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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. And just 12 minutes ago on a Dutch forum someone posted the exact same stream with a message saying "For those interested, a SpaceX rocket is about to be launched in a few minutes"
  2. The cat-hat looks kinda afraid. Like, seriously afraid. As if someone is standing right there with a rifle aimed at it.
  3. When you apparently change your YT thumbnail after a while to announce your video got 30+ million views, you love yourself so much
  4. How about tangerine juice? Yeah, getting in the mood for Saturday
  5. No and by the way, that's known as a drink for old people
  6. Nope, I've tried coca cola (duh), tea, ouzo and caipirinha of those on the list
  7. But you posted it 2 or 3 days ago. The launch was most definitely not 2 or 3 days ago. Those channels just keep repeating the same launches over and over again in their 'live' stream No worries, it got me confused plenty of times as well
  8. Already cheering for the Netherlands at the women's World Cup, thanks
  9. Every region has and/or had religions where people were praying to rocks or cows or trees or monkeys or water or fire or anything
  10. To be fair, this does sound kind of 'Dutch': blooming much later, probably because for young athletes there's still a ton of people who keep telling them (and rightfully so in my opinion) they shouldn't go 100% for their sports career, but also make sure they've got some serious education to fall back on.
  11. Something from an unknown date (I assume the 1970 mentioned is wrong, since it's talking about events in the 90s and 00s, but with time travel technology one can never be too sure): It's about a triple Dutch champion retiring. It says she became Dutch champion in 2000 for the first time, winning all events, and a year later doing the same. However, KNGU (gymnastics federation) then decided to stop the whole rhythmic gymnastics national team to focus all resources in women's artistic gymnastics. Van Montfoort says her coach (a Bulgarian who was world champion herself) got fired and she had to go train at her local team. She and some others kept on going because the 2003 world champs were supposed to be held in the Netherlands, but eventually they retired.
  12. Since CL is a gazillion times bigger and more prestigious than EL, I'd say expect something a gazillion times bigger Interesting that they're struggling with PSV in the league, yet went unbeaten in a group with Bayern, Benfica and AEK and then kicked out Real Madrid and freaking Juventus both by deciding it in the away games
  13. That's all nice and well, it doesn't take away that players like him (or ten times worse, Neymar) spend half the time of a match crying about how unfair everyone is to them. He does something right and he sees himself as the absolute GOD, he does something that doesn't work out and starts crying about some player 60 meters away accidentally hurting him by looking at his feet or something. Ugh.
  14. For which you still have to train your brains out most of the time.
  15. That's how it works here, unlike rhythmic gymnastics, which apart from the obvious handful of diehards, just really nobody cares about or finds impressive or interesting to watch and mostly calls it a bunch of people throwing some hoops and ribbons around
  16. This week I learned one can start in qualifying and get to the semi's, so you never know
  17. Thanks. Well, true or not, I do like seeing a woman from Iran starting to compete in a 'new sport', so there's that
  18. I don't complain when people call things like "the white race is superior" (Coubertin's kind of ideas) racist You know, because it is.
  19. Not really, blatant racism - so loved by Coubertin - is still very much alive
  20. @MHSN Any media attention in Iran about Sadaf Khadem? I read she became the first Iranian woman ever to compete in boxing this week (in France), but now has cancelled her trip back to Iran........because she'd be arrested there either for boxing or for boxing without hijab (of course that's what media here is reporting, I'm hoping there's some nuance to this..)
  21. Cheering for underwater hockey, but booing e-sports, meh. If there is one multi-sports event where e-sports should/could have a legit place, it's the Asian Games.
  22. This confuses me so much. On one hand, changing the distribution to condoms made of a more environment-friendly material is of course good. On the other hand, using the term 'single-use condoms' is frightening. Does he mean they're now gonna hand out condoms you're supposed to wash out or something and use again? The fuck. Literally.
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