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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Not disagreeing, but you should watch the show before you immediately write it off. (Yes, the first episode is a lot, but it only gets better from there)
  2. It’s not really a superhero show though. To be fair, you’re giving an opinion to something you haven’t watched. While there are superhero elements, there is much more to the show. It makes statements on race, police brutality, questions if good guys are good, has awesome music, awesome action, and it’s arguably the best written show of all-time.
  3. I’m just saying that India does have some weight to throw.
  4. EDIT: I already regret posting this, but what can I do now Interest in hosting the games has diminished terribly, but interest in the games themselves is fine. People love the Olympics, they just don’t want to host them because of the horror stories like Rio. The problem you seem to fail to identify (or at least one of them), is the corruption and bureaucracy within the IOC. The IOC is to blame for a lot of this. Rio (and I’m sorry to my Brazilian friends on here), shouldn’t been given the games. The IOC got extremely lucky with their Beijing gamble, and then they went nuts. Let’s not also forget about the ridiculous demands they place on host cities that have nothing to do with the games themselves. The size is fine, though you’re making want to drop Shooting, Wrestling, Badminton, and Archery under your system though . Obscure events! Your nation invented fucking Kabaddi and Kho-Kho! Just because an event is “obscure”, it doesn’t make it any less deserving of Olympic inclusion. Those claims are downright false, and quite frankly hilarious to read. I’m sure @KingOfTheRhinos can back me up here. They are too many drug cheats, that’s the first true part of your statement. Sorry, we can’t all grew up in the wonderful conditions India has provided it’s youth... Now, I’m going to start my rant. All the fucking time I see sports fans from India complaining that multi-sports games are unfair because they don’t win enough medals. Maybe it’s time to grow the fuck up, and look inward at your problems. A) You’re competing against highly developed countries with billions of dollars invested into sports. B) There are people in your country right now, who just received electricity for the first time ever last year. C) If you’re so concerned about other countries cheating, do something about it! Don’t just sit their like whining bitches because who need their diapers changed every seconds because they’re to incapable of doing anything themselves. Also, not every as meant as a slight against India. Even though Indians seem to think the interest world is out to destroy their way of life, it’s not true. Yes, the CGF removing shooting from the Commonwealth Games was a shity move, but so is being so concerned about your precious medal table standing that you’ll boycott the games unless you can both shooting and archery now. Here’s my advice. The Olympic Games and international sports as a whole are flawed, but your suggestions are shit, and you should keep them to yourself. To every other sane user, I’m sorry for this behavior. It’s been a long month, and I had some anger pent up. I apologize for my language, and my derogatory attitude towards Indian sports fans. I really did some harsh stereotyping right there, and it’s not fair, because most Indian sports fans aren’t like that. There just seems to be a super vocal minority I’ve seen various places around the web, and I’ve had enough quite frankly. This behavior doesn’t model the behavior I always say I wish for the forum, and that is a shortcoming on my part. However, that said, I just needed this right now, so there. Also, sorry moderators for both making read this, and for wasting your time on this junk.
  5. Which is why the Winter and Summer Olympics are two separate things. Australia has an interest in combat sports by the way, just becuase you’re not winning medals, doesn’t mean people don’t like the sport. The US has only ever had one world champion is biathlon, yet there’s thousands of die-hard fans in the US. If India doesn’t like water sports (haha), then that’s your problem and not ours.
  6. Man, three athletes from the last 5 Olympics, January was a rather shit my month, and I think we can all agree on that.
  7. Unfortunately, the last nomination, Saria, is not available online currently. Too bad, it sounds interesting. In a year that lacks diversity amongst the bigger films, this category is a breath of fresh air.
  8. Jeez, this category. Great selection this year. “A, Sister” fantastic short film out of France. I’d say 8/10 or 9/10 on this one, but I’d still be okay with it winning
  9. Man, rough category. “The Neighbor’s Window”. Oh, that was a rough one. The story isn’t “original” per say, and the plot if rather easy to guess, but it’s done so well for a short film. Both those easily score 9/10 or 10/10. I’m really impressed with the category this year, and I still have two films left to watch.
  10. Holy fuck “Brotherhood” is good. I feel bad that it was offered for free. I should have to pay like $10 for that short film. Way to put Tunisia on the film map!
  11. You should see my face when I read some of the posts I wrote last year You clearly haven’t watched the show by the way.
  12. Trying get in as many nominations as I can before the Oscars. Just watched “For Sama”. It’s actually not that hard hitting because we’ve all seen the videos from Aleppo, but it still made me cry multiple times. All I can say, is fuck Bashar al-Assad.
  13. No quota in women’s kayak. Not enough eligible NOCs
  14. Also, I hate when Fosbury changed high jumping, and when swimmers wore swimwear that made them go faster, and when bobsledding embraced aerodynamics ?
  15. Looking at the bottom of her show they’re not the same.
  16. To quite John Oliver, “I don’t care if you want to fuck a horse; I just don’t want to have to watch the foreplay.” That is how I’ve described Dressage to everyone I know since Rio.
  17. The reason I add those questions is to: A) make it more of a challenge B) broaden people’s knowledge C) I makes writing the questions a bit more fun for me I have seen quite a bit of disdain for these questions, so I’ll try to reign it in for the next few quizzes. I’m happy to hear that you, and other users, are enjoying these weekly quizzes though. I think it’s been a good edition to the website, and I’ll gladly continue making them.
  18. Definitely made this weeks quiz too hard ? I apologize for that, and I’ll try to make a little bit easier next week.
  19. I don’t think Milwaukee is known for being a fast oval right? If so, those are in fact good times.
  20. He is a legitimate slider though, which is what my original post was about. He looks fine on the sled, and his lines aren’t completely terrible. That’s why I’m sad they got rid of the Continental spots.
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