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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. 3rd placed Moscon drops out of the group, what a shame.
  2. It definitely can. Not saying it will, but Schachmann has already shown this year he's capable of finishing this off.
  3. Those BORA-Germans are insane this year, holy smokes.
  4. heywoodu 1. Jos van Emden (35) - 35 2. Elia Viviani (2) - 37 3. Pascal Ackermann (3) - 40 4. Enrico Battaglin (44) - 84 5. Caleb Ewan (4) - 88 6. Diego Ulissi (30) - 118 7. Giulio Ciccone (31) - 149 8. Caleb Ewan
  5. Yeah, politics and religion are usually not very strictly handled in Dora the Explorer.
  6. Mount Baldy today A little under 50km to go and we have a lead group with, among others, Sagan (the mediocre one), and best-placed Hugo Houle.
  7. When I see that, I usually think about those that are great at sports but utterly stupid in terms of classes
  8. Are you one of those stereotypical US high school guys who are the best in sports, the smartest of everyone and the leader of the popular kids?
  9. That was the perfect example of being a strict rule follower.
  10. Says the person who tried to snitch an entry out of TAISC long after registration closed
  11. Who made those highlight videos? I'm watching and turning up the volume because the commentator's voices are turned down pretty soft, and then every single time they change period, it's 'BAM' coming out of my speakers
  12. I see it's apparently on Thursday here. Maybe, I haven't looked at which party wants what yet so it's still not possible to make a responsible decision
  13. That was supposed to be launched last night, but then they said it's postponed to next week.
  14. I have lost 5 liters of tears in the past hour
  15. And maybe even more important, his team won't have to control the race all the time and can save their energy
  16. heywoodu 1. Jos van Emden (35) - 35 2. Elia Viviani (2) - 37 3. Pascal Ackermann (3) - 40 4. Enrico Battaglin (44) - 84 5. Caleb Ewan (4) - 88 6. Diego Ulissi (30) - 118 7. Giulio Ciccone
  17. I would not exactly say that's the best thing (a good thing, sure, but I'm much more looking forward to Mount Baldy )
  18. And Ivan Garcia wins the sprint (in a small group), that was a cool stage
  19. Final kilometers for today already. Tim Declerq in the lead (but getting caught), Quick-Step is on fire these days. As always
  20. Apart from their football team depending on the presence of one specific player. Boooo.
  21. Norway and Switzerland are my favorites
  22. @Werloc would have represented Lithuania better than this dude.
  23. Whoops, Austria escaped from Tuesday..
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