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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. How! Fuck off. It’s like his worst song ever! Stand Up was robbed. Where’s the diversity vote when you actually need it
  2. It did not. So happy for Iceland though! Ísland
  3. White dudes be pissed that Joker hasn’t won a thing yet
  4. Honeyland deserved something (same for Pain and Glory)
  5. It sucks because Star Wars actually deserved the VFX award
  6. Ford v. Ferrari was mixed and edited well. I don’t think it will win Best Picture, but it won the awards it deserved too.
  7. Song category is quite weak this year. Last year was insanely strong, but this year is meh...
  8. Thank You for paying for my award. Thank You Disney, A&E, and Sony.
  9. Not quite sure why they had he perform “Lose Yourself”. Fun fact: that was a finalist in US TISC Open selection last year.
  10. No. Had Pierre De Coubertin lived longer, there would have been an Olympic medal for best film, best poem, best book, etc. He always though the arts should have been added, just like in the ancient Olympics.
  11. I want a film awards where films don’t win based on being American, French, or British.
  12. Seriously (and y’all know I love comedy)
  13. Except that not all films are eligible for that...
  14. Interestingly, he’s known for not actually writing that much. He has his actors ad-lib a lot.
  15. The 1 US film wins ?. It was a good film, but Brotherhood and A Sister were better in my opinion.
  16. Jojo winning that is a bit of a shock isn’t it?
  17. So, a non-US film has yet to win tonight, and that’s just so unfair and egregious.
  18. Won because it’s black. Hate the Oscars.
  19. Would’ve preferred Tom Hanks, but oh well.
  20. Did not take long for first shots fired at the current US political system.
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