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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. And now live timing is only working for the women's race
  2. Alright, a good throw. Still, an entire javelin final with only one good throw, I find that disappointing to say the least
  3. One option might have been to postpone the men as well and let them start after the postponed women's race, but then like I wrote before both groups of athletes would have a messed up schedule. Another, arguably better option could be to let the men start as scheduled (assuming the fire brigade gives the all clear by then of course) and have the women go after the men's race, although I can imagine that might cause problems with the closure of roads and stuff like that.
  4. Yep...I guess they did it like this so that at least not both groups of athletes would see their whole schedule messed up.
  5. According to the German coach, there's a chance the women and men will start at the same time, 10.55 Edit: which is now the most likely situation, as long sa the fire brigade gives it the all-clear.
  6. Has she been injured last year? I mean, she only competed in June and July and only in small competitions (with one exception in the DL where she finished somewhere in the back), same thing this year. And after her last European title, only some finishes in the back in the DL. Hopefully at least now we'll get to see her compete on a higher level instead of just see her finish in the back for two years (or a bit higher up in small competitions) only to suddenly show up in 2020 again. As an athletics fan, I want to see the champions actually compete at a high level not only during championships.
  7. Smell of gas around/on the course, which is why the fire brigade has delayed the start. More info in 20 minutes.
  8. Race walk start has been delayed to at least 09.30
  9. Yeah, a decent throw for gold and 61 meters for the other medals....this was one of the few times where I was glad they didn't give too much attention to a field event on TV, I've rarely seen a poorer level in a major championships final.
  10. How can she be a few months older than Jakob now, but still 17, while Jakob turns 18 next month?
  11. Jakob Ingebrigtsen is one of the most bizarrely talented athletes ever.
  12. Gotta love the Dutch public broadcaster. Right now (1:30 minutes after the 1500m start) they are in the middle of a Ingebrigtsen special as preparation for the 1500m final.
  13. Let's go Ingebrigtsen - Ingebrigtsen - Ingebrigtsen podium I don't care much who wins or not, of any nation, but simply three brothers on the podium would be crazy
  14. And PML 0.002 faster in the finish. So yeah, that really is the difference
  15. Reaction times: 0.202 for PML, 0.204 for Shubenkov....there's your difference between gold and silver.
  16. Now they can go and show all exciting moments of the javelin fi...aaaand done.
  17. Nice to have a European champion who's invisible for 4 instead of 2 years.
  18. Lasitskene give me an angry look please...ok stop
  19. This must be one of the poorest javelin finals ever?
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