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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. In my opinion, Sundling and Brennen were by far the strongest yesterday. It’s a shame that Brennen fell in the QF because that could have been an interesting battle latter. Cool to see Diggins win another medal
  2. I too, like @dcro, am having to catch up replays. What dominance of this tournament from ! Zero doubt they were the best pair in Beijing. Congrats to them
  3. “Slovania v. Poland” according to the OBS commentator…
  4. Yes, I believe the criteria was to make a World Cup SF, but the best she did was QF. However, she choose a good time to meet their standard
  5. Dekker through to SF. Someone alert the Dutch users!
  6. De Val checking the scoreboard to determine next move to start the 5th end since this is such a close match at the moment
  7. Verdu into 22nd. Nearly had Andorra’s second top 20 result of the Games.
  8. ISU statement on the and protests in the men’s 1000m ”As a matter of fact, in line with the applicable field of play principles, no protests against the Officials’ decisions concerning disqualification or non-disqualification for violation of any racing rules are allowed.”
  9. Yeah great result from him. I have another athlete to add to my list of athletes to watch from “small/non-traditional nations” (not sure if Spain really counts there, but I’m adding him anyways )
  10. : I didn’t get to watch a single moment of competition yesterday. I instead spent hours getting medical treatment, and then slept through the rest. Honestly, I’d love nothing more than to just watch and write about the Olympics. Health comes first though, so let’s hope I get that sorted out so I can get back to following the Olympics.
  11. Also, did not have medaling in ski jumping on my crazy hypothetical scenarios bingo card, so hats off to them
  12. IF mixed NOC team argumentation ever gets added to the Olympics, I have full faith that totallympians will sweep the podium
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