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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Both side boosters landed beautifully on land, the center booster landed on the drone ship....That. Was. Awesome!
  2. Second launch ever (first commercial one ever after last year's test flight) of the Falcon Heavy rocket is happening in a few minutes
  3. I would be so much in favor of some sort of swimming kabaddi
  4. That's too early It's always in August or September, usually in Bariloche (ARG) or Portillo (CHI). For this year if I'm looking at the schedule right, 8-13 August it's in Portillo and 19-23 August it's in Bariloche (it's held in two separate stages).
  5. Yes, and it has around 8 billion events already, so if events are going to be added, surely some others should be taken out.
  6. Yeah and Al-Bashir's vice-president is now holding the cards. I'm sure the people seem generally pleased for now, but I'd say it is extremely unlikely all of this will result in even a 1% stable country. It's been a huge mess with coups, dictators, more coups and counter-coups ever since it's independence and today is pretty much proof that's exactly still the case. Just a matter of waiting for the next coup and/or civil war against the 'new' regime (which is basically just the old stuff but with a different name). I'd very much love to be wrong, but it's gonna stay terrible. Al-Bashir or no Al-Bashir.
  7. One week = 168 hours A regular job is not. There you go
  8. Meh, the Netherlands controlled the first match against Slovenia (double semi-finalist at the last two world champs...), but in literally the last minute the Slovenians got their first advantage and managed to hold on to it 26-27
  9. Julian Assange has been arrested in the Ecuadorian embassy. That's the end of that
  10. Coup in Sudan, etc. Marching music has been played on the radio all day long so far and it is freaking awful. Worst. Marching. Music. Ever.
  11. Not sure what it is but it looks potentially really good
  12. I'm feeling dumb now but I don't understand what you mean An emotional war? You mean in/around Israel?
  13. Probably knowing that especially about this specific situation, literally everyone consists of extremely emotional ladies (© @bestmen) and so doing anything there is going to result in the most predictable huge war ever
  14. Apparently there's a military coup going on in Sudan at this very moment. Rumours have it Al-Bashir is (finally) gone, at least from power, and an 'important statement' is coming up.
  15. Sad as it is, I guess there are parts of the world where breaking human rights and oppressing people who don't agree with you or have different beliefs and preferences is actually necessary to keep the whole thing from descending into mad chaos and never-ending civil war. Take Libya: I might be entirely wrong, but at least when they had a dictator stuff like infrastructure, healthcare and education was really quite good, relatively speaking. Sure, there was a ruler who imposed bullshit religious rules on people (you know, the 'you should go to jail for years because you like the wrong person' kind of rules), but at least there was no situation where major military battles were so commonplace they're not even news anymore... The Libya-thing is based on reading things people said who look like they are somewhat educated on the matter, so it might be wrong
  16. Wait, there is a good democracy in the Middle East? Usually at least to the outside world it seems to be one eternally raging fire to which every single 'group' just keeps adding more and more and more and more fuel to make sure the fire never settles down into something calm and peaceful..
  17. So far Juventus manages to hold their own in Amsterdam, but hardly
  18. US laws allow for kids to start paper routes that early? And one needs a degree for it?
  19. Unbelievable year so far for Maximilian Schachmann, wow.
  20. Wait, @dcro is next too. Interrogating me but not telling his own job, no way José.
  21. You're next: what's your job?
  22. At this very moment nothing, since today I finished this part of the certification. Next week we'll take a look at what's next, possibly it's going to be about stuff like network/server management. I've tried my way in cyber security/ethical hacking, but sadly (since there's a shitload of good jobs available in it) that turned out to be just not my thing. Interesting, but something for which one needs a gazillion times as much creativity as I have. It's not like at a university where you're studying for a degree in X or Y
  23. I'm mostly studying In case there's genuine interest, the place where I study basically functions like this: 1. People with autism or autism-related stuff who can't hold on to some education or can't get a job can get an (IT) education at this place 2. After a while, they help you find a job through their by now rather extensive network of customers I think so far around 500 people or so got a job through this in the past 10 (?) years, only 2 students left without success. Personally I'm studying there and 'working' in the Pearson Vue exam center as an exam administrator, while studying and slowly getting more and more actual hands-on/real-world experience. Too bad there's no English section (and don't bother wondering who I am, I'm glad to say I've so far managed to avoid being on any of the photos published)
  24. Once my kid is born he/she already outranks you in seniority.
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