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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. For a student, one might say having their education paid for is quite decent compensation. They'll earn a pure salary once they play for a professional team (if they're good enough and work hard enough to get there, much like students will have to work hard enough to get a good paying job).
  2. Skateboarding on the beach sounds rather annoying though, surely wheels and beachy sand don't really work well..
  3. Because I find athletics to be one of the worst sports to make a team event out of it. Putting hammer throwers and steeplechase runners together with sprinters and high jumpers just makes me feel like it's all way too random, as if they might as well come up with a team event that combines alpine skiing, swimming, 3x3 basketball and breakdancing. I have definitely watched some team competitions of course, but not once have I really gotten into it, all the time I just end up calculating who's moving to which position and whether that says something or not depending on which events are still to come and which countries have a strong athlete there. I'm way, way more a fan of seeing athletes get to the finish line and knowing who won instead of the 5th placed dude being the happiest because his team needed a top-6 finish.
  4. And there you go: the best format for such a global team event is to have no team event.
  5. [hide] Knockout Round September 10th - September 15th, 2019 8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Date & Time (GMT +8) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 10th 2019, h. 19:00 Argentina 10 Serbia September 10th 2019, h. 21:00 Spain 20 Poland September 11th 2019, h. 19:00 United States 15 France September 11th 2019, h. 21:00 Australia 10 Czech Republic [/hide]
  6. Curaçao's second goalkeeper Jarzinho Pieter has died aged 31 in the team's hotel on Haiti, where they played a CONCACAF Nations League match on Sunday.
  7. Yeah he mixed up the corrupt world champs threads
  8. Now I'm really interested to see that happen, just to see the blindingly mad tweets of random people totally losing their shit and going absolutely mental on a hashtag that's simply made of two abbreviations put together in the exact same format as always
  9. You can just see the guy's face go all "Wooow wow no way!!" What a bitch (the ref I mean, obviously).
  10. Yeah, something the US isn't known for at all
  11. I thought Candy Jacobs is a skateboarder and so would be in the Urban Games if anything
  12. College athletes should get all of their educational needs (including stuff like cost of living) funded as long as they're competing for the university.
  13. That's because you're used to it.
  14. Nedasekau jumping 2.35m is the highlight of day one I guess?
  15. So climate change is the fault of the Germans, they want more space to dig their holes
  16. In that case, I'm taking my enthousiasm and putting it back in my pocket. Meh.
  17. What do you mean, watered down summer biathlon? Be clear man, is there summer biathlon ( ) or is there some other version of it that makes you refer to it as watered down? Now I really want to know
  18. Until you realize it's actually not that easy, there's a lot of people pulling your strings and before you know it, your stuff is being tore down on a forum as well
  19. Oh, this started? Any possibility to see this somewhere?
  20. Well that's a mediocre team in terms of size, for the Dutch. Too bad the times of Willy Stähle are over, double world champion and 10+ times European champion before she was 20, followed by a life in anonymity. A TV program was made about her a few years ago, with which she didn't cooperate, but afterwards she contacted the people who made it and some former friends fo had cooperated, so that's something. She didn't live too long after it though.ähle
  21. Didn't Fiacco vote for mobster boss Rakhimov?
  22. I heard it happens a lot in boxing tournaments: you win a fight, and then you have to fight someone else, possibly even stronger!
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