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Totallympics Superstar
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  1. Love
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Summer Paralympic Games 2016 Qualification   
    Have some patience
  2. Love
    intoronto reacted to NikolaB in Ice Hockey 2015 - 2016 Discussion Thread   
    You are not safe yet
  3. Love
    intoronto reacted to dcro in Weightlifting 2016 Discussion Thread   
    Yeah, if they take 1-2 quotas away from those countries then there will be a lot of reallocations!
    As for Azerbaijan, in theory 1-1=0... But we are talking about Azerbaijan here so I guess it could be 1-1+x=x
  4. Love
    intoronto reacted to uk12points in Weightlifting 2016 Discussion Thread   
    I'll make one now!
  5. Love
    intoronto reacted to dcro in Swimming Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    You just insulted a Bhutanese archer.

  6. Love
    intoronto reacted to OlympicsFan in Athletics Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    Sorry, but where exactly did i say that Semenya is disgusting? I just find the thought that 3 athletes who absolutely dont look like women win the medals in womens 800 disgusting. Semenya did nothing wrong and i dont blame her for anything. I also dont understand why Semenya is allowed to compete but not someone like Rehm, although its obvious to anyone that Semenya has a bigger advantage. Semenya comes from a very poor background, most people would do the same in her situation, but IAAF has to exclude her from all womens competitions. Do you want to "hurt" the right of 3 or 4 woman or the right of all other women who have no chance against competitors like Semenya? CAS ruled that IAAF has to prove that Semenya has an advantage, i think the same would apply for Rehm, so he should have a good chance to compete in Rio, if he decides to sue IAAF. I know that IAAF has other problems (doping), but if they dont exclude Semenya now, she will win an olympic gold medal and i am sure that after that they will be forced to exclude Semenya. Semenya just has to hope that IAAF will be too busy to care for her case in the next couple of months, than i see no one who could stop her on her way to at least one olympic gold (maybe except Niyonsaba). You obviously didnt follow the case or you dont really know how to express yourself, otherwise i dont know what "Semenya has been tested and allowed to participate under the rules" is supposed to mean in this context. Dopers betray on purpose, they are cheaters, unlike Semenya, but in some sense she is "worse" than all dopers. Everyone can start to dope, in order to make up for the unfair advantage of dopers, but its impossible for other athletes to "copy" Semenya, they will never have the chance of running fast. In my opinion there are three fair options:
    1) Semenya stays as she is and competes against men.
    2) There has to be some new sort of "category" at the paralympic games for athletes like Semenya.
    3) She takes whatever is required to lower her testosterone level, so that she has about the same level as "normal" woman.
  7. Love
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Athletics Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    "Morning honey, that was great last night. Ooooh waaaait a minute..... " 
  8. Love
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Swimming Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    I don't think anybody is actually having an issue when you post the daily CAN qualifiers, at least I'm not and I don't hear anyone else complaining
  9. Love
    intoronto reacted to NearPup in Canada National Thread   
    Ya, it's pretty impressive. They both have a very good shot at making the finals in Rio (and maybe contend for a medal) with that kind of time.
    Edit: Nobody qualified in the men's 200m free. Bleh.
  10. Love
    intoronto reacted to hckošice in Ice Hockey 2015 - 2016 Discussion Thread   
    that´s not metalic. it´s a  rubber, but yeah, trust me it hurt when you receive a good shot (personal experience, once I got one from very near distance into my unprotected part of my leg, and I couldn´t walk for a while, and one my friend got it in the head, that wasn´t cool at all)
  11. Love
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)   
    I don't know what's suspicious about that. It's definitely not the extremely childing Russian thing of "OMG it's a Western conspiracy to make us look bad!11!!!!", because if that was the case, Russia wouldn't have voted for the inclusion of meldonium on the WADA list. And besides, that's Russia's standard reaction. They don't like something, they make it "a Western conspiracy". Grow up Russians. 
  12. Love
    intoronto reacted to dcro in Wrestling Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016   
    I remember that famous Madagascar vs Sierra Leone lucky semifinal draw from London 2012 (in one of the women's categories). Hoping for something similar this time.
  13. Love
    intoronto reacted to dcro in Summer Olympic Games 2016 Team Sizes   
    Fiji has more athletes than Azerbaijan.
  14. Love
    intoronto reacted to hckošice in Totallympics New Start   
    My problem was in fact a bit harder
    During the whole past week I learned so much about my PC, probably I would never learn so much even at some IT university
    man I tried everything possible and impossible, from removing cookies, cache, to upload and restart all known browsers, updating new alternative DNS adresses to reinstalling the whole system etc...
    btw thanks to Sindo for his patience with me and responding to all my boring and annoying mails
  15. Love
    intoronto reacted to Prakash in India National Thread   
    Prasanth already posted..I have not noticed
  16. Love
  17. Love
  18. Love
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in How Many Medals do You Expect from Your Nation at the Summer Olympic Games 2016?   
    Looking at the past year or so, we (Netherlands) will probably go home with 1 gold, 186 silver medals and maybe 1 or 2 bronzes  
  19. Love
    intoronto reacted to rybak in Biathlon 2015 - 2016 Discussion Thread   
    Christian, Nathan, Scott, Brendan, I love you  First ever medal for Canada in relay! 
  20. Love
    intoronto reacted to heywoodu in Speed Skating 2015 - 2016 Discussion Thread   
    If there is one thing I am absolutely sure of, it is that me and a million of Dutch (and probably international) speed skating fans have said Kulizhnikov is not to be trusted since the very beginning of his domination  
    I think you remember it a little wrong. I definitely talked about him breaking 34 because it was a historic moment in speed skating and it was clear that the chance was very big he would do it. I don't know how I put it, but I could have said something about mixed feelings: 1. I wish Wotherspoon would still have the record but 2. seeing the 34s being broken live was a historic moment. 
    But what I can absolutely guarantee is that I have had the same opinion as almost everyone about Kulizhnikov since his return and sudden domination: don't trust it. And yes, I am sure I have also said something about his technique, because doping or no doping, I still think he has a beautiful technique (calm, but incredibly strong). 
  21. Love
    intoronto reacted to ofan in Ice Hockey 2015 - 2016 Discussion Thread   
    Canadian jersey is so bad
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