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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. The math isn’t that hard buddy. 1 man/1 woman, 1 man/4 women, 2 men/1 woman, 1 man/1 woman
  2. And...time to change the Totallympics Media password...
  3. I mean, Belorussians are just fancy Russians right? I know that’s probably offensive to Belorussians, but prove me wrong.
  4. IOC probably has something like “76OlympicChamp”
  5. Oh, poor, sweet, naive @hckosice you’re asking for way more than you want
  6. I have something really evil planned for your request in the future, but I thought I’d play nice until then.
  7. This is exactly how I would have summed up the sport to. It enjoys good popularity in Latin America, East Asia, and Western Europe. It’s also a sport where you sometimes get a highly competitive skater for a pretty much random country.
  8. I get the feeling that hacking Rio 2016’s Twitter isn’t difficult. They probably haven’t upgraded their security, and they can’t even keep venues open...
  9. As promised, totally quiz 4: Good Luck everyone
  10. It’s either been fixed now, or I don’t see the problem.
  11. Oh, when did she retire? I totally missed that news (or forgot about it)
  12. Meliutytė has been given a 2 year ban after missing 3 tests
  13. Don’t know Bintang, but the other two are well-known in the US.
  14. Corona is very popular here in California. Probably the most popular Mexican beer, but I’m not a drinker, so I’m not sure.
  15. Central Asian Games may be back in 2021. Not only would it add another regional Asian Games to schedule, but it would make an already crowded 2021 even more crowded.
  16. Totally Quiz will be out sometime tomorrow. I apologize for being late, but it’s been hard to find motivation to write it recently.
  17. Whelp, my dad has a slightly high temperature. Time to kick him out my damn house, and put his ass in quarantine.
  18. I just can’t get excited about college baseball (really I can’t get excited by baseball period ). Cool to see it’s on the MLB Network though.
  19. Well, we got our first world champion in Biathlon 3 years ago, so it’s doable
  20. Inline skating is that popular in the Low Countries. They have good athletes, but I wouldn’t say it’s a popular in places like South America, Central America, and East Asia. France isn’t behind the eightball in roller speed skating.
  21. Yep Now, if only we can medal at an Olympics... Our woman are the best they’ve been in a long time, and I have great hopes for them. The men...
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