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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. No snow walls yet to take out the basically sure winner this time You're forgetting an incredibly strong rain shower while everyone was climbing on a 20%+ dirt road while nobody had any clue what was going on because all communications (from radio to TV images) had gone dark and during which - as we later saw - the race leader was hit by a motorbike
  2. @hckosice As our Totallympics firefighter, would you say this is cause for panic when one is near there?
  3. Wow, after the finish the helicopter was flying over Toledo showing some images....and suddenly showed sort of an apartment building or something with thick black smoke and even flames coming out of it, something was going very wrong there
  4. Another fantastic solo by Cavagna, but this time instead of a nice but relatively small win in the Tour of California, he stayed ahead of everyone and won a GT stage And that finish in Toledo, awesome
  5. Big fall in the peloton, with Roglic and Lopez behind the crash. Surprise surprise, Movistar suddenly went to the front and starting pulling 100% Luckily that kinda failed and Roglic and Lopez eventually managed to get back.
  6. Quebec tonight, that's always a pretty fun race The bad news for everyone who is not Remco Evenepoel is that Remco Evenepoel is on the start list, but it'll be cool to see who can fight for second.
  7. Wait, tomorrow we will probably find out the champion? That's not sure?
  8. But AIBA is interesting I mean, it is really, really shitty, but I'm interested in any sports federation that elects mobster bosses as it's president.
  9. That is the one reason why I was asking about it Just saw the fight and I'm glad 4 of the judges saw it exactly the same I did
  10. Yeah I'm watching it now, weird there are no PDF's or anything though.
  11. Session 4A never happened or what? There is no results link, also changing the number in other PDFs doesn't work..
  12. That's rather difficult to say without A) knowing exactly what happened to her and B) having inside knowledge (not the stuff in newspapers) of the goings on inside the American team. I can almost guarantee she knows a hell of a lot better what's going on in both the Canadian and American bobsleigh worlds than you and me both, and if she specifically decides to leave Canada for USA, it is fairly safe to assume she - with 15 years of experience and huge networks in the entire bobsleigh world - has a pretty good idea about the American team being a better environment for her.
  13. Once having been against the legalization of weed is inexcusable? Really, you do realize if even that is 'inexcusable' there is not going to be a single candidate that's good enough, right?
  14. You're still welcome to eat almost literally anything apart from that one soup
  15. Wow, Amanuel's crash could have resulted in some seriously bad stuff...looks like he escaped..
  16. I like some chocolate juice and that, sir, is no chocolate juice
  17. Still tasted better than olives by the way.
  18. To be fair, a very significant portion of those over 1 billion people probably don't care much at all
  19. I am mad, sad and everything! He was doing so well, definitely on his way to the top-20
  20. I cycled past Apeldoorn last month, boring place, lovely area around it (the best of the country)
  21. Didn't really see these two coming though, I'd have though they would go with proven coaches instead of proven athletes Will Tobias Torgersen still coach their IBU Cup team?
  22. In the end the average dropped down to a little over 50 km/h, but still, what a stage this was It was supposed to be a boring sprint stage, but the wind said no and it was pure chaos and all hell broke loose from the very first kilometer and didn't stop for 217km Roglic escaped some big damage when he managed to hold on to the attack of Valverde/Soler until the rest of the 'peloton' came back, he should have a better day today. Bad memories for Dutch fans in today's area, this is where Dumoulin was kicked out of the leader's jersey in 2015 in the last climbs of the Vuelta. Today Movistar and Astana are expected to do something crazy, or at least try.. By the way, the speed of the stage made Karsten Kroon (co-commentator on Dutch Eurosport nowadays) come up with one of his old stories. In 2001 he was riding the Vuelta and after a tough few mountain stages, one evening he had some beers because 'the next day was going to be mostly flat, sort of a rest day for the peloton'. At the start line, with a tiny bit of a hangover, he noticed Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano had a seriously big gear on his bike....IGG was up to something, and boy, did Kroon know it. From the very first kilometer they were going 55+ kmh and it did not stop for a single minute. They finished the 180km more than one and a half hour ahead of the fastest schedule, so the finish wasn't even really there yet (the line was, but that's it, no stuff around it) and ended up with an average speed of well over 55 kmh, still the single fastest professional bike race (not counting time trials of course) in history Poor Kroon said he had the taste of blood in his mouth the entire 180km trying to keep up, and he witnessed one of the most jawdropping pieces of cycling ever: the 'echelons' were going at 60/65 kmh at one point, with a minute between the first two echelons....David Millar jumped out of the second one (where Kroon was, and where people were talking to each other like 'what is Millar going to do?!') and went straight to the first one...closing a minute at those speeds! Afterwards Millar said he has never in his life felt as strong as he did in that moment.
  23. And where the second-best Dutch judoka in history, Anton Geesink, stunned the Japanese by taking the open weight Olympic gold
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