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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Right when the land of the brave was already almost 12 hours in a mass shooting-less streak!
  2. Just as a matter of clarification and a bit of nuance to an exaggerated statement like that: a rather extensive study showed white officers are not more likely to shoot minorities. Higher numbers of black people get shot by police in areas where crimes are more often committed by black people, whereas higher numbers of white people get shot by police in areas where crimes are more often committed by white people. Which makes perfect sense. Also:
  3. I'd be more than interested to cover something positive though, if you come across it
  4. Sounds perfect for someone who, a few years ago, tweeted about how embarassed he was Texas was only 2nd in the nation in new gun purchases, behind California, ending with "Let's pick up the pace Texans!". Seems someone did.
  5. Do they have international showjumping there as well? A few weeks ago we were cycling in the forests around my hometown, we got to Ermelo and suddenly passed this equestrian competition location. I think I had never been there before, but I kinda forgot how we got there
  6. Sure, understandable. However, this isn't about that, it's about authorities giving information and one might assume that information is as correct as it can be. Wait a day with reporting it and you won't find much of a reporting job.
  7. It's all nice and well that they (actual journalists) have that as 'rule', but I'm sure you understand there are situations where that's nonsense. When a mayor says "multiple people have been killed", it'd be rather stupid to wait 24 hours before reporting so.
  8. Not exactly I've seen/read you get angry or frustrated about anything from situations like this to athletes losing chances and careers because of the Iran-Israel bullcrap, so really don't sound like someone who supports the system
  9. If there's one country in the world that's known for succesfully fighting the water, it's the Netherlands. I'm not afraid (I am definitely worried for countries like Bangladesh though)
  10. Shooting in an El Paso Walmart, with reports going from 20+ wounded to 18 adults and 4 children dead. Unconfirmed though, also the 'multiple shooters' thing that's going around is all unconfirmed. It's clear though shit has hit the fan at the El Paso Walmart..
  11. Basically. I know there's this old, steady group of very strict Christians here (who in Dutch are called 'gereformeerden' or, by the rest, 'refo's'), mostly present in what's called the Bible Belt (a line running from southwest to roughly the center of the country). I also know both my sister and girlfriend - both are Christian - are more on the opposite side. Instead of having to wear all black and funeral-like clothes to church, they just wear whatever they want* and their church services generally have a 'happy'/celebratory tone instead of the deep, dark 'thou shalt repent' tone of the strict ones. *When they go to church, which they mostly don't, because what they believe is inside them and doesn't depend on whether or not they go to some building. Last but not least, I know there's Catholic (you know, the Pope's posse) and Orthodox this and that, but that's about it.
  12. That is exactly the one he mentioned No.
  13. Outside the Netherlands that's probably true. Within the Netherlands they are big enough for their political party to steadily get around 2% of the votes. They got 2% last time, they got 2,5% half a century ago and they got 2,5% a hundred years ago, it's maybe going down with 0,02% per election
  14. Gazillion groups with tiny differences between them who all call themselves Christian but with a different name in between it. Whatever you wanna call it, I don't care much for the terminology, I just know the group I meant is very strict and it's not the one you mentioned.
  15. Ok, wrong one then I have no idea about the gazillion different branches of Christianity or whichever religion, I just know the one I mean is really strict (at least for 'average' people). I know, because I live in one of the towns where they form the highest percentage of the population.
  16. And of course, right when this is being a hot topic, the first thing I see on another forum (right under a Formula 1 thread ) is this: Now, I don't know this website, I don't know much about this country and these laws and everything, so for the 16897th time I'd like to ask @MHSN a question about Iran As I said, I have no idea about this website and whether it's 'normal' or 'right wing' or something, so: is there some sort of nuance to all this they are missing, either on purpose or because they don't know?
  17. If only the main points in the article would be confirmed by an Indonesian for all to see here...oh wait, they already were.
  18. Nope, it's not Mennonites. It's rather complicated to translate these things right, but I think the Wikipedia page that comes closest to it (but not entirely 'hits' it) is this one: They do use cars and electricity and stuff like that, they have their own newspaper too (who's website - yes, it has one - is inaccessible on Sunday). In politics they don't really vote much for the general opinions of a party, they simply vote for the party that is literally the party made for their form of strict religion: This party generally gets pretty much the same number of votes every time, and luckily doesn't play much of a major role (except for in places like my hometown, where it's the biggest party). Earlier this year they/their leader (who apart from all this extreme nonsense actually seems like a friendly guy, so that's kinda sad) signed the disgusting and despicable Nashville Statement, to get a bit of an idea what kind of people these are.
  19. Like I said before, that is not the notable thing. The notable thing is how quickly a country went from relatively free to the complete opposite, at least in the eyes of a reporter doing his job. We can keep arguing about it, but I feel that's a bit senseless
  20. Yep. And to do so, they report on notable things, like I said. A country descending so far into religious oppression so quickly is notable, wherever it is.
  21. First World Tour race, first World Tour win. I believe he is now the second youngest winner ever of a big classic. Commentators here have gone quiet
  22. This is insane. He's just jumping away from the likes of Valverde on a 15% climb
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