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Posts posted by tuniscof

  1. 2017PC12.png

    Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

    "There are things that are uncertain for us, things more or less probable,

    and we seek to compensate for the impossibility of knowing them

    by determining their different degrees of likelihood.

    So it was that we owe to the weakness of the human mind one of the most delicate

    and ingenious of mathematical theories, the science of chance or probability."



    Competition Details
    City :RUS Various Cities :RUS
    Start Date June 17th, 2017
    End Date July 2nd, 2017
    Participants 33
    Gold :ROU  ady48  :ROU
    Silver :ROU  africaboy  :ROU
    Bronze :SLO  mihamiha  :SLO







    In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

    • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
    • Copy the selected content
    • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
    • Paste the copied content ( When infromation "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
    • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
    • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





    For this Prediction Contest you are predicting the result (win of either team or draw) for each match.

    To do that, you have to write in the empty Cells the number of goals each team will score in that particular match. If your prediction is that Team 1 is going to score 3 goals, you should type that number in appropriate Cell of T1 Column. If your prediction is that Team 2 is going to score 1 goal, then type that number in appropriate Cell of T2 Column. From the Quarterfinals onward, result at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out) will count as final result.



    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 17th 2017, h. 18:00, Krestovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg Russia :RUS 3 1 :NZL New Zealand
    June 18th 2017, h. 18:00, Kazan Arena, Kazan Portugal :POR 1 1 :MEX Mexico


    Points will be awarded as follows:

    - Right predicted outcome (winner or draw) + right score at the end of the regular time (at the end of the overtime/before penalties/ from quarterfinals onward) - 5 points.
    - Right predicted winner + wrong score but right goal difference - 4 points.
    - Right predicted draw but wrong score and right predicted winner + wrong score and wrong goal difference but right number of scored goals for Team 1 or Team 2 - 3 points.
    - Right predicted winner + wrong score + wrong goal difference + wrong number of scored goals for both teams - 2 points.
    - Wrong predicted outcome (winner of draw) but right number of scored goals for Team 1 or Team 2 - 1 point.
    - Wrong predicted outcome (winner of draw) and wrong number of scored goals for both teams - 0 points.



    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 17th 2017, h. 18:00, Krestovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg Russia :RUS 3 1 :NZL New Zealand


    If Russia wins 3-1, you get 5 points
    If Russia wins 4-2 or 5-3 or 6-4..., you get 4 points (right winner and goal difference)
    If Russia wins 4-1 or 3-0 or 2-1 or 10-1..., you get 3 points (right winner, wrong goal difference, right number of goals for one of the teams)
    If Russia wins 1-0 or 5-2 or 8-3..., you get 2 points (right winner, wrong goal difference, wrong number of goals for both teams)
    If New Zealand wins 4-3 or 5-3 or 6-3... or if match ends 1-1 or 3-3, you get 1 point (wrong outcome, right number of goals for one of the teams)
    If New Zealand wins and Russia score more or less than 3 goals or if match ends with draw but not 1-1 or 3-3, you get 0 point (wrong outcome and wrong number of goals for both teams)


    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 18th 2017, h. 18:00, Kazan Arena, Kazan Portugal :POR 1 1 :MEX Mexico


    If match ends 1-1, you get 5 points
    If match ends with draw but not 1-1, you get 3 points
    If match ends with winner and one of the teams scores exactly one goal, you get 1 point
    If match ends with winner and both of the teams score more or less than exactly one goal, you get 0 points


    In the Knockout Round, points will be multiplied by:

    • In the Semifinals, points will be multiplied by 1.5
    • In the Medal Matches, points will be multiplied by 2


    TB Rules

    If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

    Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of second best scores will be compared, then number of third best results and so on.



    Contestant 1: 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3

    Contestant 2: 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2

    Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


    Contestant with most points wins the competition.


    The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


    You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

    In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Championship - June 17th, h. 18:00 (GMT +3).


