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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Sure, someone who simply celebrates and keeps these things out of it doesn't have a big and bright enough mind. Ktnxbye
  2. Doesn't come close (for me) to goal celebrations where one simply runs up to his teammates, or jumps in the air with a fist pump or something, just sheer happiness without any kind of message or statement
  3. They may consider it revenge on Trump, it's just really not. It looks like a kind of "look at me, give me attention" kind of move instead of something actually useful.
  4. Yes, it can. First of all send every continental champion (so that part is over with) and then give all the other teams a worldwide OQT where the top-X qualifies.
  5. Exactly, and how did that end up?! I suggest you take a look @CCB
  6. Van der Poel is a freaking beast, unbelievable. The way he just completely destroys people on the climbs
  7. Are you entirely sure? Because that'd be insane Only 20 women in history have gone under 30:20 so I'm having a major case of
  8. Crows, ravens and that whole family (that lives all over the world) are awesome
  9. I don't think we have a 'Friendship Day'
  10. Once again, a study based on actual facts showed differently. The ethnicity that commits the highest number of crimes in a certain area has the highest risk to get shot and there's no noticeable difference between the ethnicity of the shooting officers - apart from the perfectly logical one, where the population numbers partially define how many officers of a certain ethnicity there are and how many people per ethnicity get shot. In other, slightly exaggerated words: it's like in DR Congo mostly black people get shot and in Siberia mostly white people get shot. Well, yeah.
  11. FFS. Luckily they're showing somebody surfing on a tiny wave without anything happening.
  12. Where can we see the men's race walk? First event I want to watch (apart from the women's MTB that was apparently unavailable to watch)
  13. Excellent race, although the excitement was mostly focused in the last part and the one attack Hamilton did. Simply the fastest won, there wasn't much doubt about it from the moment he made his stop.
  14. Plus it's so awesome to see Rissveds back on the podium after her bad, bad depression
  15. That Red Bull TV downhill commentator is both alright and extremely irritating. Greenland's win was entirely sure during the last guy's run, and he talked normally...until after the finish all of a sudden he went all AND IT'S ANOTHER BRITISH RIDER WHO TAKES HIS FIRST EVER WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as if it was a huge sensation at that moment. Ugh, commentators who can't get people's attention by what they say and so they have to yell Random rider at split 2: 10 seconds faster than the current leading time Same rider at split 3: 11 seconds faster --> Commentator: "AND OH MY GOD IT'S 11 SECONDS!!"
  16. Nah, he'll find it back very soon when living the rich life in Monaco
  17. What's the 'breeding' about? That always makes me sound as if it's not about regular competition, but about who is the best at breeding a good horse
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