

    and it's not limited to one spot, you can use any other for the three spots if you think no one from the list will be on the podium ;)

  12. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.






    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]


    Event and Date Gold Medal Winner Silver Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner Athletes

    Women's Team Sprint

    Day 1, April 12th, 2017


    :AUS Australia

    :CAN Canada

    :CHN China

    :COL Colombia

    :FRA France

    :GER Germany

    :NED Netherlands

    :RUS Russia

    :ESP Spain

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Team Sprint

    Day 1, April 12th, 2017


    :AUS Australia

    :FRA France

    :GER Germany

    :GBR Great Britain


    :NED Netherlands

    :NZL New Zealand

    :POL Poland

    :RUS Russia

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's Scratch Race

    Day 1, April 12th, 2017


    :AUS Amy Cure

    :AUTVerena Eberhardt

    :BEL Jolien D'Hoore

    :CAN Stephanie Roorda

    :CZE Jarmila Machacova

    :GBR Elinor Barker

    :ITA Rachele Barbieri

    :NED Kirsten Wild

    :RUS Evegeniya Romanyuta

    :USA Sarah Hammer

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's Team Pursuit

    Day 2, April 13th, 2017


    :AUS Australia

    :CAN Canada

    :CHN China

    :FRA France

    :GER Germany

    :GBR Great Britain

    :ITA Italy

    :NZL New Zealand

    :USA United States

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Keirin

    Day 2, April 13th, 2017


    :AUS Matthew Glaetzer

    :COL Fabian Puerta Zapata

    :CZE Tomas Babek

    :FRA Francois Pervis

    :GER Joachim Eilers

    :GBR Callum Skinner

    :JPNYuta Wakimoto

    :MAS Azizul Awang

    :NED Matthijs Büchli

    :NZL Sam Webster

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Team Pursuit

    Day 2, April 13th, 2017


    :AUS Australia

    :BEL Belgium

    :CAN Canada

    :DEN Denmark

    :FRA France

    :GBR Great Britain

    :ITA Italy

    :NZL New Zealand

    :RUS Russia

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Scratch Race

    Day 2, April 13th, 2017


    :FRA Morgan Kneisky

    :GER Lucas Liss

    :HKG Cheung King Lok

    :IRL Felix English

    :POL Adrian Teklinski

    :RUS Evgeny Kovalev
    :ESP Someone from Spain

    :SUI Someone from Switzerland

    :UKR Roman Gladush

    :USA Zachary Kovalcik

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's Sprint

    Day 3, April 14th, 2017


    :AUS Stephanie Morton

    :CHN Zhong Tianshi

    :GBR Katy Marchant

    :GER Kristina Vogel

    :GER Miriam Welte

    :HKG Lee Wai Sze

    :LTU Simona Krupeckaite

    :NZL Natasha Hansen

    :RUS Anastasiya Voynova

    :ESP Tania Calvo Barbero

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's Omnium

    Day 3, April 14th, 2017


    :AUS Amy Cure

    :BEL Jolien D'Hoore

    :BEL Lotte Kopecky

    :BLR Tatsiana Sharakova

    :CHN Luo Xiaoling

    :FRA Laurien Berthon

    :JPNYumi Kajihara

    :NED Kirsten Wild

    :NOR Anita Yvonne Stenberg

    :USA Sarah Hammer

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Indivudual Pursuit

    Day 3, April 14th, 2017


    :AUS Callum Scotson

    :BLR Mikhail Shemetau

    :CAN Jay Lamoureux
    :FRA Thomas Denis

    :GER Kersten Thiele

    :GBR Andrew Tennant

    :ITA Filippo Ganna

    :KAZArtyom Zakharov

    :NED Dion Beukeboom
    :ESP Sebastian Mora

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Points Race

    Day 3, April 14th, 2017


    :AUS Sam Welsford

    :AUTAndreas Graf

    :BLR Raman Ramanau

    :BEL Kenny de Ketele

    :BEL Moreno de Pauw

    :FRA Benjamin Thomas

    :HKG Cheung King Lok

    :NZL Regan Gough

    :ESP Eloy Teruel

    :USA Ian Holt

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's 500m Time Trial

    Day 4, April 15th, 2017


    :CHN Zhong Tianshi

    :COL Martha Bayona Pineda

    :GBR Katy Marchant

    :GER Kristina Vogel

    :GER Miriam Welte

    :HKG Lee Wai Sze

    :NED Laurine van Riessen