    If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



    You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


    You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


    If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


    If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send you predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, POR 2 1 MEX or POR 2 MEX 1 means Portugal beats Mexico by 2-1. POR 2 MEX means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


    Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



    You don't have permission to view this hidden content



    If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.

  2. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.






    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]


    Preliminary Round

    June 16th - June 19th, 2017

    16 Nations, 4 Groups, 1st Nation, from each Group will qualify for Quarterfinals  2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for Play-off Round


    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 16th 2017, h. 18:00, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Ukraine :UKR     :CZE Czech Republic
    June 16th 2017, h. 20:30, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Hungary :HUN     :ESP Spain
    June 17th 2017, h. 15:00, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Spain :ESP     :UKR Ukraine
    June 17th 2017, h. 18:00, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Czech Republic :CZE     :HUN Hungary
    June 19th 2017, h. 12:30, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Hungary :HUN     :UKR Ukraine 
    June 19th 2017, h. 18:00, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Czech Republic :CZE     :ESP Spain



    Group B

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 16th 2017, h. 12:30, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Belarus :BLR     :ITA Italy
    June 16th 2017, h. 15:00, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Turkey :TUR     :SVK Slovakia
    June 17th 2017, h. 12:30, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Slovakia :SVK     :BLR Belarus
    June 17th 2017, h. 20:30, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Italy :ITA     :TUR Turkey
    June 19th 2017, h. 15:00, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Belarus :BLR     :TUR Turkey
    June 19th 2017, h. 20:30, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Slovakia :SVK     :ITA Italy



    Group C

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 16th 2017, h. 18:00, Kralovka Arena, Prague Serbia :SRB     :GRE Greece
    June 16th 2017, h. 20:30, Kralovka Arena, Prague Slovenia :SLO     :FRA France
    June 17th 2017, h. 18:00, Kralovka Arena, Prague Greece :GRE     :SLO Slovenia
    June 17th 2017, h. 20:30, Kralovka Arena, Prague France :FRA     :SRB Serbia
    June 19th 2017, h. 15:00, Kralovka Arena, Prague Serbia :SRB     :SLO Slovenia
    June 19th 2017, h. 20:30, Kralovka Arena, Prague France :FRA     :GRE Greece



    Group D

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 19th 2017, h. 12:30, Kralovka Arena, Prague Belgium :BEL     :MNE Montenegro
    June 19th 2017, h. 15:00, Kralovka Arena, Prague Latvia :LAT     :RUS Russia
    June 19th 2017, h. 12:30, Kralovka Arena, Prague Montenegro :MNE     :LAT Latvia
    June 19th 2017, h. 15:00, Kralovka Arena, Prague Russia :RUS     :BEL Belgium
    June 19th 2017, h. 12:30, Kralovka Arena, Prague Latvia :LAT     :BEL Belgium
    June 19th 2017, h. 18:00, Kralovka Arena, Prague Montenegro :MNE     :RUS Russia


    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here

  3. 2017PC11.png

    Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

    You don't need to be an expert to take part in a Prediction Contest. 

    If a mistake penalizes you, always keep in mind that everyone is in good faith.



    Competition Details
    City :CZE Various Cities :CZE
    Start Date June 16th, 2017
    End Date June 25th, 2017
    Participants 23
    Gold :ITA Pablita :ITA
    Silver :NED heywoodu :NED
    Bronze :ITA SteveParker :ITA







    In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

    • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
    • Copy the selected content
    • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
    • Paste the copied content ( When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
    • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
    • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





    For this Prediction Contest you are predicting points difference for each match. Every match ends with a winner (there are no ties, draws).

    To do that, you have to write in empty Cell a number - points difference for particular match. If your prediction is that Team 1 is going to win, you should type points difference in appropriate Cell of T1 Column. If your prediction is that Team 2 is going to win, then type points difference in appropriate Cell of T2 Column.



    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 16th 2017, h. 18:00, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Ukraine :UKR   5 :CZE Czech Republic
    June 16th 2017, h. 20:30, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Hungary :HUN 3   :ESP Spain


    Scoring system: Basic number of points is 10

    If you predict right winner for a match, you will get 10 points regardless of the goal difference.

