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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. 'Richer' nations have an 'unfair' advantage anyway, because for example GBR will be able to invest huge amounts of money in sport X, whereas let's say Kosovo or Albania can't. Athletes who are born outside the country don't make that much of a difference in that (and then again, one question wasn't answered yet: if they're not 'fair' to compete, is it ok for their children to compete? Or is that still not fair? And their grandchildren?).
  2. Yeah, like many athletes with African origins competing for a European nation also were not 'bought' in the Turkish style. One example: Sifan Hassan moved from Ethiopia to the Netherlands, but only in the Netherlands really started to train. It's not like she moved to another country for better athletics performances. It's 'unfair'? For who, exactly? Unfair for Dutch athletes who, unlike Hassan, happen to have a white skin?
  3. Turkey, Bahrain and Qatar But apart from that, yeah. What you said.
  4. So what, someone who happens to be Kenyan or Ethiopian moves to let's say Denmark, for reasons that have nothing to do with athletics, turns out to be the fastest runner there and then should be ignored by the federation or something? All in the name of 'justice for the true Europeans'?
  5. Van Rouwendal was in 10th place, 1:09 behind after 20km (because of having to swim back for a big part)....after 22.5km she is already back in 3rd and only 36 seconds behind
  6. Ah yes, surely Switzerland is 'using foreign athletes' to pretend they're strong. I mean, he has been living in Switzerland for a long time, has a family there and everything, but I guess that doesn't count. Will it count as 'European gold' when his son, born and raised in Switzerland, wins gold? Or is that not European enough yet, and does Abraham's grandson have to win gold in order to count as European? Or should every winner simply have a white skin in order to be counted as 'European enough'? Someone like Tadesse Abraham (or Israeli Salpeter, for example) is so much different than for example the average Turkish or Azeri athlete. Not every single athlete born outside Europe is 'unfair' when they compete in Europe.
  7. This way Europe keeps up the 100% medal score at these European Championships, duh.
  8. Van Rouwendaal was completely dominating again, but after more than 4 hours....she missed a buoy and had to swim back for a rather large part to go around the buoy.
  9. Yes, celebrations all over Europe for a European winning the European championships! Never saw that coming!
  10. Seriously, why are organizers such absolute idiots when it comes to stuff like live results in road cycling? I mean, look at the official website! Right now, with well over 100km to go, it looks like this: Everyone in seemingly random positions, because rank, result, time behind are all non-existent. One can click on individual cyclists though, and see individual splits per cyclist, like this: How on earth is that helpful? What the flying fuck is so hard about simply having a live ranking that says 'xx km', followed by the standings at that moment? Like in almost every major cycling competition that's not a championships race. The sheer stupidity of these people makes me want to throw my laptop out of the window.
  11. The ridiculously talented American Adrian Costa (for example 2nd in the Tour of Utah when he was 18) retired earlier this year, due to all kinds of problems (presumably mentally). Now he has lost a big part of his leg in a climbing accident
  12. That I saw I mean, I didn't see where something happened to her arm, it went from (what I could see) normal judo, tapping out, grabbing her arm.
  13. Sorry, I'm already watching 5+ hours of open water swimming.
  14. What happened? I went back on the live stream but just saw her tap out and then grab her arm..
  15. I can see football on that channel right now Not that I care about that, but it does give hope for the more interesting sports
  16. Rachik wasn't even anywhere close to the top in the bookmaker's odds
  17. I remember her, for a Dutch website I already wrote something about that 6.57m in January last year
  18. Czech record Well, officially at least.
  19. It's also by far the worst discipline to predict generally, so I don't value those bookmaker's odds that much.
  20. She was right behind Purdue in the odds if I'm not mistaken.
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