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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. This is a bit sad tbh. Buttigieg will capitalize on this. His Latino vote might actually be a tangible thing now. (For the record I would have gotten this question right. Answer is: AMLO (a socialist)) I think we should ask every presidential candidate to find Rwanda on a map...(if we really want to determine the African American vote this way )
  2. Woah there old man, don’t be dissing “Writing’s On The Wall” that and “Skyfall” are my two all-time favorites.
  3. Well the Colombians who have switched to ice have found proper coaches I believe. Both countries have out-preformed expectations though, and have really added more value to the sport (which is why cutting Olympic quotas sucks).
  4. Yeah, I agree it’s a total crap shoot. I didn’t really think about the difference between outer and inner lanes...I was using my roller speed, instead of my ice speed brain Format was definitely better, but the IOC didn’t like adding another day of speed skating to the schedule (which is ridiculous really). The biggest changes I’d love to see in Speed Skating would be: a longer (and better formatted (maybe points/elimination maybe like in roller)) mass start, and a return to the 2 race 500m.
  5. Hey, after Bailey’s miracle, nothing is imposible in US biathlon. (Also beat an unexpectedly good Czech on that day too , though Moravec was a bit more prolific than today’s bronze medal winner)
  6. Hard for me to judge that. I watch a very similar sport where what you do in 200m or 300m matters... As annoying as it was as a spectator, I do think the 500m 2 race format was better.
  7. It’s my position. I’ve always had an undiagnosed balance/power issue. Only one side of my body is double jointed, and it seems to throw off my balance among other things. I can’t really explain the issue, even to former track coaches, so it’s just something I deal with. I think my gym workouts and such would help, but I don’t feel safe when lifting, squating, etc. because it affects that too. So I just do what I can because I enjoy it. I accepted long ago that I’d never be an elite, or even good athlete, but I could aim to do my best, and practice what I love
  8. 1500m is the most painful overall because everything (lungs, legs, lower back, arms) hurts, but it’s hard to beat the back pain I feel on those longer skates. It’s not a support for people who don’t like being constantly on their limits. I struggle not to just give in and cruise on all of my workout skates.
  9. By the way, the worst part of any distance above 1500m is the back pain. Holding that aero-position sucks! I think these guys train it more, so they’re probably used to it. But god, it sucks.
  10. I heard they’re going to add Mixed Team Javelin to the next Olympics. Teams of 4, two pairs, one throws, one catches.
  11. The technique is actually pretty different. There’s a lot you can do with wheels, that you can’t do with blades (and vice versa). If believe the training has some differences as well, but I wouldn’t really know since I’ve never had proper training.
  12. I’m not actually familiar with him from roller speed skating, so I wasn’t aware of that. So he isn’t quite a story then, but I still appreciate what he’s doing. It’s hard to be self-trained, presumably self-funded, and mostly self-supported (mentally)
  13. I didn’t post it earlier, but I’m high key happy with Dunklee’s performance today. Clearly, I set the bar to low for the US team If she could’ve just held her speed...what could have been.
  14. As someone who does similar on road (thoughI don’t compete), I can tell you this takes a lot of time, dedication, and effort. It can take days/weeks/months to learn something a proper coach could have taught you in a matter of hours. From what I’ve seen, a lot of people like him and Yego have sloppy looking technique, but they’ve spent a lot of time figuring out how to practically gain a few centimeters, seconds, etc. I love stories like this.
  15. Not sure about that, both their bobsleigh and luge teams have shown decent results in recent years. Yes, they’re not winning, but they’re probably the best middle of the pack nation. All it takes is one good day for them, and they potentially have an Olympic medal. They did quite good at the YOG, which obviously means very little, but it shows that they can produce some very good sliders.
  16. Yes, it would. It could also take a bit longer to find, and most likely destroy the nation spiritually, economically, and sports-wise for the next decade or two.
  17. There’d be a bigger problem because they wouldn’t have the resources to fight it...
  18. I love Billie, but this song just doesn’t do it for me. It almost makes me wonder what kind of Bond we’re getting this year.
  19. Literally everyone’s reaction to the video
  20. Yeah, I love communications, but man, this field of study is depressing on the job market.
  21. We see Great Britain’s Sky Brown, and we raise you one BMX kid. Some seriously ignorant people in the comments talking about how his parents are endangering him, being dangerous, etc. It’s kinda sad really, but it’s the US so I expect a massive amount ignorance.
  22. Ugh, looks like it’s time to get rejected by Inside The Games again. They have another junior reporter opening (I don’t think they actually filled the position after the last round of applications), and I’ll apply once again. It’s rough applying for all these positions. I know I have what it takes, but I’m shutout because of my lack of a proper degree and age. I’m sure who ever they hire will be a great addition, but it sucks knowing that the job you feel highly qualified for shows absolutely no interest you I love what I do for Totallympics Media, but it’s impossible to be anywhere near successful when I’m the only web journalist left, and when I have to do all the heavy lifting week after week. It’s times like this where I’m really happy for the support we receive, and for @Vojthas as my right-hand man (and fellow Co-Editor)
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