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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Would have been nice to have at least one semi-surprising team in this list, too bad PSV was laughably awful
  2. No, I very much do not like Djokovic, but the heart reaction is simply because it's an awesome surprise: a player from outside the top-100 beating one of the players who always win the big events, I don't see how that isn't cool Same with the Grand Slams in the past eternity or so. The wins of Sinner, Alcaraz, Medvedev, Thiem were awesome, instead of always Djokovic, Nadal or Federer (and the hype that goes with it, that always goes along the lines of "wow, Nadal/Djokovic/Federer wins historic 532th Grand Slam title, he is for sure the GOAT!", year after know, media people, at some point it's just not special anymore).
  3. I hope that works out and we'll see a Slovak hockey team in LA 2028
  4. Wasn't there a whole internet page with a Murraymeter or something, ranging from all the way British to all the way Scottish, depending on his results? With the English of course claiming him as their God whenever he'd win, and dropping him like a Scottish stone when losing
  5. I would assume so, but aren't there some sports where world championships in/around Olympic years have a lot of top athletes passing on it? Nice to know, thanks! Don't think I'll be watching it when NOS shows it, because I just can't follow sailing, but who knows
  6. Huh, is this Olympic and is this a field of participants worthy of the Olympic competitions? Don't know these Dutch, but that sounds promising if so
  7. Weren't there sometimes 4-5 competitors in the year that Tongan oil guy who later bought his way into the Winter Olympics qualified in taekwondo?
  8. Gold for Mauritius in the men's road race, with a massively disappointing result for Eritrea, that only gets a bronze even though with Kudus, Mulubrhan and Arefayne they had three of the main gold medal favourites.
  9. So many global top-20 athletes not even qualifying is honestly more of a failure of the Olympic taekwondo format than a failure of, in this case, the Greeks...
  10. Roest didn't even come anywhere close, Stolz confirms the hype with 'ease'
  11. Ghiotto once again with a great 10k, destroying Nils van der Poel's TR
  12. Roest needs to make up 33.38 seconds on Stolz in the 10k I mean, with the race of his life it's possible, but yeah....not likely. Ghiotto will need the race of his life for bronze, I thought he'd be a bit closer...
  13. Out of curiousity I thought I'd check if there's nice betting options there, but other than Best Production Design, all of the 'Will win' options are the betting favourites as well, too bad
  14. Botn shoots clean, which means miracles exist, and he's pulling it onto the podium, kicking Laegreid out very much last minute
  15. And Roest, about his weird 5k, said he 'didnt dare follow Ghiotto'. Which is so unbelievable, he beat the man more than 10 times in 2 years and is by far the king of the 5k, he skates 6:05 with apparent ease in Heerenveen. How on earth doesn't he dare to follow Ghiotto? If it's a 10k, fine, Ghiotto is next-level there, but the 5k? Like former skater Erben Wennemars said on Dutch TV after the 5k: Roest let himself be pushed into a background role due to the massive Stolz hype, and he is riding like it. It was a 5k of someone who accepted defeat before he started.
  16. Miho Takagi is out, by the way. Not surprising, her coach was already very doubtful about it after the 500m
  17. Fillon Maillet apparently forgetting his penalty lap and throwing away a potential podium or even win with it
  18. Even though he already had a 6:20 (on sea level), and has a 13:17 Ghiotto will eat him alive on the 10k of course, Roest should normally do that as well, kind of the same for both on the 5k (but yeah, 16:14, good luck winning a lot on that)....but in the 500m alone Stolz wins like 40 10k seconds, and in the 1500 he'll destroy both as well
  19. 5k is done and Stolz has gone from one of the two main favourites for the gold to the one and only sky high top favourite
  20. Might result in the Olympics being cancelled.
  21. Wouldn't be surprised if they're aiming for a medal or two in the next Olympics.
  22. By the way, with this 5k Stolz has now passed Shani Davis and Sven Kramer in the Adelskalender, the alltime allround ranking. Only Roest is ahead now, but of course Stolz has a lot more to gain than Roest, who already has 6:02 and 12:35.
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