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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It's the one thing I think about since then every time I see Albegov in competition
  2. Here I was thinking Ruslan Albegov was your type
  3. Not long until they start counting votes. Once they started, you can cook some dinner because that's gonna take a while
  4. Yay, Eurovision in the early morning next year
  5. in b4 @thiago_simoes demanding the Swiss guy to strip
  6. Netherlands still 50/50 favourite, Australia and Switzerland sort of together behind that, followed by Sweden which has seen a negative trend since their performance. What the hell, Italy is quite close behind Sweden, then Norway. Rest is far behind.
  7. Nope, they just keep doing their lame clapping thing
  8. Italy is throwing down the challenge for Germany and the UK.
  9. This has the potential for more stories while we're waiting.
  10. No thanks, I'll wait for another athlete
  11. When your song isn't great, just add more fire.
  12. Race can definitely be a factor, that doesn't mean it's the only factor I don't find it weird, bad or anything to think different 'sets' of genes may have slightly different qualities.
  13. I googled and apparently it's the mythical 'six pack'. Can confirm it's real, although I've never seen a man with it
  14. This singer himself is bigger than us.
  15. This might be a pretty good challenge for Germany in the last place fight.
  16. The Dutch song is in fact about someone who died (although the singer didn't wanna say who, he said that's for this person's family to know)
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