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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I don't see anybody yet who could challenge San Marino.
  2. Moldova's sand art on screen was badly out of touch in terms of timing with her actual hands
  3. Idiot Kyrgios going at it again and being disqualified.
  4. You missed his sprint against Erik Zabel?
  5. So Vaughters is expecting Van Garderen to either fall way, way behind on Mount Baldy or utterly annihilate everyone there and arrive 15 minutes before the rest?
  6. Well yeah, but if there's 20 stages to go nobody has secured anything. There's 0 significant changes in terms of GC today
  7. Lol that 'sprint' between Conti and Masnada That was a worse bit of acting like you're really sprinting for it than Vinokourov/Uran in London Boring stage got a non-finish more or less, too bad, this profile had some good potential. And anyway, nice to see Androni take a win and cool to have Conti in pink.
  8. Graphics showing Molano* taking the main points on the climb *out of the Giro since a few days due to suspect blood values
  9. Fine too :d As long as banned athletes are counted as doping cases :p
  10. I could not care less from which country he is, but if someone is banned, that's a doping case
  11. But he is banned, isn't he? So in terms of doping statistics, it counts as +1 doping case for Italy.
  12. Not really. I might have heard of significant Polish presence throughout 1940-1945, but don't really remember it. There might be some 'oh right, I read about that' things though if I see them.
  13. If he's banned, it's a doping case Innocent or not, it still is a doping case.
  14. They are arguably bad, with this being a prime example, but not the worst. If they were the worst, for starters Iranians would not have competed in that other big event there a few months ago, like countries that systematically refuse to allow athletes from other countries to participate in any event because politics. Pathetic situation anyway.
  15. Thanks to today's Giro stage I learned about mass rape by Moroccan/French soldiers of civilians around Montecassino, I learned about huge Polish losses there (first time I heard about a significant Polish presence in any battle, so that's cool) and some other wartime stuff. Not a good one, but definitely an interesting history around today's stage.
  16. heywoodu 1. Jos van Emden (35) - 35 2. Elia Viviani (2) - 37 3. Pascal Ackermann (3) - 40 4. Enrico Battaglin (44) - 84 5. Caleb Ewan (4) - 88 6. Diego Ulissi
  17. I wonder if this is about people being mad at Daenerys' 'turn' even though that was rather visible and to be expected for years now.
  18. Watched that 5th episode yesterday...
  19. It's rather annoying to hear (and yes, just to be sure: Dumoulin not getting the same time as the rest is 100% normal, it'd be stupid if he was saved the way Van Garderen has been saved)
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