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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Damn, that’s less fun for those of us that will be on course
  2. It’s F1, they rarely pull any moves like this. I think it’s a good move, I just didn’t expect the F1 to be making good decisions.
  3. Just as long as they keep their guns pointed at the range...
  4. Top 5 in a relay or Top 10 (maybe 20 for the men) in an Individual would be enough for me low key
  5. This is our best chance to do anything special really. Probably the best relay we’ve had in a while, which is great since our men are so weak right now. I really hope one of the women can pull an absolute miracle at these championships.
  6. Yes, the next 3 election dates are key to winning the nomination. The biggest debacle for the DNC would be to have a brokered convention. If Sanders comes in with any sort of lead in delegates, and the DNC refuses to select him, they can kiss this election goodbye. The people supporting Sanders are voting against that exact type of governing, so they better hope someone manages to gain more delegates than Sanders.
  7. Honestly, the longer they all stay in the race the better Sanders chances get. They’re all pointing a loaded gun at a each other while Sanders slips away in the background.
  8. As for last nights results, I’m pleased with the outcome. I did expect Bernie to do better, so I’m worried about our chance to win going forward. Buttigieg is sticking around in the white states, but he’s gone once black and brown votes start coming in. Klobuchar was a nice surprise. Most California Democrats consider her to be conservative though, so she won’t be winning the election here. It will be interesting to see if she can build off this. I’d know how familiar minorities are with her, so she many struggle in South Carolina. I also wouldn’t count Biden or Warren our just yet.
  9. There is potentially a backup candidate for progressives should Bernie lose, that could very well spoil the race for the Democrats. When Sanders wasn’t elected in 2016, many progressives were willing to vote for Trump out of protest. Polls have already showed they are willing to do the same again. What’s different this time is the logistics of the minority party candidates. Supposedly, the Green Party, Socialist Party, Peace and Freedom Party, and some other tiny left parties are trying to work together to nominate a single candidate for president. If they could convince disenfranchised Sanders supporters to back their guy, it’s over for the democrats. I found that out while looking to jump ship from the Democratic Party entirely should we not elect Sanders again. The problem with these small parties is that they’re all fucking weird. I think most them might even be further left than me If I end up changing my registration, it will probably be to Green or Peace and Freedom (which is only active California).
  10. I didn’t have problems with customs or tax. Guess the US ain’t so bad then
  11. @KingOfTheRhinos Have you heard of this channel? I can’t stop watching their videos. Satire to perfection.
  12. Could be worse. My mom got a phone call because a started a club in the cubbies in 6th grade where we’d drop heavy ass textbooks on each other for “fun”. I miss my cubby cult I think my defining moments in school discipline were that, paper football in 1st grade, and smashing Cheese-It’s into the carpet in third grade. I guess you could me getting stabbed with a pencil, and then told I deserved it too the list as well. I was a bad kid, but a great student. That’s probably the only reason I made it though K-8. I had something like 15 detentions, and 3 suspensions. I only had one disciplinary action against me in high school, and it was for shoving tinfoil in a kids face after he throw it at me.
  13. Yeah, I try not to use it around kids under 12. They’ve already heard it, and probably use it by then anyways.
  14. Yes, this is generally true from what I’ve seen/heard as well.
  15. Yeah, I need to tone down my bias. It’s a consequence of staying online too long. I really do need to work on it.
  16. I just don’t care to be quite honest. To me, people are too uptight about language, but I honestly try to refrain from using it on the forum. It slips out when I get argumentative around here. The user above is just a piece of work that gets on nerves though.
  17. @intoronto point was fair, and so I listened. It’s not my fault that I’m politically active. Yes, I should post about it less on here, but I like to hear other people’s perspectives from outside it all. I myself, find the American elections quite relevant considering it’s impacts on foreign policy (and things such as athlete visas), but that’s a personal opinion I suppose. I think the fact you think this forum is left-leaning is quite hilarious. I’m pretty sure it’s quite the opposite. I also love that you post talking about me only pushing one constant viewpoint, when your comments are always completely fucking insane, and often very far-fetched.
  18. Bennet also drops out of race. Yes, that is a real candidate.
  19. Warren/Biden will not receive any delegates from New Hampshire . Two weeks ago I would have called that heresy.
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