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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    I like how TISC is almost here again and bestmen get's all salty and angry and emotionalladylike and like a kid who's candy is taken away  
    It means TISC really is close now.
  2. Like
    dezbee2008 reacted to Agger in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Kolding Station - Photo: S.Juhl - Wiki
    With the Grand Final getting close, we can welcome @dezbee2008, @Olympian1010, @thepharoah and @DaniSRB to Kolding, hometown of Blaue Blume who competed at the 2015 Annual Contest.
    Kolding dates to the second half of the 1100s and for most of the medieval times it was one of the most important cities of the country, including having the castle Koldinghus as an occasional Royal residence for a few hundred years. Due to wars and Plague the city suffered and had trouble growing due to taxes. During the Napoleonic wars, some Spanish mercenaries started a fire at Koldinghus by accident burning major parts down to the ground. Only in the 1890’s restoration of the castle began, finishing about a 100 years later. During these years the city grew steadily becoming the 7th largest city of our country.

    Koldinghus - Photo: Hubertus - Wiki
    Kolding is most known for its men’s handball team who has won the Danish Championships a record 14 times. Among the major athletes from the city, two-times Olympic Silver Medalist in heaveweight boxing, Søren Petersen and former Liverpool midfielder Jan Mølby.

    Kolding Castle Lake - Photo: Hubertus - Wiki
    As you may have guessed, Koldinghus would be a place that we recommend to visit. Both to see the historic building in a new form but also due to its highly interesting exhibitions. Trapholt Arts museum, a look around in the historic center or by Kolding fiord are also worth the time. And how about bit of pizza? Kolding likes to call themselves Slice-town for a reason!!
  3. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Cock matched with Dickow.... boy, @hckosice really outdone himself :P
  4. Thanks
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Wumo in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Sent my votes. I have a clear 12, plus two familiar songs also in my top 12. I can't wait for you all to guess who got my 12 points when the day comes (even if it doesn't end up as the overall US jury winner)
  5. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    i’ll send my votes to @Wumo and @dezbee2008 can send her votes to @Agger. I’d like to point out that the US didn’t make this demand when hosting the TISC Open last year...
    Always unnecessary drama when the US doesn’t host.
  6. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Werloc in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    @dezbee2008 song picking taste and @dezbee2008 voting taste are two very different animals though
    Every single time where I thought a song from LTU could get a point from Dezbee, because it's somewhat similar to what USA sends, I always end up with the 0
  7. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    @dezbee2008 and I are 90s/00s kids, so we go together very well (even if my taste is obviously better )
  8. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Wumo in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Well, folks, you already know I'm back for  and, like @Olympian1010 said, we *might* use an alien's influence from Area 51 (though there might not be many left after those Naruto runners got first dibs)
  9. Love
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Well, folks, you already know I'm back for  and, like @Olympian1010 said, we *might* use an alien's influence from Area 51 (though there might not be many left after those Naruto runners got first dibs)
  10. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    Well, folks, you already know I'm back for  and, like @Olympian1010 said, we *might* use an alien's influence from Area 51 (though there might not be many left after those Naruto runners got first dibs)
  11. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    I volunteer as tribute . USA! USA! USA! First we’ll raid Area 51 and then will use the alien’s influence to win the TISC Open. (I sign up by the way)
  12. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    The US delegation is becoming very impatient. We might just have to buy Greenland to catch the organizers attention.
    Also, If the US host city isn’t Nuuk than why do we even do this anymore 
  13. Love
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Soon...there will be no escape...

    TISC #13
    Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019

    Coming this September...
    Are you ready?
  14. Like
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Snowboarding FIS World Cup 2019 - 2020   
    Well @dezbee2008 might be your best chance to see a Winter Olympic sport live. I’ve heard they don’t do much skiing in Florida (though that’s where most of our speed skaters come from oddly enough)
  15. Like
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Weather Thread   
    Yeah, Florida got pretty damn lucky...(even though the news here mostly focussed on preparations in Florida for whatever reason, instead of total destruction in another country).
  16. Like
    dezbee2008 reacted to Olympian1010 in Pan American Games 2019   
    ESPN will offer major coverage (maybe even full?) of the games!!! I’m so excited that they’re finally taking this event seriously. I can’t wait to watch with my fellow American fans @bmo @dezbee2008 @catgamer @Rdbc @Maxim Fastovsky
  17. Like
    dezbee2008 reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics International Song Contest Discussion   
    Totallympics International Song Contest - Announcements:
    A couple of important announcements to be made in the world of TISC today.
    The first announcement relates to the length of time it takes between the date the TISC thread opens and the day of the Grand Final. I think it is fair to say that some momentum is being lost from the time songs are selected and voted upon until we get to the Grand Final. Therefore, I think a reduction in the length of time for the registration period, voting period and more importantly, a reduction in the length of time between the date the voting closes and the Grand Final would be beneficial. The reductions won't be anything drastic, but if it cuts maybe 2 weeks off the overall period of time, it may allow for a more dynamic process and hopefully will keep interest in the thread at a consistent level throughout.
    The current rules state the following:
    Perhaps we should reduce the period of registration time to 2 weeks and keep the voting window at 2 weeks. Meaning we have 4 weeks given in total to registration and voting? There would still be a couple of days given to the host to cast their votes in between both windows, but this might help keep the momentum right through the process.
    Also, I would recommend then to have the Grand Final no more than 2 weeks after the voting window closes. Obviously if the host needs more time then we will allow that, just like we always do, but that would be the recommendation.
    Any thoughts on this? I will conduct a vote on this proposal in the next week so if there are any suggestions, please feel free to write them so we can include them there.
    Secondly, and more importantly, the host of the next TISC Annual in 2020 has now been settled. Ladies and Gentlemen I am happy to announce that @heywoodu has agreed to take on the hosting duties after his runner-up finish at TISC Annual 2019. Therefore get your tickets booked, for TISC 2020 we are making our way to the  Netherlands 
    Netherlands 2020

  18. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019   
    Lol, this on the news page of 'Teletext' (yeah that still exists) on Dutch TV  

    Nederland winnaar van Songfestival = Netherlands wins Song Contest
    Saudi-Arabië dreigt met vergelding = Saudi-Arabia threatens to retaliate 
    Oh shit  
  19. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from Skijumpingmaster in [OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019   
    Actually, I like this voting sequence better than the one they had previously. I was pleasantly surprised that Norway won the televote, but shocked that North Macedonia with its sleeper ballad did so well with the juries. Of course it was inevitable that the Netherlands would win, but I cheered for them anyway.
    Also, why y'all gotta do Malta like that tho?
  20. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Agger in [OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019   
    Sounds painfull!
  21. Haha
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019   
    Literally lmfao 
  22. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019   
    The dezbee of Eurovision
  23. Like
    dezbee2008 got a reaction from thiago_simoes in [OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019   
    I was skeptical about the song switcharoo between Eurovision legends, but I can't believe it worked out that well lol
  24. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to Wumo in [OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019   
    The calculation is quite simple:
    (The factor of Ireland winning the Eurovision now = 0.0009)
    (The @OlympicIRL factor  = 1000)
    (0.0009 x 1000 = 0.9)
    (Subtract with the usual "neighbor-giving-each-other" points. It will probably = 0.16 )
    (Substract for drunk, emotional ladies = 0.0953)
    (Multiple with 100 to have it in percentage)
    ((0.9-0.16-0.0953) x 100 = 64.47 %)
  25. Haha
    dezbee2008 reacted to heywoodu in [OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2019   
    For second place or something.
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