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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I don't know where you are now but in the Netherlands we've been getting used to 8 months of summer, annoyingly I'm expecting the summer that started this week to once again last for half a year Followed by once again a bit long autumn and then, once again, about two and a half hours of winter. Also: King's Day in Amsterdam, I think it might come almost as close to hell for me as the one time I spent New Year's Eve in Amsterdam ("Let's go to Amsterdam! It'll be fun!", said my now ex-girlfriend....Worst. Idea. Ever.)
  2. Oh come on, like anyone who spends as many hours a week on an internet forum as we do is a party person
  3. That's something people knew as soon as the date was announced, I mean, we already know the dates for Easter and Christmas and Independence Days and King's Days for the next 10 years But yeah, internet problems on the other hand is something one just can't do anything about, sadly. Better postpone it a week than have a contest where a bad connection messed everything up Luckily I'm not much of a party person, so the national festivities and celebrations of 27 April are gonna be skipped by me anyway (even more so since it's in a weekend this year, and so I'll spend all the day watching sports ).
  4. Oh no No idea if I'll have time next weekend, today was such a perfect day (Easter weekend, so nothing going on basically). Too bad.
  5. Booooo! Clear your entire schedule for those minutes, you might post the deciding votes, it's the most important thing ever.
  6. Cheaters!! I smell cheaters! How dare you be friends. To think I gave points to Brazil..
  7. Do you have the popcorn ready yet @bestmen? Come on, let's get this party started!
  8. Congratulations, you have a normal mother
  9. Patrick Sercu (74) of Belgium, Olympic time trial champion in 1964, but arguably more impressive: winner of 88 (!!) Six Day Races.
  10. Only one night's sleep to go and tomorrow is not even a very much filled day of sports so that's awesome
  11. Beautiful! It must be amazing to be one of the few people to actually see it like that (hopefully before they close it back up and leave it alone).
  12. You mean my Brazilian girlfriend who spends 3 months a year in Europe and is definitely used to taking shoes off when entering a house?
  13. I like how it's brought as tradition when - at least here - it's just a matter of caring about it or not The few posts here in the past hour or so are already more than all the talk/discussion I've ever had about this in my entire life
  14. Interesting. Apart from setting down whatever I have in my hands when entering the door, it is literally the first thing I do (the second if I'm wearing a jacket)
  15. Yeah, but I mean, what's the advantage? Doesn't it just feel much more comfortable without shoes?
  16. Why would you wear shoes in your own home?
  17. Exactly. People are nice accepting you in their home and then you'd go in with your dirty shoes and mess up their nice floor, carpet, whatever? Booo.
  18. Nothing special here, apart from probably some extra church services for those interested Well and the shops close earlier, in my town (way more strictly Christian than the rest of the country) they close at 18:00 instead of 21:00 which is the normal time to close on Friday. It's also not a national holiday although quite a lot of people take the day off to have a 4-day weekend (since Monday, or 'Second Easter Day') is a national holiday Generally though: no, today is just a day as any other.
  19. Also, it's Good Friday. We should be much busier talking about people hanging on crosses.
  20. So does saying the side that resorts to physical violence is any less to blame than the side that's a pathetic and provoking attention whore who feels the need to burn other people's symbols. The whole 'they are more stupid, no they are more stupid' thing makes it sound like one of both sides is being even remotely reasonable. Which they're not.
  21. Yeah, that! Curious in a positive way though, I'd like arriving after a long travel and immediately be offered something to eat
  22. What I find more curious is the whole 'welcome to Slovakia, here's some bread and you. Will. Eat. It.'
  23. I'm pretty much used to doing that anyway, just because I'd find it terribly annoying if someone walks around with dirty shoes in my house, so it feels only normal to also make sure I don't do the exact same thing I hate to someone else
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