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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. @Griff88 Next time design a course for actual humans please
  2. Enzo Kuworge with apaprently a pretty good chance to win...
  3. I like the medals. Nothing too weird or fancy or hipster, just simple and relatively clean
  4. And in this case it's (I assume) his family's job to either let people know more or not, depending on what they feel is best. All we (fellow forum users, definitely not journalists in this specific situation) can do is mourn him and keep Totallympics going.
  5. This also taught me the world champs are starting tomorrow
  6. Wait what? You mean a national federation has to pay a fine when an athlete is caught or do they need to pay extra for them to participate after their ban or something?
  7. Most/a lot are, you picked one that generally actually has a pretty good and easy schedule which includes direct links to results and start lists FIS or IBU is generally good as well for example, like IAAF and European-Athletics when it comes to major events.
  8. We had that before the results portal I believe, but in some cases that led to endless scrolling because every single heat and bout was specifically mentioned I don't remember why it wasn't simply put in a spoiler so it takes no space unless you click on it
  9. Today I somehow realized @thepharoah is actually called thepharoah and not thepharaoh Which made me look at some more user names after which I also realized @VolleyRuller96 is VolleyRuller96 and not VolleyRuler96 Mind. Blown.
  10. What a coincidence, I was wondering the exact same thing only two or three days ago Not really because of results (I generally use Wikipedia or some official or specialized site), but because of schedules of a certain event
  11. Oh, luckily some random person for whatever reason recorded James - Ekinci and put it online
  12. Looks like the afternoon session (at least on ring A) wasn't recorded On YouTube (AIBA channel) it says the video is supposed to be 6:45 hours long, but it's exactly 4 hours and starts in the break between afternoon and evening session, meaning the afternoon session is nowhere to be found.
  13. But still, I expected at least 100.000
  14. I find this seriously, extremely disappointing for Slovakia btw
  15. Korfball: 90.000 people playing Ice hockey: 13.000 people playing
  16. Well yeah I assumed her father and grandfather were Slovak so obviously they were ice hockey players Really, you'd be a lot quicker off if you just make a list of Slovaks who were not ice hockey players
  17. I learned like last week or something both Bencic and Hingis have significant Slovak heritage I had no clue, especially about Hingis.
  18. Jesus Bit of a late reaction, because I avoided opening this thread on purpose throughout the day: Olympian1010's post in the General Chat thread in the morning already made pretty clear something bad had happened to a user (as in, most likely someone had passed away), but since people needed attention and stuff all day at work I decided not to read what happened yet.. So very sorry to his family and friends, and in this case specifically (since they'll actually read it here) his fellow Brazilian Totallympians. This is the kind of person (including myself and probably everyone here) for which as a kid I used to always say I hope they've got a TV with all the sports channels in heaven, so he can enjoy it for an eternity.
  19. Ah, right. That sounds like a bigger problem for some young people.
  20. Betting at least €1,20 per assuming you're just gambling on 50/50 bets, that's like paying 20 cents a month. Surely that's not such a huge problem?
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