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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. All these things about 'traditional superstitions' one reads from different countries always makes me wonder how many people actually believe it (or just do those things because that's what they're used to, but don't actually believe someone will die if action X isn't performed), and also it makes me wonder: are we, as Dutch, really so level-headed that we have - as far as I know - literally zero of these superstitions that more than a handful of people actually believe in?
  2. I wonder how many people actually believe this
  3. St Nicholas Day (or 'Sinterklaas' as it's called here) is mostly celebrated here on the evening on the 5th of December, when 'St Nicholas' and his team spread around presents and candies and more presents to the children. Of course it's actually the parents and family and so on who buys it and the question is when to tell your children that, but fine We don't have little children in our family, so we didn't really celebrate anything apart from buying some of the tasty stuff associated with this day (chocolate letters and so on)
  4. Pretty much impossible to find any more info, but apparently the Japanese and American women's team pursuit teams crashed together during today's first round in Cambridge
  5. Good news and bad news about Indian lunar lander Vikram, with which contact was lost 2km above the moon's surface three months ago. The good news is NASA found it
  6. Should not go inside the chocolate.
  7. It's easy though. Is it chocolate? Yes --> Keep it No --> Get rid of it Done
  8. Yeah I just saw her second result and considering how far behind she was, didn't take the 5 second effort to check the first one
  9. wtf, that has gotten way less attention than it should have By far the worst news of the biathlon season already
  10. Which is why a possibly slighly failed homemade bunch of chocolates mght be more appreciated than one easily bought in a shop
  11. Chocolate filled with chocolate is pretty much the best way to go
  12. It's almost Mornington in Australia, let's get this underway.
  13. Dear Lord, if that really is everything, that coach is such an incredible drama queen "Insulting behaviour towards China", hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
  14. Let's see if the Dutch can manage to find their groove and give Serbia a more than difficult time
  15. I mean, they've upped their defenses in the past 78 years...
  16. Sure, but much as one president can't make everything good in 4 or 8 years, one president also can't turn everything to shit. Obviously I very much hope Trump doesn't win again, you know, because he's the king of all lying asshats, but one should be careful not to overestimate the consequences it would actually have. The people yelling "OMG civil war if he wins!" are the worst example of that.
  17. Doesn't make it less interesting. The clearer it is that the current president has been breaking the law, the better it is no matter the result.
  18. Today's hearings/questionings with the judiciary committee are pretty interesting, much more so than the wittnesses I'd say. The most telling moment, or one of them, was one of the constitutional law experts saying this: "If this is not impeachable, nothing is impeachable."
  19. If that's what you think, without giving any sort of alternative or whatever (and just keep saying 'this sucks'), ok, noted
  20. Again, I only see "This system is shit", but apparently there's no alternative that's less bad? I'd prefer the least of the bad options then. And no, Trump is possibly not in it for the money (although one can very seriously doubt that), he's mostly in it to glorify himself, which is arguably worse.
  21. Instead of just always bitching about everything, let's try and be constructive: you have something better in mind? Because communism sure as hell isn't, a totalitarian regime most definitely isn't, anarchy even less so.
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