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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Well technically it is. I admit that India is very much a mysterious land to me, but I know the naming culture is different there. Those are there real names most likely.
  2. Sport transcends faith (and unfortunately for her). I would be interesting to someone from that community at the highest stages though.
  3. Qualification news seems to be slowly trickling out nowadays. I’d say it’s officially qualification season for the World Games. Just came across the Wakeboard qualification system today: We actually already know the quotas. The sole qualification criteria was the 2019 IWWF World Wakeboard Championships Team Overall Classification. The difficulty here is how athletes are nominated. The IWWF has made a list of athletes they deem to be eligible for the 2021 World Games, and have assigned countries a max amount of quotas. Here’s a quick round up: 3 Quotas (must send 1 male and 1 female + additional entry of choice): 2 Quotas (must send 1 male and 1 female): 1 Quota (can chose either an eligible male or female): First In Line For Reallocation: Additionally, there are 2 Wild Card quotas left to be assigned by the IWWF. Being that every continent except for Africa is qualified, we can assume one will go there, and most likely too . The leading contenders for the other wild card (in my opinion) are:
  4. I will say, as “crazy” or as convoluted as this qualification system was, it has worked out to where most of the top teams qualify. (Or at least are in a place to be reasonably able to)
  5. He has more than one song Which one? Personally: Formidable and Carmen are his best two.
  6. I’d never heard of this, so thanks for pointing it out Here’s result for presidential: Biden 80%, Bloomberg 76%, Trump 25% (which is a bit higher than it should be) Political Party Preference: I felt much better represented by the options on this quiz. This is by far a much better resource, and one that will help me form my vote. Again I felt as though as was further left than most of the political candidates and parties, not by much, but noticeable. It’s good to know that the three candidates I’d be most likely to support are the one's competing for my vote long before the quiz. Apparently, I would be okay with Klobuchar being president . I’ve always thought I was closest to the Greens, so I was actually quite surprised to see Peace and Freedom pop up. I might actually change my registration there, since Peace and Freedom is an active political party in California. I won’t support the Greens because there’s a lot of corruption in the American Green Party. I’ll have to look into the American Socialist Party. I refuse to register as a Democrat. On the heat map showing political likeness to my positions across the country, there were only 5 districts with voting patterns I would agree with. Those were: LA, SF, New Mexico North, Boston, NYC.
  7. I’ll never understand this US’s fear of non-moderate Presidents. WaPo didn’t go batshit crazy when Bush won a second term, yet Bernie possibly leading race means shit is hitting the fan to them
  8. This might be better phrased as “Athletes Who Will Miss the 2020 Summer Olympic Games”, so we talk about the likes of Chloe Esposito too. *Cough*and all the golfers who will skip because of coronavirus*Cough*
  9. WAPO put out this helpful policy quiz, to better help voters align with a candidate: I was a bit surprised by my results. My top 3 were: Warren 15/20, Sanders 11/20, Steyer 11/20. I expected Warren to in the top 3, but I fully expected Bernie to be number one. Quite honestly, Bernie is some where 2-4 in polices we agree on. I think Warren could actually be closer to 16/20, while Steyer could be 13/20, and Sanders 12/20. My top 5 were Warren, Sanders, Steyer, Yang, Buttigieg. I was more progressive than any of the candidates on offer, which probably isn’t a shock to anyone. There was also cases where I didn’t think any of answers were good ones. I believe in instituting as many progressive policies as possible, but I also believe in trying them out in moderation. I agree and acknowledge that there are progressive policies that won’t work, and we should absolutely avoid those policies once we discover that. However, we can’t do that without first trying them. If Warren is competition by Super Tuesday, I’ll vote for her. If not, I’ll vote for Sanders, but explore Buttigieg as an option before I do. Though I agree with Steyer, I will not vote for him.
  10. Where can I watch? I’m officially interested? I’ve also certainly just jinxed Costa Rica.
  11. Vietnam has now banned sports events from being held in the country until the novel coronavirus subsides. Malaysia and Singapore look ready to follow suit in the upcoming.
  12. Singapore has already banned spectators from the National School Games going on currently. Obviously, that is different than an international event, but it shows where the government’s mindset is.
  13. I would argue it should be taken into consideration. China shouldn’t set a precedent they themselves don’t want to follow.
  14. Imagine if they lost. We’d never hear the end of it from @mrv86 In reality this should really be a foregone conclusion, but the drama of Olympic qualification makes it mildly interesting as always. I have tickets for 2 matches in Sapporo, so hopefully the US qualification and end up playing in one of those two games.
  15. Fair (just wait until I start the hard questions ) Careful what you ask for... I know you weren’t upset, but I wasn’t sure about the best to write what I wanted to say. I’m infinitely glad you all chose to participate in this little quizzes and generally enjoy them. Obviously I can’t satisfy everyone, every week, but I try to make them as informative, interesting, challenging, and fun as possible. Thanks for playing this week, you may get a shoutout for a high score in the near future.
  16. Is this counting the one that malfunctioned?
  17. Of course, because one of these ever working out would be impossible Did you not get the Winter questions I made for you? Half the damn quiz is winter sports! How on Earth can anyone know that? By watching ceremony, the OBS announcer who says what play it is, the Wikipedia article, general knowledge. Again, I want to make the quiz doable and competitive, but also educational and interesting. In fairness, that is a question pertaining to sports. I also never technically restricted the quiz to sport only questions. I feel like 1 or 2 “off-beat” questions a quiz isn’t a big. I love reading your feedback as always, and your anger about the literature question gives me energy for the rest of the day
  18. Can we just make Trump the Israeli PM? You guys seem to like him, and it would be a good trade if could get Gantz
  19. Totally Quiz #3: There’s some winter sports questions in there for my good pal @hckosice There are a lot of different ways I could modify and change the quiz, so let me know if there’s formar, options, etc. that y’all would prefer in the future.
  20. In fairness... Well the Scandinavian countries are known for being progressive, they don’t exactly have the best immigration and racial opportunity policies. They’re not bad, they’re just worse than what I expect for rather liberal countries. I think labeling everyone one as racist is way to far, but I might use racially/religiously biased, or another term.
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