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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It's Evenepoel and Toms Skujins in the front. Which is kinda odd, usually Skujins is fantastic in the races in the US and terrible in the rest They're going very, very well though...11km to go, 40 seconds (it was 30 a while back).
  2. Clasica San Sebastian today, 16km to go and 8-year old Remco Evenepoel is in the lead.
  3. Not when it's a stand-alone thing. The whole point however is to show how incredibly much it descended towards this in only 10-15 years or so, which - especially considering how extreme it is - is rather notable. Reporting on notable issues is one of the main things newspapers tend to do.
  4. Not change, but report on. Understandably, since it's a rather significant/extreme descent.
  5. Thanks, that is terribly sad to read Personally I find this kind of extreme oppression worse than that of North Korea or something. "We believe in what book A says and so we have the right to beat and imprison anyone who does something that doesn't fit within what we believe."
  6. Big piece in a Dutch newspaper about gay people in Indonesia: In it it's talking about how, in 2003, gay/transgender/cross-dressing people were accepted in every day life, including being on many TV shows. The writer recalls being in Atjeh and watching a local volleyball match where everyone just cared about 'tim waria', 'Team Gay/Transgender'. In recent years under immense religious pressure, it has all gone away completely, and he found of all the people in that specific team, most just disappeared completely, he managed to only contact one of them, who in absolutely no way wanted to get interviewed out of fear of punishment. According to the article, since a few years ago it's even illegal for TV stations to show 'men showing female behaviour'. Also says something about two guys getting nearly a hundred cane beating hits as punishment for having sex, after they were 'caught in the act' (which in this case meant, other people broke into their bedroom while they were doing it and weirdly enough, the victims were punished and the criminals who broke into their room got away without trouble). The main thing of this piece is basically how 'the once happy Indonesia is being opressed more and more by religion'. Since we have an Indonesian here, I thought I'd ask how much of this is exaggerated and how much is true, because this whole piece made me really, really sad. Literally everything they mention that changed from 2003 to now is seriously fucked up... @Griff88 Not that it matters or should matter, but to prevent certain things: this newspaper is actually known as a pretty left and liberal one, not a Geert Wilders kind of paper.
  7. Athletics EAA Team European Championships 2nd League 2019 Varaždin (CRO) - 10 August 2019 - 11 August 2019 Official Website With your host, Bulgaria's one and only @Federer91! Game on!
  8. Or a shitload of stickers and I'll stick 'em everywhere, from the general areas to the Family Club (where the athletes and coaches eat, hello athletes on Totallympics )
  9. I have some IBU Cup bib numbers ('some' meaning 'a lot'), quite a few accreditations of a certain athlete and one with my own name and photo on it, would that count? We only need 7 more members then
  10. I don't want to search yet because spoilers, but do you know if it's possible to see yesterday's stuff for example on YouTube?
  11. And there they go, a Belgian town has started with the demolition of a 13th century grand piece of military architecture, a bridge that has to be destroyed in order for bigger ships (= more money) to pass through (video in the article)
  12. Sure, although it's terribly sad this still has to be considered news.
  13. That last lap of Van der Poel was (again) insane The way he completely, utterly destroyed Avancini....Mother of God, have mercy on our souls. Then again, those short track tracks are all just cyclo-cross tracks instead of really MTB tracks, which is of course completely perfect for him.
  14. Like in the World Cups, one of the many good reasons why sports climbing very much deserved to be Olympic. No dumb pay-walls (haha, walls) or stuff that's impossible to find, no, the whole season can be watched for free with excellent commentary on the single best streaming platform
  15. Yeah, but for some people every single detail like that is enough to come up with weird conspiracy theories leading to "9/11 was CIA's plan"
  16. And your conspiracy thing about him being a CIA agent does not come from TV, YouTube or some internet website?
  17. I heard he was an agent of the alien overlords from HW644978 in Galaxy X2336.
  18. The good Taliban is the one that only imprisons gay people instead of throwing them off buildings and only cuts off your hand instead of head, or what?
  19. Yeah that's probably not a 'mistake' or something, it's just that the strength usually changes quite a bit in the first hour or so when more and more measurements come in. The one I posted already went from 6.8 to 6.9 and back to 6.8 for example
  20. Around 20 minutes ago? Records now have it as around 6.8 but yeah, that's strong..
  21. The only way to have peace with the Taliban is to destroy every single one of them, it seems. Much like IS. And I didn't realize it was about the Middle East, since I didn't think Iran was part of the Middle East. Apparently Cyprus and Turkey are too (Turkey being less surprising, since not a lot of people see it as part of Europe but as part of Asia anyway). Another thing learned
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