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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. So ends sweep of the sliding medals, not only do they not take gold, they don’t take a medal period.
  2. Best scene in television as far as I’m concerned (it’s from season 2, just in case you haven’t watched it yet.): Yeah, I didn’t think I’d like Ragnarok, but it has become one of my favorite shows. The plot is indeed gripping.
  3. I wish I could be nonchalant about anything as Takagi is about leading right now
  4. Nope, Ski Mountaineering was added at the request of local organizers according to the IOC. Also, SkiMo is governed by the IMSF, not FIS.
  5. “She’s a very good ukulele player.” OBS commentary team with some fascinating incite on the current battle for the lead.
  6. Like everyone else said, mostly placement. It also lets the audience see another race, and gives OBS a chance to play with their toys The camera angle on Eguibar when he got caught in that crash was great though. A good way to show how intense the sport is.
  7. The guy commentating alpine skiing has mixed up multiple athlete’s countries
  8. Nope, that is what one of the small finalists said after their race today.
  9. I’m so happy Jacobellis has a happy ending to her story. She’s been such a stalwart of the sport.
  10. “I can’t be mad. I had fun.” Yes, more of that attitude please!
  11. Ski patrol looks hella incompetent as well. Edit: I respect how difficult that job is, but the response time seemed a bit slow, and for as urgent as the injury appears, there didn’t seem to be much a plan of action in place.
  12. I think I just heard the whole of shout all the way in the US
  13. Maybe not the most glorious of circumstances, but has their alpine skiing medal.
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