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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Trump honest? He presents himself as a great businessman and a great politician when in fact he is a very shitty businessman and an even worse politician who happened to have the right dad and so yes, was a member of the lucky sperm club.
  2. Totally forget this but congratulations to Algeria Although the biggest shock was that The Shining creep that scared the bejesus out of me.
  3. Once, as far as I know that was the first and still only time: at the 2014 Asian Games, the Japanese women beat the poor Maldives team 79-0. Japan had 82 attempts, so only missed three (which were in fact missed and not stopped by the Maldives goalkeeper, since 79 shots were shots on goal). Maldives surprisingly had 30 attempts, 22 of which were shots on goal, but all of them were blocked by the goalie.
  4. The same as now, some annoying and dumb stuff, some more shitty stuff, but nothing even close to the idiotic 'civil war!!!1!1!' kind of thing people were shouting before Trump got elected.
  5. He'll be as dangerous as your average mosquito: not very. He too would need one of the most bizarre twists and surges ever seen.
  6. So winning by 1 wicket is a close match (potentially) and winning by 9 wickets is utter destruction?
  7. Let's get realistic, there are only four somewhat realistic candidates and both Booker and Yang aren't one of them. If Booker has some crazy surge and quadruples his polling numbers (which would be a really crazy surge out of the blue), he's still not even in double digits.
  8. On the other hand, walking possibly the last ever Olympic 50k at age 50, that's something.
  9. Yeah, those race walk sprints are just awful for the entire race walking discipline, sadly
  10. Evan Dunfee got screwed in the behind.
  11. Nope, measles. Apparently the Philippines and to a much bigger extent DR Congo had/have outbreaks this year as well.
  12. And around 5000 deaths in the Congo outbreak.
  13. Because it's disgusting to call someone a cheater who is not a cheater, but born different.
  14. If Bolsonaro calls it a great day, I'm going to go to bed and end this day because then I know the day apparently sucked big time
  15. Which is all an extremely complicated issue, especially when people come in and call her a cheater. That's utterly disgusting.
  16. Paris - Roubaix. It's not one of the main cobble sections, but I really hope this does not open up the way for fixing (or better, destroying) the other ones..
  17. Were you aware the World Cup started last week?
  18. Both (unless you only mean during her athletics career).
  19. Mostly that second reason though, probably. I doubt there's a sliding track that's easier to reach than Innsbruck-Igls, wouldn't even need a car to get there (when going there as a fan who's not bringing sleds and stuff ).
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