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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Sure mate, @Sindo will pay. Tell us where the internet company is and let's go fuck 'm all.
  2. You need a Totallympics-paid gang, torches and pitchforks and all? Because we'll do it.
  3. It depends on exactly what we have. Everyone has their three voting posts so they can all be posted when needed? The only thing we wouldn't have is the standings scoreboard after every country? My suggestion would be to maybe fit in a few more 5 minute breaks after every few nations, so someone can post a calculated scoreboard and we continue.
  4. Secret trick: put an alarm 10 minutes before your voting time, vote, go back to sleep
  5. That would be quite something, on King's Day, the main national holiday
  6. Sometimes I do, because it's much easier there not to miss anything that's posted (since every thread has a title named after the actual news they're discussing), but I don't go there that often.
  7. Less than 5 hours to go, you'd better get a move on and go to bed.
  8. You might wanna spell his name right if you want to keep him that badly..
  9. Going to sleep the same way as last Friday: way too hyped and excited to actually fall asleep, let's gooooo
  10. Reminds me of Austria and 'Grüss Gott' ('Greet God') when for example you enter a store Even though I'm definitely not greeting a certain deity, but the person working there.
  11. I know right?! I wish I had never realized this, because now every time I hear/see that inside I'm like 'what the fuck' and thinking:
  12. Hello, I have a question In Dutch, we have the word 'gefeliciteerd', which would literally translate to 'congratulations' (and is used as such) but is also used for 'happy birthday' (we don't have a specific, literal way of saying 'happy birthday'). Now, there's this in my opinion weird thing where people congratulate each other when it's someone's birthday For example, today is my mom's birthday and some family told me 'gefeliciteerd with your mom', which is perfectly normal here, but since a few years I've started to realize this is fucking weird. Same thing two days ago when both my parents and sister said 'gefeliciteerd with your girlfriend' to me, although at least they did so jokingly knowing I find the whole thing excruciatingly weird. In short: is there any other country where people congratulate each other on the birthdays of other people?
  13. This morning a brain hemorrhage struck him (while still in artificial coma) and eventually killed him.
  14. That is awesome news! The 'it's happening tomorrow' thing, not the 'I'm gonna sleep' thing Goodnight
  15. At least they support actual hockey, there's that.
  16. These guys from Almere* come across as such 100% stereotypical 'hockey people' (students with rich backgrounds who care more about being seen and being popular than about actually accomplishing stuff ) *described by everyone not living in Almere as 'the number one city in which I wouldn't even want to be when I'm dead'
  17. At least the ASPIRE Academy is a pretty good thing for athletes I guess. I mean, in terms of ethics it sure beats representing Turkey for a bag of money even without ever setting foot there, or same thing but Bahrain And no, I'm not in love with Bahrain Without knowing the politics, for me it's all the same as Qatar, UAE, Saudi-Arabia: oil-rich countries buying all their stuff instead of coming up with their own cool stuff and athletes (and yes, I'm sure there are tons of interesting ancient things there, but that's definitely from long before the oil-rich part existed )
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