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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. So Mattias Nilsson has moved up as well?
  2. That's gonna be a festive Death Remembrance Day tomorrow.... I'm happy my voting isn't at 20.00, which is when the entire nation comes to a massive standstill (including trains and all) and remains silent for two minutes.
  3. who?.gif Never ever ever heard of the guy, not even in any kind of support role for the IBU Cup/Junior team a few years ago.
  4. That would still surprise me extremely little.
  5. That's actually the Dutch abbreviation for Under 18.
  6. Joking aside, I actually do find butterfly migrations an awesome sight, to bad we don't have it here.
  7. Cool! Are they flying past your kindergarten?
  8. Where she's going to go all-out from the very beginning for the first and last time, coming across the finish line flipping Coe off in 1:46.20 minutes.
  9. Something that's not clear to me yet: will Semenya get an official athletics ban, like dopers? Or can she not compete anymore specifically in 400, 800 and 1500 meters? And from when on? Because she's on tomorrow's Diamond League 800m start list in Doha. Also: really curious to see if she's going to attack the 200m now
  10. Then, much like the Paralympics, you end up with a gazillion events with two or three athletes kinda fighting against each other and the rest being 20 laps down in a 10 lap race. Look at Paralympic skiing: it's cool to have so many events in one sense, but half of them are decided by insane margins because only a tiny number of people fall in that category and an even tinier amount of those people are interested in that sport and again an even tinier amount of those people want to focus on that event.
  11. Like those that were forced to undergo extremely humiliating 'tests' to make sure they were women, in a time where racism was a lot more present than it is now? Come on, just accept that this is an extremely complicated case, on both sides, and there really isn't one single 'right' decision. It's sad for Semenya, it's not sad for human rights, or women's sports. There was no way any decision could be made to make everyone remotely happy.
  12. I just have to survive one and a half year longer without anyone here picking up a (potential) Olympian, come on..
  13. I know you're kidding, but yeah, Tour de Romandie is known as a pretty strong competition Nowadays for most Giro riders it's too close to the Giro, so the field is significantly less strong than it has been in other years, but with Roglic and Kruijswijk Jumbo-Visma (and Roglic specifically) should win the GC relatively easily Plus, it's World Tour. We can go left, right, high or low, but that's a high level. Unlike that one race in France with only some local teams.
  14. Tottenham idiots....letting Vertonghen continue after a hit to the head like that, disgusting to endanger someone's health like that.
  15. Excellent question Maybe they peak at the perfect moment or, much like the Dutch national team often does, they play much better against strong opponents
  16. Let's go Ajax I know it has to end at some point and yet another miracle is probably not gonna happen, but come on
  17. But the season of classics is more or less over, now it's GC time and so the eyes leave Van der Poel and go back on Dumoulin (and Roglic)
  18. Bangladesh is in serious trouble.
  19. Yes, noticed that in their recent head-to-head in the Gold Race.
  20. To be fair, one doesn't need to wear any kind of pin or ribbon. Or change their Facebook or Instagram status or something to a picture with a flag of the recent attacked country. By the way, spending 50-60% of the federal budget on defense isn't a good thing. At all..
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