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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It's pretty good they do it, might save some lifes.
  2. Not only in the US. When it comes to attacks like Sri Lanka and the revenge bombing thwarted by the FBI, it's all over the world and it has been for years.
  3. I know the World Tour, most ProContinental and quite a lot of Continental teams. Rabobank doesn't exist, but if you're living 10 years ago, you might have a point
  4. Never heard of any of these teams, what level is this?
  5. They do, I just only know 'sprinklers' as those things on the ceiling pouring water down in case of fire In my home we actually have a watering system for the front lawn, pumping up groundwater and spreading it on the grass
  6. Aren't sprinklers supposed to be shooting down when stuff is on fire?
  7. People are virtually killing each other and what makes me more angry is posts being deleted. I have no soul.
  8. I am going to destroy your life until you die if you spoil the episode in this thread, by the way.
  9. Jesus Christ monkey balls, stop being such emotional ladies everyone
  10. Yeah, but so does she, sort of Maybe not in the extreme way of you and me, but if at all possible, she'd definitely stay home for the Olympics or regular competitions in sports like biathlon, among others
  11. This completely makes me think of dirty old men like (spoiler because Game of Thrones)
  12. @bestmen has a role in traditional Serbian weddings? I must say I did not expect that.
  13. I'm not sure if that's the normal situation here or not, but if our guests want to bring cakes (or anything tasty really), feel very welcome to do so About going to the church or wherever people get married: no idea, I think it depends on the people. Some probably want something old-fashioned because they like it, others prefer something newer
  14. As far as I know, there's no specific thing to eat at weddings. I mean, there's probably generally a cake but that's just because people like cakes As for myself, most likely I'm gonna get married in a church , assuming my current girlfriend ends up being my wife, but that's just because for her that's important and I don't care so I'm fine with whatever she wants
  15. Well it was incredibly cold. Antwan Tolhoek made a rather foolish mistake and didn't wear enough layers, so he had to leave the race early on because he got in trouble with the cold.
  16. Of course No reason for a happy day like this to be done in a way the couple doesn't want, they're the only two people it actually is about
  17. I think it's pretty straightforward here: those who want to get married in a church do, those who don't want that don't, and the party around it is done in the way the couple wants
  18. Brigid Kosgei wins the women's race in 2:18.20, the 9th fastest time in history.
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