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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The sun went down one and a half hour ago or something, luckily after coming back from a run to the top of hell
  2. These days I am all the time realizing "hey it's already late at home"
  3. But Diniz would be out anyway if he turned into a runner
  4. Some early evening softporn right on this forum. We've got a kid reading along, keep it down please
  5. Well yeah, considering he was DQ'ed I kind of suspected something like that
  6. I'm positively surprised by the number of people watching
  7. Because people can not sleep during the day or what?
  8. Because there's only a handful of sub-2:20 runners in this field?
  9. Back right in time from my own run, let's go
  10. No, she did not. Even worse are the kind of people who blabber on about how Semenya and co are cheaters, that's disgusting.
  11. Probably nobody, since she's just not that great?
  12. I don't have a lot of good feelings for Semenya haters, period I just find it really hilarious Sharp got hit by karma
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