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Everything posted by intoronto

  1. Via the IPC on the Asian Para Games Laos’ Pia Laophakdee has stolen the show on day one (7 October) of the Para powerlifting at the Indonesia 2018 Asian Para Games, winning a gold medal in his first competitive event. Laophakdee pulled off a major shock to beat India’s Basha Farman to the men’s up to 49kg event, despite taking up the sport just six months ago. swept the men's 200 m in track and field
  2. PASO has also reduced the amount of athletes per event in track and field and reduced qualification standards...
  3. Sailing Snipe +2 +2 +2 +2 in fifth and first non-qualifying position Sadly, they are not registered for the final qualification tournament, with Canada the only eligible boat there. Bahamas beat them at this qualifying tournament.
  4. Tbqh from an outsider, Brazilian politics has seemed to be a constant mess and this is just the cherry on top. How can anyone with a morale sense elect someone like that? This coming from someone who considers them self a conservative.
  5. Nope, surprisingly that is not the case. The top 8 qualify for the finals regardless if they qualified for 6 or 1 finals.
  6. Just got this email a few minutes ago... Lol a little too late I might add.
  7. IOC MEDIA @iocmedia Following Following @iocmedia More Fencing initiation: President Bach (Olympic Champion 1976) puts Yusra Mardini from the Rio (2016) Refugee Olympic Team (swimming) through her paces. Helped by YOG fencer Ariane Leonard. #BuenosAires2018 #YouthOlympic Even the IOC Twitter accounts...
  8. In the opening ceremony the announcer for my feed said Sloven.. Slovakia when Slovakia came out
  9. Wow... idk what to say about this break dance event. I shudder if this is the future of the Olympic movement. Only good thing is it is sharing a venue ?
  10. Wow an Australian swimmer didn't make it into the semifinals of the 100m backstroke, but swimmers from did!
  11. On another note, the app is working fine and a bit more detailed (for ex. it shows who is in each fencing bout).
  12. I am revoking my comment from a few days ago which stated this was the best results website of the year.
  13. Yes time trial to seed the athletes, then they do the heats etc.
  14. Everyone has an accent, depends on where you are from ---- Is the results website down/not working?
  15. That would be pretty much anyone on this forum lol
  16. You know French? You could work for the IOC now...
  17. There is one, but its at the village with all the protocol stuff (handover, speeches etc.) Its only scheduled for 30 mins.
  18. It probably is his last day, because different companies usually produce opening/closing
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