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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Portugal's TAISC entry was a gazillion times better
  2. Those Estonian special effects @bestmen's GIF's are higher quality
  3. No, I didn't say it is Just that the 'romantic' view of 'it was fantastic, years ago' is a bit....exaggerated
  4. Anti-kinky? Dude, they were in full SM Most kinky act of the year
  5. 12 points for Iceland! 12 points for Iceland please!
  6. Eurovision is not kinky enough to allow people singing under the shower on stage.
  7. Belgium seems to focus on sending people with absolutely no feeling with the camera lately
  8. And Molano is out as well, because abnormal blood values.
  9. Belarus bought some props and fire, then asked what more they could buy to increase the show and thought, 'hey, props and fire....and more fire...and props'. Meh.
  10. Yeah, those years when Schumacher won, then Schumacher won, followed by Schumacher winning, after which Barrichello won was allowed to win because Schumacher had a problem...and then won, those times were super duper interesting!
  11. Unlike Poland, at least Russia had actual grandmas/old ladies in their grandma act
  12. The millions of fans would be my first guess.
  13. Yeah and Zandvoort is very much not urban, but there you go
  14. Interesting final though, climber Carapaz vs sprinter Ewan for the win within a few centimeters
  15. Thank you, Salvatore Puccio (the guy who started the crash that led to - among others - Dumoulin and half of Katusha having no chance whatsoever to avoid it).
  16. Pretty sure they still have contracts with them
  17. Nope, most likely this is going to replace Barcelona, where visitor numbers have dropped significantly without Alonso (or Alonso in a good car). Nowadays the Barcelona grandstands seem to be half filled with Dutch fans anyway
  18. I though you never had any sort of interest in F1 One can discuss whether it's a good track in terms of racing, but I definitely love the entire 'atmosphere' around the track. The dunes, the pictures so close to the sea (you leave the parking lot and are on the beach @hckosice ), it's just beautiful. I just hope the dunes won't be thrown down and replaced with grandstands, the dunes are part of what makes Zandvoort unique
  19. This is one of the more surprising things I've read this year
  20. Trouble in the Dutch men's league Sunday, 5th and deciding match of the final between reigning champion Lycurgus of Groningen and challengers Orion of Doetinchem. Lycurgus won the first two sets and at 25-24 an ace gave them the title.....until the referee decided the ball was out Not sure if the video works outside the Netherlands: Orion got the point, 25-25, and went on to hold on against 4 more match points in the same set, before turning it around and taking the win and the title in 14-16 final set. The Dutch federation has now said the referee's decision on match point was indeed wrong, but there is 0 chance of any replay.
  21. Pretty good idea. Much better than starting with World Cups out of the blue there...Pyeongchang's world championships still frighten me in terms of how few people were there. An Asia IBU Cup starting in Mount Hotham and then going to Japan/China/Korea/Kazakhstan, excellent Possibly even something in Mongolia, since they have a significant presence in the IBU Cup.
  22. Not the name I had in mind, but cool and thanks
  23. Who's the second girl behind Taynara? I have two names in mind but I thought they were significantly behind for now.
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