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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. It’s just some ISF sports education/festival thing. It’s not a serious games.
  3. Off the top of my head, Pan American University Games is all that’s missing (as far as I know or care).
  4. Well, with Totallympics Media up and running, and now that I’ve pretty much completed my multi-sports games results books collection (for now), it’s time to move onto step 3 of my multi-sports games madness. I’m looking to get into collecting (pins, tickets, uniforms), and I’d love some advice on where to start. @Vojthas gave me some good pointers, but just wanted to see what other users know. I’d love to hear from @Jan Linha (especially since I found your Facebook group )
  5. Would anyone be interested in becoming a sport-specific writer for us. We just need some people willing to write preview/reviews of different events across sports. Please message me if interested.
  6. Little story on the cancellation or the African Para Games:
  7. Two actually. Why eat rhino meat that only gives you one, when you can eat poachers and have two.
  8. I heard, from a very respectable source that should not be questioned, that eating poacher meant actually releases all the bad spirits from ones body, including the influence of the devil
  9. Bat meat is sold in markets in the those countries. That’s where WHO claims Ebola started.
  10. I wouldn’t call a disease that causes sepsis, “a bad flu”, but you are right that healthy people should mostly be fine if they contract the disease.
  11. Well, removing the dead happens in the every culture. The problem was that weren’t wearing protective gear, because the didn’t know Ebola could live outside a living host for a while. Ebola is extremely difficult to eradicate, and I actually think those nations involved in the outbreak deserve a little credit for containing it. Novel Coronavirus is less deadly than Ebola, but it is still dangerous. It could kill a healthy person, but the deaths have mainly occurred amongst the elderly and already sick. It’s worth noting that both of these diseases started in local “bush” meat markets. That is the bigger danger here. These places need to get shutdown soon.
  12. Ebola spreads much easier, that’s why it’s actually quite difficult to contain outbreaks.
  13. This is actually an interesting result. There’s not many teams that can hold us to 4-0 on a given day.
  14. Yeah, I fucked that up pretty bad. I knew it was a bird (I don’t know many European nations that don’t use a bird, which makes it hard to remember in fairness), but clearly I was off. I do really like the Polish coat of arms if it’s any consolation though
  15. Yeah, I think the chance is there, but the safe route is much more worth it. I’m also not familiar with Bruna’s biathlon results and general IBU ranking, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
  16. There’s currently 2 independents in the US Senate (though only 1 is a true independent) I agree that two party politics kills democracy though. The best democracy would be one that bans political parties, has mandatory voting, and restricts the amount of money that can be spent lobbying and campaigning. Do I think that will ever happen? Probably not, but at least the idea is there.
  17. Curling Mixed Doubles gets 10 pairs now, hopefully we actually see some new countries qualify.
  18. Quite a big change in biathlon . It is possible for @brunamoura to qualify since there’s better more NOCs that can qualify, and there’s reallocation @heywoodu. I actually think this qualification system is worse than Pyeongchang 2018 though. Thanks for the links @intoronto
  19. It has to do with how Constitutions are written. If people don’t believe their votes count, they why should they choose democracy. Democracy also fails the minority a lot of the time, which makes it easier to overturn. It also takes educated votes to keep democracy alive. We have to make sure we don’t elect people like Trump and Bolsonaro, who don’t respect democracy. The rise of populism is taking its toll to as well.
  20. Also, major drama in the US Senate trial. It looks like the GOP is facing a major upset, as the trial may have to feature witnesses. The vote on wether or not to have witnesses in the trial could end up 50-50, with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court deciding the vote. This could be a somewhat major sign of trouble for Trump. However, no one seems to be sure what will happen in that vote.
  21. I thought there was already 3, but Israeli politics have been a bit all over the place lately. Why do you think the right will vote against. I thought Netanyahu would be for this.
  22. Livestreaming information for the 2020 Para Track Cycling World Championships:
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