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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Not 2.8 seconds back bad though (and yes, different track, but that difference is huge even compared to last week). I wonder what happened to Daria though, almost three seconds more behind than last week. Last, but not least: never ever give your children a name with only one letter difference, it's so confusing.
  2. Like...? It sounds really, really easy. You don't have to hide what you're doing, since the person is asleep, and your victim won't ever know you've even been there while the victim was sleeping.
  3. Two DNF's and Daria Obratov are the only ones not making it out of the Nation Cup. So Dania Obratov is in (with a much, much worse result than last week, but fine)
  4. This thread has taken an unexpected pornographic turn. Come on, I'm sure there are people who would wake up when injected with whatever needle is used for EPO injections, just as I'm sure there are plenty of people who wouldn't. How can that be so hard to accept?
  5. You know they don't use some monstrous thing like this to inject EPO right? It's just a small needle. You'll hardly feel it even if you're awake and a bit distracted.
  6. I mean, I wouldn't believe it because like you said, we've heard tons of complete bullshit excuses. But this brings it to another level in terms of how bizarre it is (the story, not the excuse, since obviously if true, she isn't to blame..)
  7. Top-60 of the second sprint is the usual situation in these IBU Cups with a double sprint followed by a pursuit.
  8. Calgary Flames head coach Bill Peters has been kicked out (well, officially he resigned) after being accused of saying 'nigger'* to a player 10 years or so ago. *We can assume that's what he said, since another article mentioned the godawful American-style wording 'the N-bomb' and I doubt 'new player in the team' counts as N-bomb.
  9. It was actually not even a trap. Ice hockey may be a winter version of a summer sport, I can't imagine a Winter Olympics without it (after all, I do like it).
  10. On the bright side: that makes it even more clear it was their wax that was great in the morning, not their veins
  11. Plus planning something like that is just pretty normal in their situation. I mean, yeah, Beijing 2022 is going to get a lot harder if they'd get pregnant a year later and if they wait until after the Olympics, they might feel like they want it faster. Of course it's no coincidence so many female athletes get pregnant in the 1-2 years after the Olympics
  12. Apparently half the women's Russian team (apart from Nepryaeva basically) is pregnant....on advice of their coach (as in, "if you want that and you want to go to the Olympics, better try it now than closer to the Olympics") I hope that really is the reason, and not some sort of 'pressured' thing because some mad scientist found out pregnancy hormones make you stronger or something (which I've read something about long ago but can't find).
  13. Last weekend's Supercars (final races of the season), some NFL highlight videos afterwards and in the afternoon track cycling, cross-country skiing and Nordic combined.
  14. I can hardly hide my excitement about this. Oh well.
  15. I'd like a bucket of whatever the Italians put under their skis please
  16. Ice climbing feels like it fits exactly in the category of sports you wouldn't want at the Winter Olympics (winter versions of summer sports) Like ice hockey of course, another winter version of a summer sport.
  17. Much like when you finally get to go to a beach, within five minutes you'll be like "fuck I hate this damn sand everywhere"
  18. Just to avoid any doubt: my prediction post is edited because I posted it and then realized I had left one match empty, so I filled it in.
  19. [hide] Preliminary RoundNovember 30th - December 6th, 2019 24 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Main Round Group A Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 November 30th 2019, h. 15:00 Serbia 10 Angola November 30th 2019, h. 18:00 Netherlands 5 Slovenia November 30th 2019, h. 20:30 Norway 10 Cuba December 2nd 2019, h. 12:30 Cuba 10 Serbia December 2nd 2019, h. 15:00 Angola 10 Netherlands December 2nd 2019, h. 20:30 Slovenia 5 Norway December 3rd 2019, h. 15:00 Netherlands 10 Cuba December 3rd 2019, h. 18:00 Slovenia 5 Angola December 3rd 2019, h. 20:30 Norway 5 Serbia December 5th 2019, h. 15:00 Cuba 5 Slovenia December 5th 2019, h. 18:00 Serbia 2 Netherlands December 5th 2019, h. 20:30 Norway 10 Angola December 6th 2019, h. 15:00 Serbia 5 Slovenia December 6th 2019, h. 18:00 Angola 2 Cuba December 6th 2019, h. 20:30 Netherlands 5 Norway Group B Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 November 30th 2019, h. 15:00 Germany 5 Brazil November 30th 2019, h. 18:00 France 5 South Korea November 30th 2019, h. 20:30 Denmark 10 Australia December 1st 2019, h. 15:00 Brazil 5 France December 1st 2019, h. 18:00 Australia 5 Germany December 1st 2019, h. 20:30 South Korea 10 Denmark December 3rd 2019, h. 15:00 South Korea 2 Brazil December 3rd 2019, h. 19:00 France 2 Australia December 3rd 2019, h. 20:30 Denmark 5 Germany December 4th 2019, h. 15:00 Australia 2 South Korea December 4th 2019, h. 19:00 Germany 3 France December 4th 2019, h. 20:30 Denmark 2 Brazil December 6th 2019, h. 15:00 Brazil 5 Australia December 6th 2019, h. 19:00 Germany 5 South Korea December 6th 2019, h. 20:30 France 5 Denmark Group C Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 November 30th 2019, h. 15:00 Montenegro 10 Senegal November 30th 2019, h. 18:00 Romania 5 Spain November 30th 2019, h. 18:00 Hungary 10 Kazakhstan December 1st 2019, h. 15:00 Kazakhstan 10 Montenegro December 1st 2019, h. 18:00 Spain 5 Hungary December 1st 2019, h. 18:00 Senegal 15 Romania December 3rd 2019, h. 15:00 Hungary 5 Montenegro December 3rd 2019, h. 15:00 Spain 10 Senegal December 3rd 2019, h. 19:00 Romania 10 Kazakhstan December 4th 2019, h. 15:00 Montenegro 5 Romania December 4th 2019, h. 15:00 Kazakhstan 10 Spain December 4th 2019, h. 19:00 Hungary 10 Senegal December 6th 2019, h. 15:00 Senegal 3 Kazakhstan December 6th 2019, h. 15:00 Montenegro 5 Spain December 6th 2019, h. 19:00 Romania 5 Hungary Group D Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 November 30th 2019, h. 15:00 Japan 5 Argentina November 30th 2019, h. 18:00 Russia 10 China November 30th 2019, h. 20:30 Sweden 20 D.R. Congo December 2nd 2019, h. 15:00 Argentina 10 Russia December 2nd 2019, h. 18:00 D.R. Congo 10 Japan December 2nd 2019, h. 20:30 China 10 Sweden December 3rd 2019, h. 14:30 Russia 15 D.R. Congo December 3rd 2019, h. 17:00 China 5 Argentina December 3rd 2019, h. 19:30 Sweden 5 Japan December 5th 2019, h. 15:00 D.R. Congo 10 China December 5th 2019, h. 18:00 Japan 5 Russia December 5th 2019, h. 20:30 Sweden 10 Argentina December 6th 2019, h. 15:00 Japan 5 China December 6th 2019, h. 18:00 Argentina 10 D.R. Congo December 6th 2019, h. 20:30 Russia 5 Sweden [/hide]
  20. That doesn't work in that lovely Flashy website I wish their website was as simple (but functional!) as FIS' website still is.
  21. I know the feeling, although I always start saying something like "That athlete from Deutsch-Südwestafrika is pretty....ah crap, I meant Namibia."
  22. Has anyone figured out how to link the documents? For some reason, every single time I click on a PDF report, it just quickly opens and then downloads it after which I can only link the file on my computer but that doesn't help anyone.
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