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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Honestly, I like the changes besides the mixed kitesurfing. This might be of the strongest sailing programs yet, a good mix of tradition and youth
  2. Some of those seem odd, as they offer Qualification for the 2019 Pan Am Games
  3. You’ll notice that most of my favorite sports all offer free streaming. I agree. How are you going to grow a sport if no one is watching? It’s dumb. Federations need to focus more on supporting the sports.
  4. Will if Western Europe showed an interest in hosting it would be there...
  5. Well if you count the 2018 European Championships as part of the broader European Games then you have a full games
  6. With the major push for rugby going on in Japan right now, I would not be surprised to see take the rugby quota and discard the futsal one
  7. Honestly I’m sorry that my country made a mess of yours. Our biggest mistake was putting the Shah in power. I don’t know why my fellow Americans don’t try to make fiends with Iran because there is definitely a positive change happening that we affecting in a negative way.
  8. Ya when I was watching the replays of live streams from Nanjing 2014, the commentators were constantly stressing how experience was more important than go results for young athletes at the YOG. So, I would say there is probably a considerable amount of money available for smaller nations to participate
  9. Obama’s was a joke, although I’ll say he grew into it, Trump’s would be a disgrace. Personally I think it should go to the White Helmets, Macron, the World Taekwondo Federation, or Right To Play
  10. Absolutely not, the Olympics did more than Trump. (Said the American)
  11. Nowhere their website looks nice, but is very unfunctional
  12. As a cyclist, this sounds like a fantastic ride. In honesty though, this was one of the stages I thought could be the most interesting to watch
  13. I would imagine that most countries will send their A teams where Pan-American Games Qualification is concerned though
  14. It seems as if the Weightlifting has lost some of its depth. No Albanian weightlifters nominated on the 80 member team.
  15. It’s odd too since the theme of their latest multi-sports events have reconciliation with their native population.
  16. The Minimum Qualification Score for the YOG is obtainable in both swimming and archery at the Gymnasiade. Track will feature some of the youth olympians as well I think
  17. Opening Ceremony for the ISF Gymnasiade begins at 21:00 local time on their Facebook page
  18. As an American I’m constantly disappointed with our NOC. We never find our athletes and we cover up sexual abuse for political gain and prestige. The USOC is a joke, no support for athletes what so ever.
  19. Ya, but still. I mean I just feel like there so many people to support sport teams. I just wish that nations could give their athletes more opportunities
  20. Hey, I’ll watch or take interest in any international sports competition
  21. Good Showing from the archers, too bad Ellison couldn’t pull off the win. The Mix Team result is quite good as well.
  22. Is there a place where newer members can go to find out how to better use this forum? Like a help or tutorial?
  23. Anyone following the ISF Gymnasaide in Morocco? Starts tomorrow, to me it seems like low participation and quality, however I feel like it is a good opportunity for younger athletes, like myself. I don’t understand why nations (NOCs) don’t take more opportunities for their athletes to compete
  24. Has anyone found an English version of the website
  25. Should be interesting match-up at the Mediterranean Games, if they both attend
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