    If your prediction is perfect (correct winner + correct goal difference) you will earn 10+20=30 points.

    Depending on difference between your prediction and actual result, earned points will differ.




    Group A

    Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
    June 16th 2017, h. 18:00, Zimní stadion Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové Ukraine :UKR   5 :CZE Czech Republic


    If Czech Republic wins by 10, you will earn 25 points [10 pts for correct winner + 15 pt for points difference: (20-5)]

    If Czech Republic wins by 5, you will earn 30 points [10 pts for correct winner + 20 pts for points difference]

    If Czech Republic wins by 30, you will earn 10 points [10 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for points difference: (20-25) - no negative points]

    If Ukraine wins by 1, you will earn 14 points [0 pts for correct winner + 14 pts for points difference: (20-6)]

    If Ukraine wins by 15 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for points difference: (20-20)]


    In the Knockout Round, points will be multiplied by:

    • In the Play-off Round, points will be multiplied by 1.25
    • In the Quarterfinals, points will be multiplied by 1.5
    • In the Semifinals, points will be multiplied by 1.75
    • In the Medal Matches, points will be multiplied by 2



    TB Rules

    If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

    Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of second best scores will be compared, then number of third best results and so on.



    Contestant 1: 3x30, 2x29, 2x28, 2x27

    Contestant 2: 3x30, 2x29, 2x28, 1x27

    Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


    Contestant with most points wins the competition.


    The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


    You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

    In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Tournament - June 16th, h. 12:30 (GMT +2).


    If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



    You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


    You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


    If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


    If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send you predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, HUN - ESP 3 means Spain beats Hungary by 3. HUN 2 ESP means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


    Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



    You don't have permission to view this hidden content



    If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.

  4. il y a 21 minutes, LDOG a déclaré:

    I predict Saudi Arabia will beat UAE but lose to Japan at home, thus going to play-off (Australia will smash Thailand at home). In the other group, if Korea fire their coach now then they will beat (or draw) Uzbekistan and/or Iran and qualify. If they don't fire him, then they will end up in the play-off...


    I hope Uzbekistan qualify directly cuz they play good :) and weren't lucky in the play-off in 2006 and 2014.

    A play-off Korea - Saudi Arabia will be interesting :mumble:. and the winner will have big chances against CONCACAF fourth team (probably Panama or Honduras)

    Iran totally deserved their qualification 8-0 in 8 games wow :hatoff: I hope they would show the same style in the world cup finals.




    Final Standing available here







    Romanian flag on a flag pole gif animation





    Italian flag on a flag pole gif animation





    :champion: Dunadan:champion:



    Romanian flag on a flag pole gif animation








    Congratulations to our French Open prediction contest winner and it's another win in a row for Dunadan !!  
    Congratulations @Dunadan ! Congratulations team
    :ITA  Italy for fourth Gold in last five contests :clap:!

    Our champion Beginning in 3rd place on the opening day, our new champion @Dunadan was always in top 5 during the first third of the contest before leading the contests from Day 6 until the end and never been worse than second placed !
    It's a totally deserved win

    Congratulations once again @Dunadan for his second gold medal, third overall for him and 9th for :ITA ITALY :champion: 


    On the second step of the podium there he is our Romanian @ady48 who almost didn't leave the top 10 ; progressing through the contest from 8th to 6th to 4th place which he kept from Day 9 to Day 12 before jumping to top two on last three days.

    Congratulations to our Silver Medalist @ady48 for his first silver medal, 4th overall and 5th for :ROU  ROMANIA ! :hatoff:


    On the third step of the podium it's our second Romanian @africaboy who has almost been on every top 3 all contest long.

    Congratulation to Our Bronze Medalist @africaboy for his first bronze medal, second overall and 6th for :ROU  ROMANIA ! :hatoff:


    Good tournament also for @Pablita and @heywoodu and @Henry_Leon who weren't that far from getting the bronze.