    :RUS Daria Shmeleva

    :RUS Anastasiya Voynova

    :ESP Tania Calvo Barbero

    :UKR Olena Starikova

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Omnium

    Day 4, April 15th, 2017


    :CHN Liu Hao

    :HKG Leung Chun Wing

    :ITA Attilio Viviani

    :KAZArtyom Zakharov

    :KOR Park Sang-Hoon

    :NZL Aaron Gate

    :NZL Dylan Kennett

    :ESP Eloy Teruel

    :SUI Gaël Suter

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Sprint

    Day 4, April 15th, 2017


    :AUS Matthew Glaetzer

    :COL Fabian Puerta Zapata

    :FRA Quentin Lafargue

    :GER Joachim Eilers

    :GBR Callum Skinner

    :JPNYoshitaku Nagasako

    :MAS Azizul Awang

    :NED Matthijs Büchli

    :NZL Sam Webster

    :RUS Someone from Russia

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's Madison

    Day 4, April 15th, 2017


    :AUS Australia

    :FRA France

    :GBR Great Britain

    :HKG Hong Kong

    :IRL Ireland

    :ITA Italy

    :NZL New Zealand

    :RUS Russia

    :UKR Ukraine

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's Individual Pursuit

    Day 4, April 15th, 2017


    :AUS Amy Cure

    :AUS Rebecca Wiasak

    :BEL Lotte Kopecky

    :CAN Annie Foreman-Mackey

    :FRA Elise Delzenne

    :GBR Katie Archibald

    :ITA Beatrice Bartelloni

    :NZL Jaime Nielsen

    :USA Jennifer Valente

    :USA Ruth Winder

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's Keirin

    Day 5, April 16th, 2017


    :AUS Someone from Australia

    :CHN Someone from China

    :COL Martha Bayona Pineda

    :GER Kristina Vogel

    :GER Miriam Welte

    :HKG Lee Wai Sze

    :LTU Simona Krupeckaite

    :NED Shanne Braspennincx

    :RUS Someone from Russia

    :KOR Lee Hyejin

    :UKR Lyubov Basova

    :WHT Any Other

    Women's Points Race

    Day 5, April 16th, 2017


    :BEL Lotte Kopecky

    :BLR Ina Savenka

    :CAN Jasmin Duehring

    :CZE Jarmila Machacova

    :FRA Elise Delzenne

    :GBR Someone from Great Britain

    :JPNMinami Uwano

    :NOR Anita Yvonne Stenberg

    :RUS Gulnaz Badykova

    :USA Kimberly Geist

    :USA Sarah Hammer

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's 1000m Time Trial

    Day 5, April 16th, 2017


    :AUS Matthew Glaetzer

    :CZE Tomas Babek

    :FRA Someone from France

    :GER Joachim Eilers

    :GBR Callum Skinner

    :JPNYoshitaku Nagasako

    :MAS Azizul Awang

    :NED Someone from Netherlands

    :NZL Someone from New Zealand

    :POL Krzysztof Maksel

    :RUS Denis Dmitriev

    :WHT Any Other

    Men's Madison

    Day 5, April 16th, 2017


    :BEL Belgium

    :DEN Denmark

    :FRA France

    :GBR Great Britain

    :IRL Ireland

    :ITA Italy

    :NZL New Zealand

    :POL Poland

    :ESP Spain

    :WHT Any Other


    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here


    Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

    "There are things that are uncertain for us, things more or less probable,

    and we seek to compensate for the impossibility of knowing them

    by determining their different degrees of likelihood.

    So it was that we owe to the weakness of the human mind one of the most delicate

    and ingenious of mathematical theories, the science of chance or probability."



    Competition Details
    City :HKG Hong Kong  :HKG
    Start Date April 12th, 2017
    End Date April 16th, 2017
    Participants 20
    Gold :ITA Henry_Leon :ITA
    Silver :ALG bestmen :ALG
    Bronze :ITA Dunadan :ITA







    In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

    • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
    • Copy the selected content
    • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
    • Paste the copied content ( When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
    • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
    • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





    For this Prediction Contest you are predicting medal winners for each event of the Prediction Design.

