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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Posts posted by uk12points

  1. GreatBritain2017-2.png


    Here is the final standings, so that every country can celebrate their position on the table:



    1 :GBR Great Britain 186
    2 :BRA Brazil 142
    3 :SRB Serbia               137
    4 :IRI Iran 135
    5 :MLT Malta 124
    6 :NZL New Zealand 124
    7 :LTU Lithuania 115
    8 :POR Portugal 107
    9 :MAR Morocco 100
    10 :NED Netherlands 97
    11 :ITA Italy 96
    12 :ALG Algeria 96
    13 :TUN Tunisia 88
    14 :INA Indonesia 83
    15 :MEX Mexico 80
    16 :SLO Slovenia 78
    17 :ARG Argentina 78
    18 :MDA Moldova 73
    19 :FRA France 70
    20 :CRO Croatia 70
    21 :BUL Bulgaria 69
    22 :IRL Ireland 65
    23 :ROU Romania 63
    24 :USA United States 58
    25 :IND India 57
    26 :SVK Slovakia 56
    27 :DEN Denmark 50
    28 :POL Poland 49
    29 :GER Germany 49
    30 :GRE Greece 32
    31 :CAN Canada 29
    32 :RUS Russia 26
    33 :KAZ Kazakhstan 23
    34 :FIN Finland 15
    35 :AZE Azerbaijan 10





  2. GreatBritain2017-2.png


    We proceed to the medal ceremony!


    Awarding the medals will be former British contestant and music legend...

    Sir Elton John!




    Congratulations to all the medallists:



    Great Britain






  3. A couple of thank yous at the end of the final!


    Big thank you to @OlympicIRL for his eternal help as guardian of the Totallympics Song Contest and for making the fantastic scoreboard!

    Another big thank you to @vinipereira for the logo he created - it was beautiful!


    And a big thank you to everyone on the forum and the people who got involved today who make the hours of template making so worthwhile when there is such a fantastic day at the end!

  4. hCskdGcSniwSiFymfJjCauCJlQxih3rkUT586Si5

    35 / 35 Juries Voted  

    speaker-icon-27.png  Jury Voting: ITA   Animated waving Dutch flags  Netherlands 97 
    Animated waving Indonesian flags  Indonesia 83  Animated waving Finnish flags  Finland 15 
    Animated waving Romanian flags  Romania 63  Animated waving Argentine flags  Argentina 78 
    Animated waving Slovenian flags  Slovenia 78  Animated waving British flags  Great Britain 186 
    Animated waving Irish flags  Ireland 58  Animated waving Moroccan flags  Morocco 100 
    Animated waving Russian flags  Russia 26  Animated waving Mexican flags  Mexico 80 
    Animated waving Croatian flags  Croatia 70  Animated waving American flags  United States 58 
    Animated waving Slovak flags  Slovakia


    Animated waving Tunisian flags  Tunisia 88 
    Animated waving Algerian flags  Algeria 96  Animated waving Portuguese flags  Portugal 107 
    Animated waving Lithuanian flags  Lithuania 115  Animated waving Canadian flags  Canada 29 
    Animated waving Maltese flags  Malta 124  Animated waving French flags  France 70 
    iran-flag-animation.gif  Iran 135  Animated waving Greek flags  Greece 32 
    Animated waving Moldovan flags  Moldova 73  Animated waving New Zealand flags  New Zealand 124 
    Animated waving Bulgarian flags  Bulgaria 69  Animated waving Azerbaijani flags  Azerbaijan 10 
    Animated waving Kazakhstani flags  Kazakhstan 23  Animated waving German flags  Germany 49 
    Animated waving Indian flags  India 57  Animated waving Brazilian flags  Brazil 142 
    Animated waving Danish flags  Denmark 50  Animated waving Serbian flags  Serbia 137 
    Animated waving Polish flags  Poland 49  Animated waving Italian flags  Italy 103 





    1 Animated waving British flags Great Britain 186
    2 Animated waving Brazilian flags Brazil 142
    3 Animated waving Serbian flags Serbia 137
    4 iran-flag-animation.gif Iran 136
    5 Animated waving Maltese flags Malta 124





    What a perfect end to a fantastic contest!


