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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. The IWGA updated their qualifications page with a hyperlink feature. You can now click on the flag of the delegation to see the amount of quotas (and in some cases named provisional entries) of that country. Link:
  2. I figure someone else can tackle the United States post, so I’ll take It was great to see Katie Tannenbaum compete at the Olympic Games. I know she’s been trying to qualify for a decade, if not longer. Unfortunately, Covid-19 mucked up her experience quite a bit, but I’m glad she still got to compete and get her moment in the spotlight. She had limited training runs and time on track (I heard she may have only had two runs before the competition ), but she managed to put forth her best effort given the circumstances. Overall, a good Olympics for
  3. You might want to add “Normandy” to the thread title or something since the ISF intends to have two Gymnasiades this year (2022 edition, and the rescheduled 2020 edition that is scheduled to take place after the 2022 edition)
  4. Weird, so Monaco does technically have an official medal then?
  5. I’ll probably take a bit of break for the next week or so, maybe watch a few things I missed from Beijing or Tokyo, and then get ready for the Winter Paralympics.
  6. I feel like this part could have been streamlined a little more. It’s kind of awkward just watching mull about for minutes on end.
  7. It’s especially odd from him, since he provides commentary/analysis for two sports (Alpine Skiing, Cycling) where both countries have prominent, well-known athletes.
  8. Woke up to the news. Congrats to @hckošice we all know much this means to you and the country
  9. Bart Swings now has a gold medal at the Winter Olympics and the World Games. I’d imagine that’s not a particularly common combination. I’d have to do more research I don’t have time for to find out unfortunately. I’m just happy to see another one of the good guys (inline skaters) win
  10. Except those still have better formats. You can actually go off the front or contest intermediate sprints and win the race still.
  11. Qazaqstan is the endonym, while Kazakhstan is the exonym (I think). Basically, Qazaqstan is the commonly used internal name for the country, while Kazakhstan is the commonly used external for the country. I think like Czechia, Eswatini, Cabo Verde, and Côte d’Ivoire, Qazaqstan is trying to get the international community to use the name used more commonly by those living in the country.
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