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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Better than a 35 year old winning the title in 10.60 You know, bright side and everything
  2. London marathon is about to start, with Eliud Kipchoge and - among others - 'Sir Mo'. Yes, that's what's on his bib. Ugh, ugh and another ugh.
  3. It's finished, the scoreboardposts have been deleted so only those present know the results.
  4. Watched the second episode of season 8 of Game of Thrones today and sweet lord, those were two awesome episodes Don't wanna mess up the fun for someone, so in a spoiler.
  5. How have you been overconfident? Isn't it the internet company messing everything up? That's just really not your fault. I mean, we could blame you for not moving to another country for TISC but that's a bit much I think.
  6. Not sure how to read this but I do think first time hosts should have a higher chance when there is a bid process
  7. And more serious: I'm not sure I'm a fan of all the team stuff, which to me is a bit like "we're bitching about the IOC/sports federations adding all kind of team events and then we go on and add a team event to TISC", but I do like that the Grand Final itself takes almost a full day. Much better than having the whole thing done and dusted within an hour or two.
  8. That's a little drastic, isn't it? "Son, how come you still have no children?" "Because a song contest on an online forum was postponed for a bit due to internet problems and so I cut off my balls. Obviously."
  9. I'm surprised posts about posts being deleted are not thrown away yet
  10. Yeah, we all really wanted to have the contest last week, but if it's not possible, it's not possible.
  11. How? Someone comes here to post votes, sees they're time is one hour later and they wait one hour
  12. Or @mrv86 could post an empty scoreboard if he can, and we can update it with the actual scores so he only has to post an empty one at the beginning and the final one at the end.
  13. It's 9.30 and she's 'already' sleeping? Dear Lord, you must be tired
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