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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I saw a video comparison of the epic 'Long live the King' the new one it just looks like a little bitchslap followed by Simba looking as if his phone fell down the toilet instead of his dad falling to his death.
  2. Understandable. Well if you don't need it, why bother (here it's extremely common to do all your little things - going to the supermarket/shops/friends etc - by bike), although it is really nice to go on a bike ride for a few hours in a quiet place and just relax
  3. Well yeah, if I drive my car 25 kilometers per hour and never faster, the engine won't really break neither
  4. That new Lion King I don't understand why they had to go and fuck up the 1994 movie, every single review I've read was bad and every trailer showed why: there's no emotion in these 'real' animals, at all.
  5. Never tried? And no, it's no offense, but as someone coming from a country where literally every child learns it before age 5 or something I'm always surprised to read when someone doesn't know how (although obviously it's easy to understand when one didn't learn it)
  6. Give up, you're never gonna make people who are so stuck in "everybody hates us" - like a ton of China fanboys who support every single Chinese athlete no matter what because Chinese flag next to their name - understand that.
  7. Since Thomas is by far the weakest of them, that'd be logical, yes. Of course all depending on how much Froome recovers.
  8. But instead, let's add monobob, which has 0 World Cup events, 0 European Tour events, 0 Asian Tour events, 0 World Championships events and so on.
  9. A point for the shitshow that has become Williams
  10. That just really depends on a billion factors
  11. Free money at the bookmakers for next year's Tour @126 and it ain't Higuita (though he's the real deal too)
  12. Average speed of 3 kilometers per hour, I swear I'd win gold there.
  13. I see she has finally made the step from Yugoslavia to Serbia
  14. Meh, timing shows it as it they're finished but they're not I guess.
  15. Forget sliding sports, if you do that there's literally only three possible hosts
  16. Neither do gang members but I'm not cheering for them either
  17. I'll push Bruna down the hill. Brazil: Nordic combined
  18. Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, USA, Canada: cross-country USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil and Chile: cross-country and biathlon
  19. This has caused SO MUCH stress and feelings of unfairness It's been changed a bit for the upcoming season, but for example last season athletes had a list of criteria and every one of them resulted in part of the season being paid. Problem is, the whole thing that had to be paid was supposed to be awesome, but sadly just was all (basic things like food were not even there, half the time the athletes didn't even have the option to have breakfast and/or lunch), there was no option at all to have a decent sort of rest since the freestyle skiing team stayed in the same place and was NOISY until way after midnight (when athletes want to actually rest) and so on. Just very basic things that were impossible there...try and improve in that kind of situation. About Chile: I have a feeling they'll improve their online presence within a few years, they're getting a much better national federation president (smart and relatively young guy)
  20. I have no idea, I've only been inside the Brazilian biathlon team of which she is definitely no part
  21. In my opinion the Brazilian champion should have competed here, but I guess the national championships were too close to Lima 2019 (one or two weeks ago). And she is the national champion from last year (because someone else had to walk/run an entire lap due to a flat tyre, but if you even mention that in the Brazilian MTB community everyone tries to kill you because how dare you say she might not be the superduper best? Noticed that in the livestream chat this month )
  22. Oh, yes. I am 100% sure she does. If I would get €0,05 for every time "only Brazilian ever in XX Olympics!" or "only Brazilian ever to compete in both Summer and Winter Olympics!" was mentioned in social media posts and articles, along with things like "best ever!!", I would have the money to host the Olympics in my backyard now.
  23. Edit: Never mind, I'll try to refrain on commenting and keep my blood from boiling
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