    Congratulations to myself for winning (slightly odd)! Congratulations to Brazil for finishing second and winning the medal table and congratulaions to Serbia on a fantastic third, could have been second had they not given their highest points to their main rival!


    Also, Malta sneaks into 5th place after a tie-break with New Zealand. Both had points from 18 juries, but Malta had two 12 points to New Zealand's one.


    Thank you for everyone who has joined in today and I hope you've enjoyed the contest today! It wasn't quite the close finish we would've liked, but nevertheless there was excitement all the way through!


    (BTW if the adding up looks wrong on this scoreboard it is not! It is just correcting a couple of mistakes along the way! Sorry for any problems caused as some countries have gone up and some down)



  5. hCskdGcSniwSiFymfJjCauCJlQxih3rkUT586Si5

    34 / 35 Juries Voted  

    speaker-icon-27.png  Jury Voting: SRB   Animated waving Dutch flags  Netherlands 97 
    Animated waving Indonesian flags  Indonesia 83  Animated waving Finnish flags  Finland 15 
    Animated waving Romanian flags  Romania 63  Animated waving Argentine flags  Argentina 78 
    Animated waving Slovenian flags  Slovenia 72  Animated waving British flags  Great Britain 174 
    Animated waving Irish flags  Ireland 58  Animated waving Moroccan flags  Morocco 94 
    Animated waving Russian flags  Russia 24  Animated waving Mexican flags  Mexico 73 
    Animated waving Croatian flags  Croatia 62  Animated waving American flags  United States 58 
    Animated waving Slovak flags  Slovakia


    Animated waving Tunisian flags  Tunisia 88 
    Animated waving Algerian flags  Algeria 91  Animated waving Portuguese flags  Portugal 107 
    Animated waving Lithuanian flags  Lithuania 115  Animated waving Canadian flags  Canada 29 
    Animated waving Maltese flags  Malta 114  Animated waving French flags  France 70 
    iran-flag-animation.gif  Iran 132  Animated waving Greek flags  Greece 32 
    Animated waving Moldovan flags  Moldova 68  Animated waving New Zealand flags  New Zealand 124 
    Animated waving Bulgarian flags  Bulgaria 60  Animated waving Azerbaijani flags  Azerbaijan 10 
    Animated waving Kazakhstani flags  Kazakhstan 23  Animated waving German flags  Germany 49 
    Animated waving Indian flags  India 57  Animated waving Brazilian flags  Brazil 141 
    Animated waving Danish flags  Denmark 50  Animated waving Serbian flags  Serbia 133 
    Animated waving Polish flags  Poland 50  Animated waving Italian flags  Italy 103 





    1 Animated waving British flags Great Britain 174
    2 Animated waving Brazilian flags Brazil 141
    3 Animated waving Serbian flags Serbia 133
    4 iran-flag-animation.gif Iran 132
    5 Animated waving New Zealand flags New Zealand 124





    Oh Serbia, Serbia, Serbia! 12 points to Brazil and 11 to Iran! That does mean that Italy will have deciding vote on who will finish second. Any of Brazil, Serbia or Iran could come second, but Italy has the power!


    Now we will do some very different! Italy will announce their votes point by point, as the battle for second place and a spot in the top 5 is so wide open.


    So, Italy, it might not be the power to crown the champion, but you have power to pick second place...

    We all want to know so don't keep us in suspense for too long!



  6. hCskdGcSniwSiFymfJjCauCJlQxih3rkUT586Si5

    33 / 35 Juries Voted  

    speaker-icon-27.png  Jury Voting: BRA   Animated waving Dutch flags  Netherlands 97 
    Animated waving Indonesian flags  Indonesia 83  Animated waving Finnish flags  Finland 15 
    Animated waving Romanian flags  Romania 63  Animated waving Argentine flags  Argentina 77 
    Animated waving Slovenian flags  Slovenia 72  Animated waving British flags  Great Britain 174 
    Animated waving Irish flags  Ireland 49  Animated waving Moroccan flags  Morocco 94 
    Animated waving Russian flags  Russia 16  Animated waving Mexican flags  Mexico 66 
    Animated waving Croatian flags  Croatia 62  Animated waving American flags  United States 58 
    Animated waving Slovak flags  Slovakia


