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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I made myself sick doing it for Lausanne, hopefully I’ve built up an immunity now
  2. You could always easily some sports journalism experience to that CV of course
  3. I told @Vojthas to try and get himself hired, since we won’t cover the games themselves most likely. I can’t do it since I’d be there, but I’m almost certain I could’ve landed that job or the editing job. I’m tempted to apply, but I’d probably have to call off my trip then, and it’s not worth it. I fully intend to be in Birmingham next year, so hopefully the OC/OIS/IWGA will be hiring because I’d love to be paid at some point.
  4. What are they protesting @DaniSRB @ChandlerMne?
  5. Oh, I like it. It’s probably a bit too loud (to be fair so is the whole of Brazil ), but represents street style well.
  6. Still weird to see people use my real name I don’t care which one people use the by the way. It’s not really a secret anymore believe it or not.
  7. The movie was shit, but the song was fine. This category does suck monkey balls this year though. I’ll have to listen to Glasgow, I’m going to try and get through some of the short listed material after the Oscars.
  8. I have a problem with “moderates” *cough*conservatives*cough*
  9. They’re all the same, have the same plots, have no substantive meaning, and I refuse to watch any of them.
  10. Bernie!!!!! I’d be okay with Buttigieg too. Anyone but Biden or Klobuchar.
  11. Here’s a very simplified explanation: Step 1: Doors Close at 7PM (people can show up a few hours before and get seated, or talk to their follow voters) Step 2: Roll is taken (they count how many voters at that Caucus have showed up (some have 30, some have 2000). Of those voters candidates need at least 15% support at that Caucus receive some delegates in the overall race (circa 1600 delegates up for grabs in total) Step 3: First preference vote (everyone votes for the candidate they want, votes are counted, some candidates are declared viable (meaning they can receive delegates)) Step 4: Second Preference Vote: (Only voters from non-viable candidates participate in this step. They can move to support a viable candidate, or they can make one of the non-viable candidates viable. Votes are counted again). Step 5: The votes from the second preference vote are put into a highly complicated math formula that determines how many delegates each candidate gets from one location. Step 6: Iowans can’t do the math, make an app that works, or use a telephone, so we all go to sleep while they figure out to make their shity system work.
  12. Fourth category down. I’ve never really been a fan of the Oscars Beast Original Song category, since the songs generally have very little to do with the films themselves. Nothing really changed my opinion this year. Without further ado, here’s my personal scores and ranking. “I Can’t Let You Throw Yourself Away” - Toy Story 4 Vocals: 9/10 Lyrics: 6/10 Beat (Instruments): 9/10 “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” - Rocketman Vocals: 8/10 Lyrics: 8/10 Beat (Instruments): 8/10 “I’m Standing With You” - Breakthrough Vocals: 9/10 Lyrics: 7/10 Beat (Instruments): 8/10 “Into The Unknown” - Frozen 2 Sidenote: This song weirdly reminds me of the 2016 YOG Opening Ceremony Vocals: 10/10 Lyrics: 9/10 Beat (Instruments): 7/10 “Stand Up” - Harriet Vocals: 9/10 Lyrics: 10/10 Beat (Instruments): 8/10 Personal Ranking: 1. “Stand Up” 2. “I’m Standing With You” 3. “Into The Unknown” 4. “I Can’t Let You Throw Yourself Away” 5. “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again”
  13. I believe all three of them are younger than me, which is ridiculous (and awesome). I’m really hoping Kanak Jha lives up to the hype one of these days. I’d be highly disappointed if Roberts didn’t medal.
  14. Thank God Iowa devalued their Caucus this year.
  15. First primary of 2020 ends with allegations of fixing, calls for the DNC President to resign, everyone asking “who won” (to which the answer is IDK), and everyone calling for the end of the Iowa Caucus. What a time to be alive! 2020 is sure looking like a fantastic year ? Basically the Iowa Democrats relied on an untested app to count votes, and fucking failed miserably. Every major candidate declared victory, all their supporters say the other side cheated. People decried the end of democracy, and then everyone went to sleep, and no one gave a single shit about the Iowa Caucus.
  16. I’ve already decided which film I’d award the animated feature film award to. I don’t want it to go to Disney/Pixar/etc. since all there films (save Coco) have the same copy and paste plot. I don’t want to the award to go to a sequel or remake. I don’t respect films that don’t push the envelope. So, I already knew I would award “I Lost My Body” the award. I just finished watching it, and I quite liked it thankfully. It’s a bit short for a feature film, but I didn’t take away from the story too much. I wasn’t really feeling it at first, but it’s a film that grows on you. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that I wasn’t watching it in the native language since Netflix automatically played the English version, so that might have taken away from it a bit. Overall, I though the idea was rather creative, though the ending could have been much better. I don’t like soft endings, and it actually made the hand feel pointless. Story wise, the pacing was good, the plot was interesting, and the film had a nice flow to it. I liked the order they presented things in, and I liked the darkness of the story since most animated films generally deal brighter themes. Overall, “I Lost My Body” scores a 7/10 (which is pretty good for an animated film, since I generally hate them all) My Ranking for Best Animated Feature Film: 1. I Lost My Body 2. Make Something Original Disney
  17. TWU #5:
  18. Well, this is a complete shitshow now. Time to go to bed, New Hampshire will be the first state that maters.
  19. According to high ups from multiple campaigns, voting app failed, backup plan failed. Might not have votes until at least tomorrow.
  20. Is there a game schedule yet? I want to know who I’ll see this summer
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