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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I’ve copied/pasted some of the main relay rules above. Here’s a link to the rules and regulations as well: WPNS_Rules and Regulations_2021-22_0.pdf
  2. Masters after the finish (very audibly this time), “I want to race against honest people!” She yelled, “fuck!” immediately after crossing the line and looking at the timing board. She went over to (I believe) Aaron Pike, who tired to calm her down/stop her from voicing her frustration, but she still shouted that comment right into the camera.
  3. Yes, there are livestreams on YouTube via the IPC. However, Arena Sport bought the television rights for Montenegro according to the IPC.
  4. advanced to the ice sledge hockey final after a 11-0 beat down of Ice sledge hockey results starting to look more like women’s ice hockey results at the Olympics
  5. PLANTEY!!! No matter what, this will be Argentina’s best result at the Winter Paralympics to date. Edit: He finished one spot off the podium, but that is now the best result for any athlete from South America at the Winter Paralympics. @LDOG @konig
  6. Two races down, two comebacks completed. Course conditions aren’t great, but the racing has been pretty solid today. Santeri Kiiveri just won Finland’s first gold medal in alpine skiing at the Winter Paralympics as well. @Finnator123
  7. For what it’s worth, I thought she said, “not when they’re misclassified and cheated.”
  8. Everybody trying to listen to the new Stormae release
  9. NOS has the rights in the Netherlands. I saw they are live-streaming events on their website.
  10. She had to go to court for the right to compete (as her classification was cut and IPC original ruled she couldn’t compete in SB-LL2 against less impaired athletes), but now Cecile Hernandez has a gold medal.
  11. Brian McKeever won his 14th gold medal today
  12. Happy to see the snowboard cross events finally contested in the heats format (was a time trial in 2014, and head-to-head in 2018). It will be interesting to compare the racing across the three editions. A mix of rather uncompetitive opening heats and a couple of close finishes so far.
  13. Crazy to see skiers shedding layers or going without sleeves today after Olympians couldn’t have enough layers just two/three weeks ago.
  14. Rough day for Slovakian favorites… Krako straddles a gate in the canyon section while he’s over a second up on the clock. This men’s VI Super G is quite the competition though!
  15. win their first gold medals in alpine skiing and cross country skiing a few minutes apart.
  16. Rexova comes through for the gold though! Nikou also delivers Greece’s best result at the Winter Paralympics (6th) @Makedonas
  17. Farkasova goes down Pretty rough fall, but got back up @hckošice
  18. Also, Alvan & Ahez feels like a consolation for Tanxugueiras missing out. I like both groups, so happy one managed to make it.
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