    To do that, you have to write or Copy/Paste the names of Athletes/Nations from the Column named Athletes in appropriateCells for each Event. Write or Copy/Paste one name you predict to be a Gold Medal winner in adequate Cell, and do the same for Silver Medal winner and Bronze Medal winner as well. Do the same for each Event of the Prediction Design.




    Event and Date Gold Medal Winner Silver Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner Athletes

    Women's Scratch Race

    Day 1, April 12th, 2017

    :USA Sarah Hammer :NED Kirsten Wild :ITA Rachele Barbieri

    :AUS Amy Cure

    :AUT Verena Eberhardt

    :BEL Jolien D'Hoore

    :CAN Stephanie Roorda

    :CZE Jarmila Machacova

    :GBR Elinor Barker

    :ITA Rachele Barbieri

    :NED Kirsten Wild

    :RUS Evegeniya Romanyuta

    :USA Sarah Hammer

    :WHT Any Other


    Points will be awarded as follows:

    - For right predicted Gold Medal Winner - 4 points.
    - For right predicted Silver Medal Winner - 3 points.
    - For right predicted Bronze Medal Winner - 2 points.
    - For right predicted Athlete/Nation but wrong place/medal - 1 point.
    - Bonus points: 1 bonus point will awarded to predictor who predicted all medalists correctly, regardless of the order (1-2-3, 1-3-2, 2-1-3, 2-3-1, 3-2-1, 3-1-2).

    If you (by mistake or on purpose) picked two or more Athletes/Nations for the same place in one event, and if the total number of picked Athletes (options) for that event isn't over three, you'll get exactly 1 Point for each of them NO MATTER WHICH POSITION (and one bonus Point if you predicted all top 3 Athletes/Nations). If the total number of pickedAthletes/Nations in one event is over three, you'll not get any Points for Athletes/Nations picked for the same position. 

    The first physical medal presentation is binding. If, for some reason no medals are presented for an event during the Games, this event will be eliminated in this contest.




    Event and Date Gold Medal Winner Silver Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner Athletes

    Women's Scratch Race

    Day 1, April 12th, 2017

    :USA Sarah Hammer :NED Kirsten Wild :ITA Rachele Barbieri

    :AUS Amy Cure

    :AUT Verena Eberhardt

    :BEL Jolien D'Hoore

    :CAN Stephanie Roorda

    :CZE Jarmila Machacova

    :GBR Elinor Barker

    :ITA Rachele Barbieri

    :NED Kirsten Wild

    :RUS Evegeniya Romanyuta

    :USA Sarah Hammer

    :WHT Any Other



    1. Sarah Hammer - 4 Points

    2. Kirsten Wild - 3 Points

    3. Rachele Barbieri - 2 Points

    Bonus Points: - 1 Point

    Your Total: 10 Points


    1. Sarah Hammer - 4 Points

    2. Rachele Barbieri - 1 Point

    3. Kirsten Wild - 1 Point

    Bonus Points: - 1 Point

    Your Total: 7 Points


    1. Sarah Hammer - 4 Points

    2. Amy Cure - 0 Points

    3. Kirsten Wild - 1 Point

    Bonus Points: - 0 Points

    Your Total: 5 Points


    1. Sarah Hammer - 4 Points

    2. Any Other - 0 Points

    3. Amy Cure - 0 Point

    Bonus Points: - 0 Points

    Your Total: 4 Points


    TB Rules

    If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

    Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of correct Gold Medal Winners will be compared, then number of Silver Medal Winners and at the end number of Bronze Medal Winners. If players are still tied, answer on TB question will be taken into consideration. Contestant with closer answer on the question wins the Tie-Break.



    Contestant 1: 6x10, 12x4, 10x3, 7x2

    Contestant 2: 6x10, 12x4, 8x3, 8x2

    Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


    Contestant with most points wins the competition.


    The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Events.


    You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the Events you predicted AND which haven't started. 

    In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first Event  (HEATS ARE INCLUDED!!!) of the Championships - April 12th, h. 15:00 (GMT +8).


    If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



    You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Event of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Event of the Prediction Contest.


    You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first event of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished events and the events that have started (heats included). Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


    If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


    If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send you predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, 1 - Hammer, 2 - Wild, 3 - Barbieri, means Hammer wins gold medal, Wild silver and Barbieri bronze. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


    Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



    You don't have permission to view this hidden content



    If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.


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