    Best represented teams in top 10 : Team :ITA  Italy with 3 players in top 6 @Dunadan (1st) @Pablita (4th) and @Henry_Leon (6th) and :ROURomania with two top 3 players @ady48 (2nd) and @africaboy (3rd) and Croatia with two players in top 10 @dcro (7th) and @Crolympic (10th) were the best represented teams among top 10 with 2 players each.


    We should not forget to congratulate @Pablita for making the 10 perfect picks ;) .


    I hope you enjoyed the first tennis contest for this year.


    Good luck and see you soon! 



    Now please stand up for the national anthem of Italy !


  6. Final Standing


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 TB
    1 Dunadan :ITA 464 24 41 31 38 38 52 16 48 40 0 46 22 40 0 28  
    2 ady48 :ROU 461 23 40 30 38 34 48 20 40 40 6 38 30 40 14 20  
    3 africaboy :ROU 454 24 42 32 38 36 48 16 40 32 16 38 34 24 10 24  
    4 Pablita :ITA 447 24 42 31 38 38 32 20 40 40 0 46 26 36 14 20  
    5 heywoodu :NED 440 19 41 32 42 38 48 16 32 32 0 46 18 24 24 28  
    6 Henry_Leon :ITA 439 20 36 33 40 40 44 24 44 48 0 54 12 16 0 28  
    7 dcro :CRO 437 24 36 31 34 38 36 24 48 40 0 38 22 28 14 24  
    8 bestmen :ALG 432 18 35 25 40 38 32 20 40 32 16 28 26 44 28 10  
    9 rybak :POL 429 22 43 30 42 36 40 20 48 32 0 38 30 28 0 20  
    10 Crolympic :CRO 427 19 38 28 38 36 36 20 40 48 0 42 26 8 24 24  
    11 vinipereira :BRA 423 23 35 29 40 36 44 20 40 32 6 34 38 8 14 24  
    12 Federer91 :BUL 422 23 40 27 36 32 40 20 48 32 0 48 20 28 0 28  
    13 hckosice :SVK 421 17 37 31 36 34 36 16 48 48 0 38 22 20 14 24 PP:6
    14 CiroMennella99 :ITA 421 20 36 31 36 36 32 20 48 40 0 48 22 32 0 20 PP:4
    15 stamura84* :ITA 418 23 42 29 44 32 40 12 40 32 12 22 16 36 10 28  
    16 LDOG :ARG 416 19 38 29 40 40 32 8 44 24 0 42 38 28 10 24  
    17 Ufilov :POL 399 26 40 29 34 26 28 12 48 32 6 46 10 24 10 28  
    18 tuniscof :TUN 390 24 37 33 36 36 32 16 36 40 6 44 18 8 14 10  
    19 vlad :ROU 382 22 33 25 38 32 36 20 36 24 0 42 22 28 0 24  
    20 SteveParker :ITA 372 20 38 28 32 30 40 24 40 40 0 38 22 20 0 0 PP:4
    21 NikolaB :SRB 372 20 36 32 32 38 36 16 44 32 10 18 20 24 14 0 PP:3;CW:6;4RW:7;3RW:18
    22 Ruslan :KAZ 372 25 37 30 38 34 40 12 48 24 0 38 - 36 0 10 PP:3;CW:6;4RW:7;3RW:17
    23 sounak :IND 308 - - - 42 42 44 24 40 40 6 36 22 12 0 0  



    01: 1st Round, May 28th

    02: 1st Round, May 29th

    03: 1st Round, May 30th

    04: 2nd Round, May 31st

    05: 2nd Round, June 1st

    06: 3rd Round, June 2nd

    07: 3rd Round, June 3rd

    08: 4th Round, June 4th

    09: 4th Round, June 5th

    10: Singles Quarterfinals , June 6th

    11: Singles Quarterfinals, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, June 7th

    12: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Doubles Semifinals, Mixed Doubles Final, June 8th

    13: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, June 9th

    14: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, June 10th

    15: Women's Doubles Final, Men's Singles Final, June 11th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  7. Provisional Standing after Day 14


