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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Dear Lord. Michael Phelps would have a better chance today.
  2. U23 ITT is starting in some majestically wet weather. The first 200 meters or so could cause some big trouble.
  3. It is best for everyone that the entire competition was not held in Qatar
  4. I do believe they have superior runners, yes. Much like I believe Caribbean people tend to be superior sprinters, somewhat broadly speaking. It's not weird to think people with on average different builds have different abilities. However, I don't think their succes is 100% thanks to that.
  5. Oddly that pasty thing only worked on my desktop and not my laptop. Which is a little unfortunate, because cramming my desktop into my suitcase doesn't sound like a particularly practical plan
  6. Kenya should have been kicked out a while ago, I really don't know what IAAF needs more to actually do something other than 'moving them into a different category'. Which has zero effect, clearly. Oh well.
  7. More and more evidence of Kenyan doping, now a doctor saying he treated two of the top athletes in this year's team with EPO recently. But no, only the Russians are the bad guys, not the corrupt hell (or heaven, if you're a wannabe doper) that's called Kenya. How nice for so many Europeans and Americans and whatnot to go train in the middle of nowhere, and how convenient they can pretty easily avoid doping controls there
  8. Holy smokes, Tiberi's time trial today is one of the more impressive rides I've seen in a long time Brenner and Simmons being the huge favourites, but Tiberi pretty much destroyed them....after losing 35-40 seconds at the start They all started losing time from the very first kilometer and all of them got destroyed in the second lap What. A. Ride.
  9. I'd be much more in favour of a different system anyway: only give the prize when there's good reason to do so, instead of 'having' to give it every year. Then again, actual peace is more important than a peace prize I suppose.
  10. As long as people are still actually fighting wars for all kinds of other reasons, I wouldn't have Thunberg anywhere near the nominations.
  11. One can give Greta Thunberg all kinds of things, but a Nobel Peace Prize is just not one of them. Maybe in a long time from now, but she is fighting for the climate. Not for peace.
  12. Of course, but one you hear way too often.
  13. "Climate has always changed, so it's only normal!"
  14. I have, but used it so little I had totally forgotten about that Gracias.
  15. Is there a transcript of what she said so I can do without having to listen to her?
  16. Hard to find a source about that that's not some obscure site..
  17. Watching the women's 55kg at the moment....really sad to see Genesis Rodriguez' attempts at clean & jerk It's so obvious her knee/leg is just really not ok and with every single attempt you can just see the injury going from 'relatively minor' to 'potentially really, really bad' Those three attempts could have made the difference between needing a few weeks of rest and possibly being out for months...I hope that's wrong though.
  18. Out of curiousity: is there a women's american football thread?
  19. Once again I am, purely based on results, pretty impressed by East Timor
  20. Possible, although that's most likely what is generally referred to as a 'station bike': an old, kinda broken bike one places at the train station when going to work (since bikes often get stolen there, so people usually use a cheap one)
  21. Here mostly lazy idiots go by car if they need to go somewhere that's close Parking the bike is much easier and also, free I only have one bike, like most people, by the way
  22. Maybe Hamilton and Vettel will at some point go the Alonso-route: at some point arrive at a lesser team and then stop being a dick
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