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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Nah, I prefer to watch our democracy unravel alone. Thanks for the invite though
  2. Depends where in India and Africa. Some of the bigger cities would have means of preventing a full blown outbreak.
  3. Iowa decides the fate of the Democratic Primary today . The next few states will mater too, but after the first few, it’s done. Have to love highly flawed American democracy I have no fucking clue who to support at this point. This long primary has divided the party much more than expected. I really do fear Trump could capitalize. 30-35% of Biden supporters will not support a Bernie candidacy, 35-45% of Bernie supporters will not support a non-Bernie candidacy (just like in 2016), Yang’s supporters are largely ride or die (up to 60% saying they won’t support another democratic candidate) which wouldn’t be an issue expect that he does have a 3-5% part of the party that could prove crucial to beating Trump, 15-20% of Buttigieg supporters will not another Democratic candidate. Warren supports seem more loyal to the party than anyone. Almost all say they will support any candidate. Bloomberg’s supporters are in the same realm as Buttigieg. It’s going to be a long road to November. The party will have to unite around a candidate with only 30-45% of us will like. There’s even talk that John Kerry could launch a late bid to challenge Biden and Sanders. We’re all playing into Trump’s hands. The primary had become something we can’t talk about in my house. My father will support Biden. He blames the extreme right and left for the country’s issues. He says they’ve swayed the scale too much and we need a centrist to right it. He will not vote for Trump or Sanders. I will support Sanders. I believe Centrists have ruined the country with their inaction. I believe their flaccid support of Clinton is to blame for her loss. Centrists are supposed to stop people like Trump from being elected, but they couldn’t. They’ve lost the mantle of the party, it’s time for the far-left to take over. I will not vote for Trump or Biden. My mother will vote for Warren. She refuses to vote for another white male while she lives. She blames white male politicians for many of the problems the country faces. The sole qualification for vote is now being a female. She will vote for Trump if Warren loses (which is absolutely insane). Her logic is that she mind as well push the country to a Civil War if that’s what it will take to change society (I don’t agree at all). My grandmother will vote for Warren. She will only vote for a male candidate if she absolutely has too. She will support the democratic candidate no matter what because she’s a blind follower of the party. As I said, it’s going to be a long road to November. While my family’s voting pattern sounds ridiculous, I’ve heard from my friends that families are in similar situations. The impeachment process and primary have only furthered divides in the country, and I genuinely fear what comes after the election. Deep down I know we’ll all come out the other side, but I just have no clue what that other side will look like. I love politics, but I’m beginning to hate this election.
  4. It’s a rather common mistake, but he’s the damn president and he should know better.
  5. Trump congratulates the Kansas City Chiefs of...Kansas. What an idiot
  6. There has to be a joke about the Dutch missing climax somewhere in there.
  7. It’s not normal. My family’s just hella weird (and it’s probably mostly my fault).
  8. Things my family has talked about during the Super Bowl: How much we hate Trump, How we’re all hot for Shakira, the female orgasm, hentai, different types of viagra, and a little bit of football
  9. Rather graphic police brutality on right now. That will definitely get some talk for the rest of the night.
  10. My dad: “Is that Peyton Manning?” Spoiler alert: It’s John Cena ?
  11. It was quite hard to here the music over all the groaning in the room...
  12. If you’re not getting commercials, then you’re missing out on the true Super Bowl experience. Every American would back me up on that.
  13. Damn, the google commercial almost made me cry earlier
  14. As said, I made a joke I wasn’t comfortable making for personal sexuality reasons. I didn’t want people to misinterpret what I meant because that’s important to me.
  15. Maybe if we stopped treating our own citizens like shit down there I’d be down with that...
  16. That’s only reason I’m watching tbh. I hate American Football. The Super Bowl show made my time worth it though. Bloomberg ad was worse than Trump’s I’m afraid.
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