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 TB
    1 ady48 :ROU 441 23 40 30 38 34 48 20 40 40 6 38 30 40 14    
    2 Dunadan :ITA 436 24 41 31 38 38 52 16 48 40 0 46 22 40 0    
    3 africaboy :ROU 430 24 42 32 38 36 48 16 40 32 16 38 34 24 10    
    4 Pablita :ITA 427 24 42 31 38 38 32 20 40 40 0 46 26 36 14    
    5 bestmen :ALG 422 18 35 25 40 38 32 20 40 32 16 28 26 44 28    
    6 dcro :CRO 413 24 36 31 34 38 36 24 48 40 0 38 22 28 14    
    7 heywoodu :NED 412 19 41 32 42 38 48 16 32 32 0 46 18 24 24    
    8 Henry_Leon :ITA 411 20 36 33 40 40 44 24 44 48 0 54 12 16 0    
    9 rybak :POL 409 22 43 30 42 36 40 20 48 32 0 38 30 28 0    
    10 Crolympic :CRO 403 19 38 28 38 36 36 20 40 48 0 42 26 8 24    
    11 CiroMennella99 :ITA 401 20 36 31 36 36 32 20 48 40 0 48 22 32 0    
    12 vinipereira :BRA 399 23 35 29 40 36 44 20 40 32 6 34 38 8 14    
    13 hckosice :SVK 397 17 37 31 36 34 36 16 48 48 0 38 22 20 14    
    14 Federer91 :BUL 394 23 40 27 36 32 40 20 48 32 0 48 20 28 0    
    15 LDOG :ARG 392 19 38 29 40 40 32 8 44 24 0 42 38 28 10    
    16 stamura84* :ITA 390 23 42 29 44 32 40 12 40 32 12 22 16 36 10    
    17 tuniscof :TUN 380 24 37 33 36 36 32 16 36 40 6 44 18 8 14    
    18 SteveParker :ITA 372 20 38 28 32 30 40 24 40 40 0 38 22 20 0    
    18 NikolaB :SRB 372 20 36 32 32 38 36 16 44 32 10 18 20 24 14    
    20 Ufilov :POL 371 26 40 29 34 26 28 12 48 32 6 46 10 24 10    
    21 Ruslan :KAZ 362 25 37 30 38 34 40 12 48 24 0 38 - 36 0    
    22 vlad :ROU 358 22 33 25 38 32 36 20 36 24 0 42 22 28 0    
    23 sounak :IND 308 - - - 42 42 44 24 40 40 6 36 22 12 0    



    01: 1st Round, May 28th

    02: 1st Round, May 29th

    03: 1st Round, May 30th

    04: 2nd Round, May 31st

    05: 2nd Round, June 1st

    06: 3rd Round, June 2nd

    07: 3rd Round, June 3rd

    08: 4th Round, June 4th

    09: 4th Round, June 5th

    10: Singles Quarterfinals , June 6th

    11: Singles Quarterfinals, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, June 7th

    12: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Doubles Semifinals, Mixed Doubles Final, June 8th

    13: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, June 9th

    14: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, June 10th

    15: Women's Doubles Final, Men's Singles Final, June 11th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  8. Provisional Standing after Day 13


