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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Warren speaking earlier than scheduled...interesting move.
  2. 20% of the vote in, and Bernie holds the lead. Him, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar are competing for the win tonight. Absolutely abysmal performances from Warren and Biden. Steyer doing terrible, but better than expected
  3. Yang drops out of the race . Hopefully his small number of passionate supporters jump on the Bernie train. There is now no major non-white candidate in the 2020 Election
  4. Yes, the good news is that Bernie is the best equipped to fight a candidate like Bloomberg.
  5. I don’t know, South Carolina worries me. Biden has good chance to win there. The good news is that I’ve noticed that black voters seem to warming up to Bernie a bit. Bernie needs to focus on crushing Bloomberg on Tuesday.
  6. First results coming in, Sanders is up very early. Buttigieg is close second. Media is singing the praises of klobuchar because they have a mass campaign against Sanders.
  7. Good, maybe we won’t bail out the banks this time, and meaningful change will actually arrive in the US.
  8. I’m not blindly following Sanders, and there’s a lot of research that goes into my votes. I do not care about financial policy. I took macroeconomics, and basically learned it’s all bullshit. I follow Sanders and Warren because they’re the change we need.
  9. Idiots are popular? Redneck no. Blindly following a leader who won’t help the country, and would never support people like you...
  10. Oh, I agreed with Don Lemon’s opinion, and FOX definitely shits on liberals and democrats constantly, but I agree that CNN have lost their way
  11. The biggest difference is that non-conservatives watch a mix of CBS, ABC, NBC, and CNN. I’ll admit here and now that I don’t consider much of what CNN does as news, and they have helped ruin the name of good journalism in my opinion.
  12. Well, I mean they be just as cool without all the damn guns and crap.
  13. Both are money pits, but the F22 is easier to find, so I’d prefer to keep that one in service.
  14. At least we’ll spend it on useful projects and not giant walls, F35’s, and arming other countries.
  15. You have admit, it does sound a bit autocratic. I don’t actually have anything against having a pledge, but people shouldn’t be required to believe/say it against their will.
  16. California immigration is also causing places like Nevada, Arizona, Texas, and Oregon to turn shades of blue.
  17. Yes, and it’s mostly spearheaded by Californian, New Mexican, and Northeast Democrats. I’m not in favor a communist type socialist, but I’d be all down for a green, social democrat, or democratic socialist.
  18. Here’s the five designs the Bermuda Olympic Committee is considering for their new logo (which is a shame since I love their current one ) If I had to choose, I’d go with 1 (blue) or 3 (red)
  19. PR move (obviously). It’s about showing China’s legitimacy since there’s still countries that refuse to recognize the PRC. I’m certain Chinese development and resources will be heading for Comoros now.
  20. Gallup released a new poll today that said 76% responded that they’d be in favor of electing a socialist as the US President. That’s what happens when you don’t pass any major social reform for 30 years, bail out banks who caused a financial collapse, and elect an asshole as president.
  21. I’ll be host, I always new this contest would be unique, I just didn’t expect for it to end like this I am sorry for those who did want to participate. This also doesn’t really feel like a victory for those of us that didn’t want to. It sucks for everyone, and it’s unfortunate to have such an issue plague one of the Crown Jewels of the forum. I agree with @OlympicIRL and @Werloc that it may be best to just take some time off.
  22. It was my worst jump. I do all three, but man I hated high. Triple was my beautiful baby though.
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