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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Can't we stop putting opinions down as 'facts'? Norway having a mediocre song is not a fact, it's your opinion Which is fine, but not a fact.
  2. ESC is the place for that political stuff, as tons of songs show year after year
  3. An emotional lady song like this apparently works very well
  4. Painful as it is to see someone get zero (!) points, I agree.
  5. Which surprised me. Then again, North Macedonia scoring high in the jury votes was something I didn't find weird. They got a ton of points from countries I didn't really expect, definitely not like the typical Serbia/Montenegro, Greece/Cyprus etc combos.
  6. 12 from Israel, that must be because Ajax (nicknamed 'Jews' or 'Superjews) did so well
  7. Netherlands had one I've never heard of
  8. Everyone and their mom giving 12 points to their neighbors and stupid Belgium gives us 6. I give up.
  9. Couldn't this Russia dude play his piano before going live?
  10. That Dutch girl made me cringe harder, but yeah, I agree
  11. Biggest shock in the history of shocks.
  12. I'd be incredibly frustrated if the terrible Italian song wins, but yeah, I could very much live with North Macedonia
  13. Isn't it the same with televotes for these obvious countries?
  14. Montenegro giving 12 to Serbia, OMG
  15. San Marino giving 12 to Italy, wow!
  16. "Three minutes is all you need to get to know Tel Aviv." Cool, Tel Aviv is apparently comparable with my shithole town
  17. Dutch commentator: "This was scandalous. If you get paid one million euros and this is what you deliver, you are simply not worth being on a stage like this. Ridiculous, this was worse than any of the songs in the competition." Agreed.
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