    Animated waving Tunisian flags  Tunisia 88 
    Animated waving Algerian flags  Algeria 86  Animated waving Portuguese flags  Portugal 103 
    Animated waving Lithuanian flags  Lithuania 115  Animated waving Canadian flags  Canada 29 
    Animated waving Maltese flags  Malta 114  Animated waving French flags  France 70 
    iran-flag-animation.gif  Iran 121  Animated waving Greek flags  Greece 32 
    Animated waving Moldovan flags  Moldova 68  Animated waving New Zealand flags  New Zealand 118 
    Animated waving Bulgarian flags  Bulgaria 60  Animated waving Azerbaijani flags  Azerbaijan 10 
    Animated waving Kazakhstani flags  Kazakhstan 23  Animated waving German flags  Germany 49 
    Animated waving Indian flags  India 57  Animated waving Brazilian flags  Brazil 129 
    Animated waving Danish flags  Denmark 50  Animated waving Serbian flags  Serbia 133 
    Animated waving Polish flags  Poland 46  Animated waving Italian flags  Italy 101 





    1 Animated waving British flags Great Britain 174
    2 Animated waving Serbian flags Serbia 133
    3 Animated waving Brazilian flags Brazil 129
    4 iran-flag-animation.gif Iran 121
    5 Animated waving New Zealand flags New Zealand 118





    Brazil effectively minimized the damage there by not giving any points to Serbia or Iran. Let's see whether Serbia can be just as effectively and hold their position into the final votes.


    Serbia, we are ready, are you?



  7. hCskdGcSniwSiFymfJjCauCJlQxih3rkUT586Si5

    32 / 35 Juries Voted  

    speaker-icon-27.png  Jury Voting: GER   Animated waving Dutch flags  Netherlands 97 
    Animated waving Indonesian flags  Indonesia 73  Animated waving Finnish flags  Finland 15 
    Animated waving Romanian flags  Romania 63  Animated waving Argentine flags  Argentina 76 
    Animated waving Slovenian flags  Slovenia 72  Animated waving British flags  Great Britain 165 
    Animated waving Irish flags  Ireland 41  Animated waving Moroccan flags  Morocco 94 
    Animated waving Russian flags  Russia 16  Animated waving Mexican flags  Mexico 63 
    Animated waving Croatian flags  Croatia 56  Animated waving American flags  United States 58 
    Animated waving Slovak flags  Slovakia


    Animated waving Tunisian flags  Tunisia 88 
    Animated waving Algerian flags  Algeria 86  Animated waving Portuguese flags  Portugal 92 
    Animated waving Lithuanian flags  Lithuania 115  Animated waving Canadian flags  Canada 29 
    Animated waving Maltese flags  Malta 109  Animated waving French flags  France 63 
    iran-flag-animation.gif  Iran 121  Animated waving Greek flags  Greece 32 
    Animated waving Moldovan flags  Moldova 64  Animated waving New Zealand flags  New Zealand 106 
    Animated waving Bulgarian flags  Bulgaria 60  Animated waving Azerbaijani flags  Azerbaijan 10 
    Animated waving Kazakhstani flags  Kazakhstan 23  Animated waving German flags  Germany 47 
    Animated waving Indian flags  India 57  Animated waving Brazilian flags  Brazil 129 
    Animated waving Danish flags  Denmark 50  Animated waving Serbian flags  Serbia 133 
    Animated waving Polish flags  Poland 46  Animated waving Italian flags  Italy 101 





    1 Animated waving British flags Great Britain 165
    2 Animated waving Serbian flags Serbia 133
    3 Animated waving Brazilian flags Brazil 129
    4 iran-flag-animation.gif Iran 121
    5 Animated waving Lithuanian flags Lithuania 115





    GB has won the 2017 TISC Song Contest! Mathematically it is impossible for Serbia or Brazil to catch them as they still have to vote! Woooooo! 2 Annual TISCs in a row now for GB after many nearly, but not quite, results! Thank you to everyone who voted for GB. But there is still a dramatic contest for the other places!


    Next up is Brazil, now if they give points to their main rivals that could be crucial for the rankings. Brazil, pleas emay we have your votes?



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