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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Yep, and they do genuinely seem to be close friends, so that helps in always pushing each other to the limits
  2. Klaver is of course super happy in her interview, she said she finished being happy with silver "and then to tell Femke about her world record, because of course she had no clue what was going on as per usual"
  3. In such a short event, where it's about hundredths of seconds, unbelievable. And what makes it better is that he always comes across as a super nice and friendly guy and not one of those typical testosteron bombs Dutch hurdler Job Geerds said in the call room before the semis he talked to Holloway for a bit (big deal, because Geerds is super new to all of this) and he's a massively down to earth and nice guy
  4. Holloway is such a monster This kind of margin in 60 (!) meters is insane.
  5. Yeah, I'll skip that replay of the stream...
  6. Chevrier? Edit: did a quick Twitter search, seems like I missed that in the broadcast (luckily)....damn
  7. Kerr First non-Ethiopian winner in over a decade
  8. Is there a Lithuanian version of Thierry Baudet or Salvini or Le Pen or some unfortunate like that they accidentally gave the athletics commentary to?
  9. Alfred's heat looked more convincing than her semi.
  10. TV directors apparently forgot the existence of field events, as per usual.
  11. If at some point he wins everything, and silver is an actual disappointment...yeah
  12. Like Max Verstappen in Formula 1: I can not describe how epic of a moment in Dutch sports history it was when he first won a race, that was batshit crazy and even football fans in a top level match were chanting his name all of a sudden during a match when his win became known there. Now it's just normal and it is either normal (when he wins) or disappointing (when he doesn't) Dominance in any sport sucks
  13. Not really a matter of allowing it or not. You're allowed to run under protest, which generally results in a DQ anyway.
  14. Yeah, life isn't going to be easy if in both your home countries you're in serious danger of an opressive agressor as neighbour..
  15. Kopecky wins the Strade Bianchi. Disastrous racing from Elisa Longo's amazing how someone can be in the world of pro cycling for this long and still just not understand the very basics of the tactical game....she just simply gave the win to Kopecky
  16. Right, I think my list is finalized after switching the top-3 around like a hundred times (and those behind it quite a few times as well). Now let's see which songs are of which nations Excellent overall quality, often I struggle a bit to find 12 songs I do want to give points, but now there's roughly 20 songs I've had in my top-12 at one point or another...
  17. For the running events this is fine enough though, don't need to log in: For the field events, you'll need the login indeed.
  18. Well yeah, definitely, although I think they should have DQ'ed both (which would suck because like I said, I hate that rule, but still..)
  19. "Fair play to the officials, they have certainly shown discretion", talking about the false starts not resulting in DQ's. I mean, personally I find it great, because I absolutely hate the rule where one false start is an immediate DQ, but...isn't a false start supposed to be a DQ? It either is or isn't a false start
  20. Two extra shots and still Murray and Kwaou-Mathey kept on running for two more hurdles
  21. Is that Dafne Schippers I'm hearing as co-commentator on the Eurovision stream?
  22. I believe it was a social media thing quite a few years ago where he absolutely went off ranting and cursing and yelling at everyone because some people didn't agree with some basic thing (it was nothing controversial, but he absolutely lost his shit ). Of course he deleted the whole thing the next day, tough guy as he is
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