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 TB
    1 Dunadan :ITA 436 24 41 31 38 38 52 16 48 40 0 46 22 40      
    2 ady48 :ROU 427 23 40 30 38 34 48 20 40 40 6 38 30 40      
    3 africaboy :ROU 420 24 42 32 38 36 48 16 40 32 16 38 34 24      
    4 Pablita :ITA 413 24 42 31 38 38 32 20 40 40 0 46 26 36      
    5 Henry_Leon :ITA 411 20 36 33 40 40 44 24 44 48 0 54 12 16      
    6 rybak :POL 409 22 43 30 42 36 40 20 48 32 0 38 30 28      
    7 CiroMennella99 :ITA 401 20 36 31 36 36 32 20 48 40 0 48 22 32      
    8 dcro :CRO 399 24 36 31 34 38 36 24 48 40 0 38 22 28      
    9 Federer91 :BUL 394 23 40 27 36 32 40 20 48 32 0 48 20 28      
    9 bestmen :ALG 394 18 35 25 40 38 32 20 40 32 16 28 26 44      
    11 heywoodu :NED 388 19 41 32 42 38 48 16 32 32 0 46 18 24      
    12 vinipereira :BRA 385 23 35 29 40 36 44 20 40 32 6 34 38 8      
    13 hckosice :SVK 383 17 37 31 36 34 36 16 48 48 0 38 22 20      
    14 LDOG :ARG 382 19 38 29 40 40 32 8 44 24 0 42 38 28      
    15 stamura84* :ITA 380 23 42 29 44 32 40 12 40 32 12 22 16 36      
    16 Crolympic :CRO 379 19 38 28 38 36 36 20 40 48 0 42 26 8      
    17 SteveParker :ITA 372 20 38 28 32 30 40 24 40 40 0 38 22 20      
    18 tuniscof :TUN 366 24 37 33 36 36 32 16 36 40 6 44 18 8      
    19 Ruslan :KAZ 362 25 37 30 38 34 40 12 48 24 0 38 - 36      
    20 Ufilov :POL 361 26 40 29 34 26 28 12 48 32 6 46 10 24      
    21 NikolaB :SRB 358 20 36 32 32 38 36 16 44 32 10 18 20 24      
    21 vlad :ROU 358 22 33 25 38 32 36 20 36 24 0 42 22 28      
    23 sounak :IND 308 - - - 42 42 44 24 40 40 6 36 22 12      



    01: 1st Round, May 28th

    02: 1st Round, May 29th

    03: 1st Round, May 30th

    04: 2nd Round, May 31st

    05: 2nd Round, June 1st

    06: 3rd Round, June 2nd

    07: 3rd Round, June 3rd

    08: 4th Round, June 4th

    09: 4th Round, June 5th

    10: Singles Quarterfinals , June 6th

    11: Singles Quarterfinals, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, June 7th

    12: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's Doubles Semifinals, Mixed Doubles Final, June 8th

    13: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, June 9th

    14: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, June 10th

    15: Women's Doubles Final, Men's Singles Final, June 11th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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    Men's Singles Final

    Central European Summer Time (GMT +2)

    Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
    June 11th 2017, h. 15:30, Court Philippe-Chatrier, Paris [4] Rafael Nadal :ESP     :SUI Stan Wawrinka [3]



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    Women's Doubles Final

    Central European Summer Time (GMT +2)

    Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
    June 11th 2017, h. 11:30, Court Philippe-Chatrier, Paris

    [1] Bethanie Mattek-Sands :USA

    [1] Lucie Safarova :CZE


    :AUS Ashleigh Barty

    :AUS Casey Dellacqua


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  11. Il y a 17 heures , NikolaB a déclaré:

    @tuniscof My points are not good. I got 10 points on day 10 and you count only 6 on last two tables.  I got 44 in round 8 (not 36) and 32 in round 9 (not 40). So in general after 12 rounds I got 360 points (not 334) 




    It's correct for Day 10 you have 10 points and in Day 12 you have 20 points but for Day 11 there has been a mistake when i transferred the points because you have only 18 points (you can check your predictions if you want ;) ) btw  how you could have got 44 points :p ?  

    and next time please for any complaint from anyone first check your predictions then contact me on Private Message for any eventual mistake 



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    Men's Doubles Final

    Central European Summer Time (GMT +2)

    Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
    June 10th 2017, h. TBD, Court Philippe-Chatrier, Paris

    Ryan Harrison :USA

    Michael Venus :NZL


    :MEX Santiago Gonzalez

    :USA Donald Young



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    Women's Singles Final

    Central European Summer Time (GMT +2)

    Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
    June 10th 2017, h. 15:00, Court Philippe-Chatrier, Paris Jelena Ostapenko :LAT     :ROU Simona Halep [3]


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